

英語 高校生

英単語教えて欲しいです。 間違えてるところあったら教えて欲しいのと、分からないところが沢山あるのでこの文章の中に書かれている単語で右の空欄教えて欲しいです。お願いします。

20 25 20 35 15 STEP 3 DEAR (1年7月改) 回 目標 IGG 登場人物の心情を想像しながら読み進めよう。 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。 取り組み日 A 日 得点 /18 目標時間 17分 tell Sara was annoyed/when her mom told her the news. from Japan/to live with her family//Their two-bedroom apartment/was(already crowded/ with her mom, dad and her.// While her mom was from Japan/Sara (7)/She knew only a few Japanese words. 5 Her mom told her about Sara's Grandpa)//He studied English (in college, but Sara and Grandpa had never spoken (in English.) When she went to Japan every summer, the most. they said to each other was "Ohayo" in Japanese. Grandpa didn't talk much. A month had passed since Grandpa moved in/With the new family member in her home, Sara spent more time alone in her room working on her favorite hobby drawing 10 comic strips./She hardly showed these drawings to anyone.) Her parents thought it was a waste of time. They hoped she would spend more time on her schoolwork.)// Sara had been working for months on a 16-page comic book about a teenage girl with magic powers. She hoped to enter it in a comic book contest the next month but was struggling with how to draw the hero with invisible magic powers// One afternoon, she got so frustrated that she crushed almost all the pages she had drawn and threw them in the wastebasket) She didn't know why but her eyes were full of tears. //Her Her grandfather was moving She grabbed her jacket and went into the living room. Grandpa was reading a book (on the sofa. She said, "Please tell my mom that I went for a walk. Grandpa said. “Itterasshai" to her but she walked out of the room. When she came home, Sara was still upset, but more disappointed. a comic book that she could hand in for the contest. del pr Then she saw her desk. Her drawings were put back on the desk//They were laid flat and attached with small sticky notes all over the pages.// Sara(1-0)Who had gone through her wastebasket? //This was her room.//No one came in without telling her.)// The handwriting on the sticky notes) was really easy to read//She (quickly) realized they were from Grandpa. 'here wouldn't be "Sara, you have a gift for art," the first note said. The second note was longer/"When 30 I was your age. I also wanted to be a comic artist."// The other notes gave to her face."Finally, someone understands my passion I Sara advice on improving her comic strips. Sara felt a smile coming to never imagined Grandpa would ()do that!" She started writing a card to Grandpa "Dear Grandpa /Thank you so much for your kind comments! I want to finish my comic book so I can enter it in the contest next month//Please be my advisor!/Love, Sara"// Grandpa was watching TV with her parents in the living room but looked at Sara/as she walked up to him.// Sara (1-2), so she handed him the card without a word. She wondered if Grandpa 40 would accept it. When he read the card, he smiled but did not say anything, either. Sara quickly went into her room. Her parents were wondering what had just happened. (1) She went straight back to the desk/and started working on her comic book //She only had a month. She couldn't wait to show Grandpa her next draft for more advice. (567W) 内 () ORIGINAL MATERIAL

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英語 高校生

この問題の答えを教えてください🙇 Elixir3三訂版です。

26 29 27 28 UNIT 5 不定詞 ① Reading 44 Grammar & Expression Writing /28 (268 words) 18 Arda Tur 8 宇宙エレベーター (イメージ) Cross Reference 12 Listening 8 Reading 29.08 People have always been fascinated by the stars. In the late 1950s, we began using 929 916 Jeriw blb rockets to explore space. Today, rockets remain the only method for space travel. However, some scientists and companies are discussing other ways to travel into space. They are even suggesting that it may be possible to build a space elevator. Such an elevator would be ideal to take people or equipment to a satellite in Earth's vs m orbit, the moon, or even Mars. They believe it would be expensive to build, but cheap oved) snosili saporio of bedes bi 2515JmT: 63 to operate. It would be 3,000 times cheaper than rocket travel, and it would also be Jodm Tolvo Station and Tokyo Joy trw 59728 safer. These are all positive reasons for trying to construct a space elevator. Obayashi Corporation is a Japanese company that built Tokyo Skytree, and improved the Golden Gate Bridge in America to protect it against 10 earthquakes. It has now promised to make a space elevator, which will allow people itsetovnoj anti mon doiniqo ono ar jedW (1) to go to a space station. Currently, the firm is researching the materials and costs. in einbiguier Obayashi Corporation wants to complete its project by 2050. Insoningie pig sabi gdT Most experts say that such a space elevator is not realistic. They also say it biq SILP 10 would be too would be too expensive. Other experts, however, think that a space elevator will be 15 built one day. It may all depend on human imagination and ambition. In fact, when in 1961 President John F. Kennedy announced the dramatic and ambitious goal to send an American rocket to the moon, many people doubted it could be done. But his goal was achieved in July, 1969, when the astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface. ange Total ⑨25分 0:40 大意把握 SW.Y 問1 次は ア. イ. ウ I 問2 20 E て 19

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英語 高校生

これといてください。至急です お願いします 英語分かるかた

2010 解答用紙を6/1(木)に提出 解説は英語でします。 【1】 次の英文を読んで、後の設問に答えよ。 (配点 50) A few years ago, a certain famous university in Japan asked a unique question as its entrance examination in English. The question was this: Write a reply in English to a junior high school student who doesn't like studying. He says he has no intention of going abroad, so he doesn't think he needs to study English. Nor does he want to get a job in which the knowledge of math or science is required. He, therefore, insists that he cannot understand the reason he is forced every day to study subjects he is not interested in. As an entrance examination, it's not very difficult to write an answer to this question. (2) you take it seriously, however, it touches on such a profound aspect of human nature that it is worth thinking about. Fundamentally, why do you have to study? What is learning for? Would you still like to study even if there were no schools or examinations in the world? In my opinion, it is possible to answer such questions from a practical and essential point of view. First, it is not rare for anyone to find changes in their own preferences or desires over time. Sometimes we find ourselves possessing no interest in what we thought to be precious before. Sometimes we are surprised to realize that what we thought to be of little value is so important. So it is quite hard, especially for young people, to predict actually what one will want in the future, say, ten years from now. That's why it is highly desirable for students to prepare for their future by increasing their knowledge and improving their intelligence. Whatever job one may get, it is quite (4) that knowledge or intelligence gets in the way. This can be demonstrated partly by many adults confessing that they should have studied harder. ( 5 ), it's only while one is young that one has a good memory and can absorb and retain a vivid impression of what one has learned. Next, I would like to talk about a more subtle viewpoint. Essentially, no human beings can be satisfied with what they already have, and everyone has, at 1921 the bottom of their heart, the desire for a better existence. Please do not interpret (67 INT this only in terms of materialism or religious belief. Of course, food, clothing. and housing are important. Still, ( 7 ). Also, in the present age, it is difficulí to feel there is anything in the belief that God will come to help you have a better existence some day. Even if all of your basic needs are met, without one important thing, you cannot feel that your life is meaningful. This one thing is the ambition to improve yourself. When you learn something you didn't know before, you will surely feel the satisfaction that no other element in life can give. In this sense, learning will enable you to broaden your world, giving you the joy of knowing. In short, learning is an important way to make your own life richer. (A) 下線 (1) (3) を和訳せよ。 (B) 空所 (2) ( 5 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを、それぞれ次のア~エ の中から1つずつ選び、 その記号を記せ。 (2) 7 Because If (5) 7 For example In conclusion Though In addition What is worse (C) 空所 (4) に入れるのに最も適切な 同じ段落の中から抜き出して、 解答欄に記入せよ。 下線部)が表す内容を、 本文に即して70字以内の日本語で説明せよ。 1931 1. Unless

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