

英語 高校生

写真の問題がわかりません。。 教えてください!

10 15 5 B) Read the following e-mail, and choose the best answer to each question. From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Mr. Westbrook, Elaine McGee <E_McGee@kingsley.co.uk> Nicolas Westbrook <nic_westbrook@heymail.com> June 25 Fashion columns ((1X2) = 4 points × 2, (3) = 5 points) Hello. I'm the editor of Kingsley Press. I'm writing to ask you to write a column for our publication “SUNNY," a monthly magazine which has been providing useful information for middle-aged men so that they can lead their lives cheerfully and actively. I have read your fashion blog, and liked the pictures and descriptions., Each article was very understandable and told me you have good taste. Also, I was impressed with your extensive knowledge of art. Currently, there are a lot of middle-aged men who can't decide what to wear or are not good at shopping for clothing. If you wrote a fashion advice column, it would probably be a great help to our readers. We are planning a column series titled "Brush up your fashion now." I would like you to write a one-page column of about 400 words with a picture of coordinates monthly. I am offering you $100 per article, but I would like to discuss this and other details with you later. If your columns are popular, we will ask you to write other columns about art or movies. Please contact me if you are interested. Sincerely yours, Elaine McGee Kingsley Press

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数学 中学生


9 動物保護のボランティアをしている悠平さん (Yuhei) がグラフを見せながらペットを飼うことについて話し ています。 英文を読み、以下の質問に答えなさい。 [思考・判断・表現] Hello everyone. I'm Yuhei. I'm going to talk about having pets today. Do you like animals? Do you have any pets? I *take care of six cats, four dogs and three rabbits. The cats lived near my house, the dogs lived in Iwate before, and the rabbits lived in Yamagata before. Their *Owners can't *take care of them now. When some *owners start to have pets, they don't think about future. They enjoy living with pets at first. But owners may get sick. Look at the graph. Some owners *gave up his pets. (1)(_____) percent of them gave up their pet because they got sick *themselves. I think they and their pets felt very sad. Many cats and dogs can live for more than ten years. It is necessary for owners to take care of their pets every day. If you take care of your pets every day, they will make you very happy. Please remember (2) that. I work for animals as a volunteer. Can you help me? I want you to show this graph to people, and join volunteer activities for animals. Can you tell your families about me? Thank you for listening. (注) *take care of ~の世話をする *owner: 飼い主 * give up : ~ を手放す * themselves: 彼ら自身 ペットを飼えなくなった理由 その他 引っ越18% 12% 時間的理由 14% 経済的理由 20% 飼い主の絶 気 46%

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

Could anyone check if my answers are correct

ad been' performing for two hours when the power went off. buy / wasn't buying the dress. 2 correct the sentences. bake a cake for my friend's birthday yesterday. Ibaked a cake for.my.friend's bithday. yesterday. 2. Deyet feet energetic right now? 3. My teacher didn't gave me back my test. Li you te l 4. Roberto had went to bed beforel came home. 5. My brother had-stept when I called. 6. Stefan is very ambitious. He's sttdies to be a doctor. en kd skepiny オ 3 Complete the message. Use the Correct form of the verbs in parentheses. en Search Join Home Create Messenger Mina ■ 0 arch Mina Kim Hey Kim! Options I'm so happy that you got in contact! we left high school. T haven't heard from you since a Search conversation Edit profile about me … ? Well, after high school | ' went What can I tell you Notifications (go) to college for four years and studied marine biology. While | (learn) about the ocean and marine life, I decided that my ambition was to work in an aquarium. At first, I wasn't confident that| (can) get that kind of job because it's so popular. But I was 3 patient and worked hard, and nowl'm working at an aquarium in Toronto. I's a litle far from my house, sol4_r0e day-it takes about 50 minutes. I'm really happy there. I especially love working with the seals-they're so affectionate! (drive) there by car every lenakl cdecide) 98gn Ma How about you?I heard from Maria that to move to France before you finished college. __// there now? Are 5 you (live) (have) kids? Please let me 7 married? you know.I really want to hear about what ©_ 90lhg on_ (go on) in your life right now. Hope to hear from you soon! Love, Mina PS Here's a picture of me with a coworker!

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英語 中学生

これの(1)はなぜdidがいらないんですか? 回答は3枚目です

1 次の英文は, ある新聞の投稿欄に掲載されたものである。 英文を読んで, あとの問いに答 えなさい。 (福 井) We have a lot of problems around us. When the problems are too big, we think we can't solve them. But if we look at the problems from a different view, we can sometimes find the answers. I will tell you about Mexico City. It is not as large as Tokyo, but it has more people than Tokyo. It is ina high place and it has only one big river. So it is difficult to get enough water. About 160 years ago, many people began to use water under the ground. Do you know what happened after a lot of people used too much water under the ground? Yes. The ground went down very much. That was a big problem. Then people in Mexico City looked at this problem from a different view. Some people thought, “How about using the place that went down?”、Other people thought, “Can we use the water we have already used again?” They put the water into the place. Soon it became a kind of lake. People made the water clean and used it again. We have an example in Japan, too. In big cities it is especially hot in summer. There are many reasons, and we know one of them. There are not so many trees in the big cities., If there are many trees, they can give us some shade in many places and the températúre around us will go down. But the big cities have few places for trees because they have a lot of huildinos Some penle thouoht about the problem hard TThen thev 1aorod ota building

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英語 高校生

問4① 彼らは少ない時間でより生産的になる、というのが仕事に対して言っていると特定できるのは何故でしょうか、、、?? 本文で生産的になるのが仕事のことしか言っていないからでしょうか??

第3回 実戦問題 73 Vou are going to have a debate about men taking parental leave. In order to prepare for the debate, your group is reading the article below. According t0 a recent survey, about 5.14% of new fathers in Japan Love taken parental leave. Over the years, the number of men who take 18u0 narental leave has grown, but it is still a big challenge for men to take it in male-oriented-Japanese society. So, here is my question: Do you think more Japanese men should take parental leave or not? Taking parental leave has one great benefit. If men take it for even a couple of weeks after the baby arrives, it is a great help to their wives. Most families are now nuclear families, so it is more difficult for couples with a new child to get support from their parents. Husbands can provide not only physical support but also mental support to their wives. Since new mothers face many unexpected situations every day, they can feel a lot of stress. Getting help is the key to reducing it. Another benefit is that parental leave is usually refreshing for men, allowing them to work more efficiently after they return to their jobs. On the other hand, there are reasons men should not take it. (First, during parental leave, they get no salary. This can put a lot of pressure on family finances. Second, many people are still against men taking it, which places psychological pressure on the men who do. What do you think about this issue? Ibelieve that when men take parental leave, it helps them understand how hard caring for a baby is. Knowing more about the hard work of their wives surely strengthens their relationship. Furthermore, when men eagerly raise their children, Tamily bonds become stronger. Nobody could argue that such things should be not be encouraged. 第3回 don

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英語 高校生

ここのSTEP②がわかりません。 どういう順番なのかわからないのでわかる方教えてください!

hoo EXERCISES 日本語を参考に,空所に適語を補いましょう。 Fill in each blank with the appropriate word. Step 1 more interested in Japanese history than before. 私は以前に比べてずっと日本史に興味を持っています。 the oldest temple around here. 2. This is ( これはこの辺りではずば抜けて古いお寺です。 3. The ( )I learned about medieval history, the ( ) interested I became in it. 中世の歴史を知れば知るほど, 私はますます中世史に興味を持ちました。 4. Historical novels are becoming ( ) and( ) popular these days. 歴史小説は最近ますます人気が出ています。 5. World history is ( )a weak subject for me ( ) more. 世界史は私にとってもう苦手な科目ではありません。 日本語を参考に, ( Rearrange the words in the appropriate order. )内の語句を並べかえましょう。 Step 2 1. Mr. Tada's history class is (any other / enjoyable / far / more / than) class. 多田先生の歴史の授業はどの授業よりもずっと楽しいです。 2. Only memorizing historical facts makes (history / in / interested / less and less / us). 歴史上の事実を暗記するだけでは, 私たちは歴史への興味をますます失います。 3. He thinks making students (by far / important / interested / is / the most) thing. 先生は,生徒に興味を持たせることが何にもまして一番重要だと考えています。 4. The more stories he tells us about historical figures, (become / curious / I/ more / the) about history. 先生が歴史上の人物の話をすればするほど, 私は歴史への好奇心が強まります。 5. Now, history is (any / just / me / not / remote events / to) longer. 私にとって歴史はもう単なる遠い出来事ではなくなっています。 TryIt! なぜ歴史を学ぶことが大切なのかについて, あなたの意見を発表しましょう。 Express your opinion about the importance of learning history. y learning history, we can feel a link to people in the past. I think learning history is Knowing how people lived their lives. The more stories I know about historical figures, the Inore lessons I can learn about how we should live our lives. LESSON 16 45

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