

政治・経済 高校生

政治・経済 高校三年生 解いてください😭

2 市場経済の機能と限界, 国民所得と経済成長について,次の問いに答えなさい。 ( 2点×10) (1) 市場経済における価格の自動調節機能についての下の文章を読み, (A) ~ (E)に入れるの に適当な語句をア~エの中から選び, 記号で答えなさい。 市場経済においては, (A) (B) を上回る時には価格が上昇するため, 生産者は供給 を (C)とする。 一方, (B) が (A) を上回る, 超過供給の時には、価格が下落するので, 生産者は供給を ( D ) とする。 このように、価格の変化を通して需要量と供給量が自然に解消 される。 そして、この需要量と供給量を一致させる価格を (E) 価格と呼ぶ。 ウ. 需要 エ. 減らそう オ. 供給 ア. 増やそう イ. 均衡 (2) 寡占市場の特徴を述べた下の文の空所 (①) ~ (③)に適語を入れなさい。 寡占とは市場において, ある財やサービスの供給が数社によって占められている状況を指し, 1 社がそのほとんどを占めている状況を (①) という, 寡占市場においてはプライス リーダーが 一定の価格を設定し、 他の企業もこれに追随することが多い。 この場合、その価格のことを (②) 価格という。この時, 企業間では広告・宣伝やデザインなど価格以外の面で ( ③ ) 競争が行われ る。 (3) 国民所得と経済成長について,次の文中の空欄 (ア) ~ (イ)に適語を答えよ。 1年間に国内でどれだけの価値が新たに生み出されたのかを示す指標を (ア) (GDP)といい, その増加を経済成長, その増加率を経済成長率という。 また, これには市場価格で算出される名目 経済成長率と物価変動を考慮した実質経済成長率がある。 物価変動とは諸価格の平均的水準の変化 であり、物価が持続的に上昇する現象を (イ) といい, 物価が持続的に下落する現象をデフレー ションという。 (1)A (2)① B C D 2 3 (3) ア イ 3 金融のしくみと機能について,次の文中の空欄に適語を答えなさい。 ( 2点×10) E

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語がとっても苦手で何が書いてあるか全く分かりません。 明日の朝提出しなければならないのでどなたか解いてください。お願いしますお願いします。

44 15 20 25 30 Lecturer 10 Class times Office hours* Classroom Textbook Reading Read the following passage and answer the questions. English Writing Core I 43 ► This course is for foreign students to learn basic academic writing skills. The course is divided into three classes according to the results of a placement test. ► The placement test is on Tuesday, September 2 at 9:00 in Bldg. 10 Room 1. ▸ After the test, students must visit the student office by September 9 to register. This is a half-year course, and students who have completed one level can enter the next level in the spring term without taking the placement test. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Prof. Smith Friday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Friday 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Bldg. 12 Room 1 "Advanced Writing Strategies Level 1: This course introduces students to the basics of English academic writing. Students will begin by learning how to write a coherent paragraph and then apply this skill to writing a five-paragraph essay. They will learn how to create an effective thesis statement, topic sentences, introduction and conclusion, as well as how to organize supporting sentences logically. Students are required to submit one single-paragraph composition, one essay outline and two essays on pre-selected topics at the end of the course for assessment. | 43-45 英 Green Valley University, Autumn Semester Level 2: In this course students focus on gaining an in-depth understanding of the form and function of *argumentative writing and compare and contrast representative essays. Emphasis is placed on writing effective thesis statements and developing paragraphs. Students also learn effective citation, paraphrasing and summarizing skills. Reading academic articles to improve their writing style and vocabulary is a key feature of this course. Assessment is based on two short essays and a paraphrasing and summarizing task. 4 Bldg. 19 pre-selected 24 paraphrase Prof. Simpson Prof. Wheeler Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Monday 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:45 a.m-12:00 p.m. Monday 1:20 p.m.-2:50 p.m. Bldg. 10 Room 1 "Have Fun Writing" Bldg. 10 Room 5 "Essay Writing Skills" Level 3: For more experienced students, this course aims to develop advanced essay. writing skills. Emphasis is placed on taking a position in an argumentative essay, researching, evaluating sources and logically developing ideas throughout the essay Students will also learn how to effectively integrate a range of sources into their writing. Assessment is based on one long essay on an academic topic chosen by the student. (379 words) * office hours: 大学の研究室などで教員に面談が可能な時間帯 thesis statement: (エッセイの) 主題文 argumentative: Words & Phrases 32 9 Prof. 20 assessment 29 take a position 15 coherent 21 in-depth 31 integrate A into B 19 composition 24 citation 31 a range of~ Read the passage and put T (True) or F (False) in the brackets. (各2点) (1) Students cannot choose the level of the course they want to take. (2) Students who have finished the level 2 course can enter the level 3 course without taking a test. ( ) (3) All students, whichever level they are taking, must submit at least one essay on a topic chosen by the student for assessment. ) 2 Questions Answer the following questions. [1] Choose one word which has the same pronunciation as the underlined part of the following word from the passage. (4点) thesis a. beneath b. breathe c. worthy d. smooth [2] Complete the answer to the following question. "What is a placement test?" "It is a test to [3] Hiroshi wants to see the lecturer of the Level 2 course to ask some questions. Tell him what to do to see the lecturer. (6点) [4] Choose the suitable word for each blank. (1) Level 1 students focus on how to write logical and well paragraphs. a. devised b. organized c. known (2) Level 3 students have to make their opinion essay. a. correct b. decent c. clear [5] Choose the suitable phrase for the blank. "Level 2 students are required to fully understand a. what argumentative writing is b. how important it is to write an effective thesis statement c. what the basic structure of English academic writing is d. how argumentative writing is evaluated 3 Listening Quiz (1) a. Visit the lecturer at the specified time. b. Go to Room 1 in Building 10 by September 9. d. spoken d. different (5点) c. Buy the textbook during the specified period. d. Register at the student office by the closing day. (2) a. To learn how to organize supporting sentences logically. b. To improve their writing style and vocabulary. c. To create an effective thesis statement. d. To develop ideas logically throughout the essay. (各4点) Listen to the recording and choose the best option. in an argumentative (5点) 45 回 (各3点) 33

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