

英語 中学生


① 次の英文は、ALT のホワイト先生 (Ms. White) が,英語の授業で 「英語の学習方法」について話 をしたものです。よく読んで、 1~5の問いに答えなさい。 (注) textbook (s) = 参考書 both = 2人とも chance (s)=機会 you Do like English? We have four English classes in a week, and I think you study English hard in | breakfast every day. Do you my class. How do you study English at home? I study Japanese A know any useful ways to learn the language? I started to study Japanese at high school in Australia. Mary, my friend, started to study Japanese, too. We were 15 years old then. I studied Japanese by textbooks a lot, but Mary didn't use textbooks so much. She watched Japanese movies. Three years later, I could read and write Japanese, but speaking and listening were difficult for me. For Mary, speaking and listening were easy, but she couldn't read and write Japanese well. I thought that was interesting. So I started to speak and listen to more Japanese, and Mary started to read and write more. We also ② | them on the Internet. We sent e-mails and sometimes talked made some Japanese friends. We A And we have with them in Japanese on the Internet. Now Mary and I are both 24 years old, and we can use Japanese better than many Japanese friends. So we have many chances to talk in Japanese, and I think it is the most useful way to learn the language. There are many ways to learn English. I hope you'll try many ways and find a good way for you. 1 A には同じ英語が入ります。 当てはまる英語を1語で書きなさい。 2 ① ② にそれぞれ当てはまる語を下から選び、適当な形にかえて英語1語で書きなさい。 find show use take bring 3 次の文は,ホワイト先生が話をしたことについてまとめたものである。 空らん あ 当てはまる適当な英語を,本文からそれぞれ連続する 2語で抜き出して書きなさい。 い に Ms. White studied Japanese with textbooks, and Mary watched Japanese movies. Three years later, Ms. White could read and write Japanese, but speaking and listening were あ her. For Mary, speaking and listening were easy, but she couldn't read and write Japanese well. Ms. White hopes we will find a い to learn English. 4 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~エから一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 アホワイト先生は,生徒たちは授業であまり熱心に勉強していないと思っている。 イ ホワイト先生は, 15歳のときから日本語を学んでいる。 ウホワイト先生は,日本人の友達とインターネットでときどき, 英語で話をした。 エホワイト先生は,参考書を使うのが言葉を学ぶための最も役立つ方法だと思っている。 5 本文の内容について,次の(1),(2)の問いに英語で答えなさい。 ただし、()内の語数指定に従 うこと。 (1) How many English classes do the students have in a week? (5) (2) Did Ms. White start to study Japanese when she came to Japan? (3語) 点の45 0 6 115

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英語 中学生


3. 次の文は、ある日本人が日本とイギリスでの経験をふまえて書いたエッセイです. 英文を読んで、 あとの問いに答えなさい。 =1 0=10 000 Do you have 3000 the experience like this? Your teacher returns last week's report. You are nervous, but you look at it. You see many red comments from your teacher. You think, "Oh no. I am a bad student!"I often had this experience in Japan. But my experience in the U.K. was a little different. I studied there last year, and I wrote a report about U.K. history. The teacher returned it, and I didn't see any red comments. I saw blue ones instead! I used a black pen to write my report. Black and blue look similar! Teachers in some U.K. schools always use blue pens. They think that it is scary for students to see red comments on their test. So ③ they don't use red pens. I can understand the reason to use blue pens. But red pens are useful, too. It is easy to find red cominents. 4 What's your opinion? 注) report レポート return 返却する comment コメント instead 代わりに similar 似ている opinion 意見 (1) 下線部①の具体的な内容を、下の ( )に日本語を入れて、 説明しなさい。 (レポートが返された )時に、 (先生からたくさんの赤いコメントが書いてあった)経験。 (2)上のエッセイのタイトルとして最も適するものを、下の選択肢から選んで記号を書きなさい。 7. A Report about U.K. History ウ. School life in Japan and the U.K. イ Red pens or Blue pens. エ. Homestay Experience in the U.K. (3) 下線部②に適する英文を、下の選択肢から選んで記号を書きなさい。 So I was nervous to see the comments from my teacher. イ. So it was very easy to know the report was good or bad. ウ. So it was a little difficult to find all the teacher's comments. エ. So I was really sad to find blue comments from my teacher. (4) 下線部③の理由が文中に書かれています。 日本語で具体的に書きなさい。 (5) 下線部 ④ の What's your opinion? に対してあなたはどのように答えますか。 下の文の( 入れて、 自分の考えを書きなさい。 本文中の語句を使ってもかまいません。 I think teachers should use (ア) pens because ( イ IsH T )に英語を ). (4)イギリスの先生たちは生徒にとってテストに赤いコメントがあったらこわいを考えるから (5) (3) blue (1) I think red comments is scary

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語の問題です。 教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

(2) I had my teeth 1 check 1( )に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④から選びなさい。 (1) He went on speaking as if she ( 1 can't 2 hasn't ) there. Son 3 wouldn't ) by a dentist this morning. ult niles 3 checking wahiwon (青山学院大 ) ④weren't pomibinand (岩手医科大) 24 to check 2 checked (3) You should not keep any pets ( 1 after 2 unless ) you can take good care of them. 3 when (中央大) ④which 1 as 2 in ) all be correct. ②anytime (6) If the weather ( ①must have been (4) This town will change ( ) another ten years. (5) Those may not ( 1 absolute ) fine yesterday, I would have done the laundry. 2 is (7) Studying takes up a lot of my time during the week, ( ) little time for hobbies. (芝浦工業大) since 3 of (國學院大) 3 everything ④necessarily (関西学院大 ) ③ wasn't 4 had been (皇學館大) ①1 has left (8) Have you heard the rumors ( 1 that 2 what leaves leaving 4 left ) Susan has returned to this town? ③ which (麗澤大) ④ who 1 by (9) What was found in this experiment is ( 2 for (10)( ) what to say, she remained silent. ) great importance to researchers. 3 in (立命館大) 4 of (愛知工業大) 1 Not knowing 2 Being not knowing ③No knowing ④Knowing no (11) I tried to ( 1 have 2 make ) her to tell me what happened last night. 3 get (十文字学園女子大) 4 let How gimon and (12) Do what you like, as ( 1 far 2 much B in 1 in 2 with bnat am ) as you leave me alone. 3 long (13) This tool is dangerous. Please read the instructions ( (14) If I hadn't drunk so much last night, I ( 1 feel (15) I wish you 1 attend (16) If I ( 1 were ) 2 will feel ) the party yesterday. 2 were attending ) much better than I do right now. ③ would feel ③ have attended (中京大) 4 would have felt (目白大) ④had attended ) in your situation, I would be more careful about what you post on social media. (フェリス女学院大) 4 many ) care. (聖隷クリストファー大) at ④take gwol 3 will be (南山大) ④would be

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英語 高校生

全部の間違っているところの解説お願いします 明日までなので至急お願いします

19 次の英語は日本語に、日本語は王線を主語にし、英語に直しなさい。 (23) 1. この旅行の主な目的はローマ (Rome) を訪れることだ。 2. This area is too dangerous to go out in at night. 3. この本は初心者が理解しやすい。 10 ( )に入る最も適切な語句を①~④の中から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1×10) 2 forget 1. A: I came here for an important meeting with Janet, but she's not here yet. B: She seems rather careless ( ) the appointment. Dto forget forgetting for forgetting 2. Don't expect ( ①me to cover ) for you this time. ②me cover 3me covering 1 cover 3. Juliet was studying the map to decide which route ( ). ①takes ②taking ③to take Dtook 4. This city is easy ( Dfor reaching ) by public transport. 2to be reaching 3 to have been reached to reach ②to 5. They have three dogs to look after, not to ( Dmention ②say ③speak 6. He is prepared to help you if you want him ( Ddo ③it ) the cat and the bird. Otell ). ①do it 7. It was not long before Paul ( Dbecame ②came ) to realize how serious the situation was. ③went ①turned 8. I was ( ①very busy to ) pay attention to what he was saying. ②too busy to ③so busy that 9. To ( ①give ) matters ( ), he got pneumonia after breaking his leg. pause ②take - bad 10. The president of our company is ( ②being delivered ①deliver Dquite busy that ③make - worse Oput double a speech at the party tomorrow. 3delivered Oto deliver

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数学 高校生


904 基本183 分散と平均値の関係 「ある集団はAとBの2つのグループで構成さ れている。データを集計したところ、それぞれ のグループの個数、平均値, 分散は右の表のよ DOO グループ 個数 平均値分 20 16 A 2 60 12 B [立命 うになった。このとき、集団全体の平均値と分散を求めよ。 指針 データの平均値を、分散を とすると、 基本 例題 18 次のデータは, 5,4,8, (2) 公式 が成り立つ。公式を利用して、 まず, それぞれのデータの栗の総和を求め、 式を適用すれば、集団全体の分散は求められる。 この方針で求める際,それぞれのデータの値を文字で表すと考えやすい。 再度 下の解 は、A,Bのデータの値をそれぞれ X1,X2, ・・・..., X201, Y2, ......, Yo として考 ている。なお、慣れてきたら, データの値を文字などで表さずに, 別解のように 求めてもよい。 (1)のデータ このデータ は正しくは は修正前より (3)このデー 26℃であっ 分散は [ ① 修 20×16 +60×12 集団全体の平均値は =13 20+60 解答 集団全体の総和は 20×16 +6 指針 (3) (3) (イ) y6o とする。 「Aの変量をxとし, データの値を X1, X2, ......, X20 とする。 またBの変量をyとし, データの値をy1,y2, ....... xyのデータの平均値をそれぞれx, y とし, 分散をそれぞれ sx, sy2とする。 x2より,=sx2+(x)2 であるから x2+x22+......+X202=20×(24+162)=160×35 y=(y)'より,y=sy'+(y) であるから y2+y22+......+y602=60×(28+122)=240×43 よって、集団全体の分散は 1 20+60 (x'+x2+....+X202 +yi+y22+....+y6o²) 132 解答 (2) デー 修 (3)(ア) 集団全体の平均値は せ (イ) ( る 2 2 160×35 + 240 × 43 80 -169=30 別解 集団全体の平均値は 20×16 +60×12 20+60 =13 A のデータの2乗の平均値は24+162 であり, Bのデータの2乗の平均値は 28+122 であるから, 集団全体の分散は 20×(24+162)+60×(28+12) 20+60 ゆ正 ・132= 160×35 + 240 × 43 80 -169=30 練習 次のデ ③ 184 ③ 183 残りの6個のデータの平均値は8,標準偏差は5である 練習 12個のデータがある。 そのうちの6個のデータの平均値は4,標準偏差は3です (1)全体の平均値を求めよ (広島工 (1)こ (2)こ 2 °C は

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