

英語 中学生

長いですが、(1)〜(6)まで教えてください🙇‍♀️‪‪ お願いします。

4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。下の表 (Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 年 人数(人) 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期: 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 中国 62.2% became become 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in ( Ⓒ ), What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% be interested in ~に興味がある experience three times larger 3倍大きい nature may 〜かもしれない take a bath ふろに入る hot spring 〜とやりとりする communicate with the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな widely

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英語 中学生


4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表(Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数(人) 年 2012 8,358,105 2013 10,363,904 2014 13,413,467 2015 19,737,400 2016 24,039,700 2017 28,691,073 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期 : 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in () What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( @ ) ( ) ( ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? became 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with 〜とやりとりする widely the Olympic Games オリンピック become be interested in ~に興味がある experience アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% may 〜かもしれない various さまざまな held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 realize ~を実現させる

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

長いですが、(1)〜(6)まで教えてくださると嬉しいです!! お願いします🙇‍♀️

4 次は, 光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表 (Table) を参考にして, あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数 (人) 8,358,105 10,363,904 13,413,467 19,737,400 24,039,700 28,691,073 年 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 表2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと ( 2018年1月~3月期 : 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 T 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 韓国 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% became 36.9% 8.9% 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in ( 2 ) What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan Ⓡwant to ( @ ) ( ℗ ) ( © ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% of foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then, If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% become be interested in ~に興味がある three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with experience may 〜かもしれない realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな 〜とやりとりする widely < the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞

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英語 中学生

暗くてすみません💦 (1)〜(6)まで教えてください🙇‍♀️🙏 よろしくお願いします🙏

4 次は、光輝 (Koki) が英語の授業でしたスピーチの英文です。 下の表 (Table) を参考にして、あと の問いに答えなさい。 表 1 外国人訪問者数(年別) 人数(人) 8,358,105 10,363,904 13,413,467 19,737,400 24,039,700 28,691,073 年 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 表 2 外国人訪問者が訪日前に期待していたこと (2018年1月~3月期: 複数回答) 全国籍 74.1% 57.5% 45.2% 42.4% 35.2% 20.4% 項目 日本食を食べること ショッピング 自然・景勝地観光 繁華街の街歩き 温泉入浴 伝統文化体験 〈注〉 foreign 外国 (から)の visitor 79.1% 54.7% 33.8% 36.2% 36.9% 8.9% became 中国 62.2% 62.6% 53.4% 44.5% 39.9% 16.8% Hi, I'm Koki. I want to talk about foreign visitors to Japan. Today, many people come to Japan from foreign countries. The number of foreign visitors to Japan is becoming larger every year. When we look at Table 1, we can find that the number of foreign visitors to Japan became more than 20,000,000 in (). Also, the number of foreign visitors in 2017 is more than three times larger than that in () ) ( What do foreign visitors want to do in Japan? When we look at Table 2, we can learn that about 74% of the visitors to Japan 3want to ( ) ( @ ). About 58% of them want to go shopping, and about 45% of them want to see nature in Japan. Visitors from China are more interested in going shopping than visitors from other countries. Visitors from America are more interested in seeing nature in Japan than in going shopping. From Table 2, we can also learn that about 35% of foreign visitors want to take a bath in hot springs. That means some foreign visitors want to have special experiences in Japan. They also enjoy staying in ryokan. Also, about 20% foreign visitors want to have traditional Japanese experiences. I heard that some foreign people try to make soba and some foreign people try shodo. Many foreign people go to small cities or towns to have those special experiences. But they may have problems with language then. If foreign visitors and Japanese people can't communicate with each other, foreign visitors can't realize their plans. Many people come to Japan from various countries. Their language is not only English. But English is widely used around the world. When the Olympic Games are held in Tokyo in 2020, more foreign people will come to Japan. We may have chances to help foreign visitors then. I think communicating with foreign visitors will be important. What should we do for it? アメリカ 87.2% 41.3% 45.4% 42.8% 26.4% 46.2% become be interested in ~に興味がある three times larger 3倍大きい nature É take a bath ふろに入る hot spring communicate with experience may 〜かもしれない realize ~を実現させる various さまざまな widely < the Olympic Games オリンピック held hold (〜を開催する) の過去分詞 〜とやりとりする

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理科 中学生

(3)の解説お願いしますm(*_ _)m 像は小さくなるかなって思ってるんですけど.......

| 凸レンズの性買を ただし。西レンズの作 [突験] ③ 右の図のように。 光学吾の上に 源。 物体(「か」の文 くりぬいたブレート) 西レンズ。 スクリーンが一直線になるように 置いた半暫を用意、物体を呈レンズの中心 から 200cm の位置に。 正面を光輝仙に向け で固定した。次に。スクリーンを移動させ, 物体の父がスクリーンにはっきりとうつる倍 往でスクリーンを回定し、その像を光源側か ら観察した。 (② 図の装置で物体を凸レンズの中忌がら 250 cm の位置に。 正面を光泊側に向けて固定した。 次に. について, あとの問い めに次のような実験を行っだ 療は 10.0 cm である スクリーニンを移動させ物体の像がスクリーンにはっきりとうつる位置でスクリーンを固定し。 その像 を光源舞から観奈した。 ③ 較の装置で物体を凸レンズの中心から cm の位置に。 正面を光源側に向けて固定した。湊に, ス クリニーンを移動きせだが スクリーンに像はうつらなかった。 (1) 実験で。スクリニンにう み の ゅ つっ物体の像として適当なも のを 右のの-づから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。[ Bl (②) (で見られだ化のようにスクリーンにうつすことのできる像を何というか。敵皇2 字で震きなさい。 〔 1 (3) 守足のにおいて スクリーンにうつった像の大ききと。 凸レンズとスクリーンの距離について, 実験 の精果と比べただようすを正しく説明したものを。 湊のアーエから1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。 〔 ] ア 実際と比べで。スクリーンにうつった條は大きく。 凸レンズとスクリーンの距離は長くなった。 イ 容と比べで| スクリーンにうつった像は大きく。 凸レンズとスクリーンの研族は短くなった。 ウ 実験①と比べて,スクリーンにうつった像は小さく, 凸レンズとスクリーンの距離は長くなった。 エ 突験①と比べで。 スクリーンにうつった像は小さく。 凸レンズとスクリーンの距衣は短くなった。 (9 |完愉うにおいで| 物体を置いた位置cm としで適当なものを、次のアーエから 1 つ選び、記号で答え なさい。 〔 J ア 80cm イ 120cm ウ 180cm エ 220cm ⑭の位置に物体を固定したときに見られる像を確認するにはどうしたらよいか。 簡単に書きな だ

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