

英語 高校生

写真の訳がうまくいかないです😰 Pros and Consのunit3の訳持ってる方いらっしゃいませんか😭

ば (@aSG。 | New safety laws om nuclear plants go into effect B ased on the harsh lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi oclear accident. new safety standards for reaci6rs came into efect on July 8 2018 They were set by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), whose IE called them the strictest in the World. From that day on, Dower companies must appIy for NRA safety inspections before they are permitted to reactivate their ofine reactorS. Unlike previous guidelines, the new safety standards are legally binding, meaning that 科 reactors fail to meet the standards, they cannot resume OperatiOnS. Under the new regulations, power companies must Work out effective meaSureS to deal with catastrophic accidents. Such measures include building neW defenses that will protect individual power plants from the 1argest possible tsunami, instalting し ftered vents to help remove radioactive substances, and setting up remote secondary control rooms so that plants can be safely shut down in case of emergency. They also need to examine the ground under their plants carefully for the presence of earthquake faults. The chairman of the regulation committee said that the NRA wil reject any 9昌員 pressure and carry Out the screening in a transparent manmer. hees」 ロ go into effect 施行される 日come me effect 施行される 口 offiine 停止している 曲legally binding 法的に拘束力のある fltered vent フィルター付きのペント (通気孔) 口radioactive substance 放射性物質 ワーヶ

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