

英語 高校生


英語 6 次のグラフ及び英文を読み、1から3の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ①~④ 23 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 解答番号は Not very familiar 18% Somewhat familiar 25% Not familiar 7% 21 Survey on Esports - 7 - Very familiar 50% Kazuhiro's dream is to be a professional esports player in the future. Esports stands for electronic sports. It is a form of video game competition. Sometimes tournaments for money are held and many people watch them online. Kazuhiro's friends introduced him to esports a few years ago, and he quickly became one of the best players among his friends. He has also participated in many local esports tournaments with them, and their team always won first or second place. Because of this experience, he started thinking of becoming a professional esports player. In one of his classes, Kazuhiro had to make a newsletter for his assignment. He decided to do a survey on esports. He found that some of his classmates were not familiar with esports. So, he thought he would try promoting it in his high school. He held an esports event for his classmates at school. He was not sure whether anyone would come to this event, but to his surprise, many students attended and enjoyed his workshop. He showed them some of the most famous video games in esports. He also gave them some advice on how to win. Finally, he did a live esports demonstration and played against a friend in another country. After this, a lot of his classmates asked Kazuhiro about esports. He felt pleased and satisfied with what he did. Now, he not only wants to be a professional esports player, but also be a person who can promote it. Through esports, he has been able to make friends all over the world, and he wants to spread the joy to other people. 2023KN1A-14-008 1 According to the pie chart, which of the following is true? 0 Less than 50% of the students are familiar with esports. 2 More than 90% of the students are not familiar with esports. 3 Twenty-five percent of the students are not familiar at all with esports. 4 Seventy-five percent of the students are familiar with esports. 2 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Kazuhiro? He wants to be a professional esports player. He wants to create a new video game in esports. He has a negative image of esports. 4 He has already won a lot of money from playing esports. 2 3 3 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Kazuhiro? He got confused when his friends asked him questions about esports. 2 He held an event to teach his classmates about esports at his school. 3 He was disappointed because not many people came to his workshop. 4 He learned about a professional esports player from his classmates. - 8 21 英語 22 23 2023KN1A-14-00

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英語 高校生

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20 25 20 35 15 STEP 3 DEAR (1年7月改) 回 目標 IGG 登場人物の心情を想像しながら読み進めよう。 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。 取り組み日 A 日 得点 /18 目標時間 17分 tell Sara was annoyed/when her mom told her the news. from Japan/to live with her family//Their two-bedroom apartment/was(already crowded/ with her mom, dad and her.// While her mom was from Japan/Sara (7)/She knew only a few Japanese words. 5 Her mom told her about Sara's Grandpa)//He studied English (in college, but Sara and Grandpa had never spoken (in English.) When she went to Japan every summer, the most. they said to each other was "Ohayo" in Japanese. Grandpa didn't talk much. A month had passed since Grandpa moved in/With the new family member in her home, Sara spent more time alone in her room working on her favorite hobby drawing 10 comic strips./She hardly showed these drawings to anyone.) Her parents thought it was a waste of time. They hoped she would spend more time on her schoolwork.)// Sara had been working for months on a 16-page comic book about a teenage girl with magic powers. She hoped to enter it in a comic book contest the next month but was struggling with how to draw the hero with invisible magic powers// One afternoon, she got so frustrated that she crushed almost all the pages she had drawn and threw them in the wastebasket) She didn't know why but her eyes were full of tears. //Her Her grandfather was moving She grabbed her jacket and went into the living room. Grandpa was reading a book (on the sofa. She said, "Please tell my mom that I went for a walk. Grandpa said. “Itterasshai" to her but she walked out of the room. When she came home, Sara was still upset, but more disappointed. a comic book that she could hand in for the contest. del pr Then she saw her desk. Her drawings were put back on the desk//They were laid flat and attached with small sticky notes all over the pages.// Sara(1-0)Who had gone through her wastebasket? //This was her room.//No one came in without telling her.)// The handwriting on the sticky notes) was really easy to read//She (quickly) realized they were from Grandpa. 'here wouldn't be "Sara, you have a gift for art," the first note said. The second note was longer/"When 30 I was your age. I also wanted to be a comic artist."// The other notes gave to her face."Finally, someone understands my passion I Sara advice on improving her comic strips. Sara felt a smile coming to never imagined Grandpa would ()do that!" She started writing a card to Grandpa "Dear Grandpa /Thank you so much for your kind comments! I want to finish my comic book so I can enter it in the contest next month//Please be my advisor!/Love, Sara"// Grandpa was watching TV with her parents in the living room but looked at Sara/as she walked up to him.// Sara (1-2), so she handed him the card without a word. She wondered if Grandpa 40 would accept it. When he read the card, he smiled but did not say anything, either. Sara quickly went into her room. Her parents were wondering what had just happened. (1) She went straight back to the desk/and started working on her comic book //She only had a month. She couldn't wait to show Grandpa her next draft for more advice. (567W) 内 () ORIGINAL MATERIAL

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