

英語 高校生

英語です。 並び替えが分からないため解説お願いします🙇‍♀️

問い2 次の(A), (B)のそれぞれの英文の( )内の語を並べ換えて意味の通じる正し い文にするには、( )内にもう1話ずつ補わなければならない。 その補う べき語を下の中から選びなさい。 但し同じものを反復して選んではならない。 (A)(1) That was among the few books (kept, he, side, his). (2) It seems easier here to (heat, up, the, put) than in Kyoto. (3) Her good command of foreign languages (set, far, might, her) most of the students. (4) He left the window and (back, down, his, lay) on the bed again. (5) I had learned early in my career that (act, can, one, one's) will. (6) He turned his face (of, pursuit, if, in) the sun journeying westward. 1. above 2. against 3. as 4. by 5. on 6.with (B) (7)Many years of experience abroad (possible, me, to, it, made) start a new enterprise at home. (8) They were all astonished at the rapidity (he, speak, learned, to, which) BRA English. (9) A book which is worth reading at all (read, likely, be, to, is) than once. (10) Nuclear weapons leave us with (live, no, to, together, choice) or die together. (11) Much of (is, men, beneficial, what, all) has been done by those who neither intended nor knew the good they did. (12) Modern art is not so much concerned with portraying an object exactly as (the, to, appears, eye, it) with capturing its soul. 1. as 2. but 3. for 4. more 5. of 6. that 7. to 8. with

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