

英語 高校生


(2)日本政府によれば,外国人観光客が急増している。 日本の伝統的な文化に興味を持ち、寺院を訪 れる人もいれば,健康食として人気が増している日本食を楽しむ人もいる。 文の骨格 ① [日本政府によれば] +② [外国人観光客が] + ③ [急増している] ① 「日本政府」 に the は〈必要/不要? ① 「~によればSV」According to ~, SV./~ says that S'V'. [ 青山学院大 ] ② 「外国人観光客」foreign tourists / visitors to Japan ③ 「急増している」 は 「急速に増えている」とする。 「急速に」は rapidly が適切。 文の骨格2 ① [人もいれ] + ② [日本の伝統的な文化に興味を持ち ] + ③ [寺院を訪れる] +④ [ば] + ⑤ [人もいる ] ⑥ [日本食を楽しむ ] + ⑦ [人気が増している] +⑧ [健康食として] ② 「興味を持っている」は,人が主語の場合 <be interested / be interesting> どちらが適切? ② 「日本の伝統的な文化」 は形容詞の語順に注意。 [主観的形 容詞] → [客観的形容詞] の順になる。 ⑧ 「健康食として」 は 「それが健康的なので」と考えればよい。 「健康的な」 は health の形容詞形。 According to Japanese Government, foreign touriate rapidly increasing Some people are interested in visiting temples, others enjoy Eating Japanese foods which is becoming popular because it is health.

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英語 高校生


Jessup: You snotty, little bastard. Ross: Your honor, I'd like to ask for recess. Kaffee: I'd like an answer to the question, Judge. Judge: The court will wait for an answer. Kaffee: If Lt. Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? Colonel? Lt. Kendrick ordered the Code Red, didn't he? Because that's what you told Lt. Kendrick to do! Ross: Objection! Kaffee: And when it went bad, you cut these guys loose! You had Markinson sign a phony transfer order, and you doctored the log book! Ross: Damn it, Kaffee! Kaffee: You coerced the doctor! Judge: Consider yourself in contempt! Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, did you order the Code Red?! Judge: You don't have to answer that question! Jessup: I'll answer the question. You want answers? Kaffee: I think I'm entitled! Jessup: You want answers?! Kaffee: I want the truth! Jessup: (SPEECH) You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to! Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red? Jessup: I did the job that-- Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red?!! essup: YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I DID!! *Code Red-in the movie, it is a punishment. Saniago died because of it.

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英語 高校生

問題の答えを教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします。

1 Fill in the blanks. 1) Mr. Suzuki( 2) I ( 3) ( ) in the teachers' room because he is in the classroom. ) sick in bed, so I ( )go to school yesterday. )Yui have a part-time job on Fridays? - Yes, she ( ) she? 1,2) 2) テストのことで緊張しないで 3) 明日一緒にテニスをしましょう。gn 4) ルーカスはなんて速く走るのでしょう。 Oh 5)なんておいしいドーナツなんでしょう。 4) Your sister plays badminton, ( 5) ( ki) is your birthday? ② Fill in the blanks. - My birthday is September 1. 1) テレビゲームをする前に宿題を終わらせなさい。 一わかったよ, お母さん。 )your homework before you play that video game. ) ) ( OK, mom. (3.4) ) nervous about the exam. ) tennis together tomorrow. ) Lucas runs! ) delicious doughnut! ( ③ Fill in the blanks. 1) ( T2) ( ( know Aoi's address? you buy it? No, I ( .(知っていますか) ― 3) Haruto doesn't live in Kyoto, ( ) ( 4) ( ( ) to karaoke after school? Jim and Riku( I bought it online. (どこで) online 「ネットで」 ). (だれが行ったの / ジムとリクだよ) ? (住んでいないよね) 5) ( ) you like coffee? - ). ), I ( (好きじゃないの? / いや, 好きだよ) 6) ( )play volleyball in the gym. - OK (バレーボールをしよう) arbest 6 med YM Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) アヤとサキは大阪出身ですか。 2) 先生が話をしているときには静かにしなさい。 intences into English 3) これはあなたの自転車ですか, それともケンタの自転車ですか。 from Osaka? V yebot isang when the teacher is talking. で Is thisパンのとてもいい whas bed of op III yqesia m 4) だれが教室のかぎをかけましたか。 (lock) mus 5) おなかがすいていないの? - うん、すいていないんだ。 * Give It a Try (S-) 685- ? heang bomut and trigil orTy A what would you say? om airT 1) Your friend is making a loud noise. You are angry about it. Don't ini lita nego bayate are ent 2) You want to play basketball with your friend after school. elde ne pnitearn art prisub inelia genrol after school. B Ask your old friend from junior high school about his/her high school life. 1) 通学手段: get to school? 2) クラスの人数: in your class?

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