

英語 高校生


次の日本文の意味になるように、( )内の語または語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。 1. 高齢者人口がどんどん増えるから、彼らに仕事の機会を与えることが大切である。 As the population of older people continues to grow, (good / work / them / opportunity / giving / to / an / makes / sense ). (専修大) HA 2. 彼は試験が終わると,必ず両親に手紙を書くことにしている。 He (a/his/makes / of / parents / point / to / writing) after an examination. art 26 LOV (東北学院大) Projuil 3. 結局,人を外見で判断しようとしてもしようがない。 mon, banues DOSUGO (3) mon beauen ⓘ Consequently it is (use / to / judgements/ people / about / make / trying / no ) Taby' an ford veuid on al insbiesng(専修大) hi ob S mwobob on the basis of their appearances. Juodliw ob:D). qu trighond gut ufrol boilqgs D ipo ob 8) visuos Muslib tud unde vers sis agridt vosM YEWS 4. あらゆる生き物がその環境に適応している様子をみると驚くばかりである。 We cannot (to / is / how / being / surprised / every / help / creature / see) adapted awon and biner 191zi2 gth rear(立命館大) to its surroundings. 20 nive naged ⓢ and ⓘ Songloiv ol □ 5. 宿題をやらなかったため, 先生に怒られたのを覚えている。 Jijo (大)・ butiste (8) 19v9n bluov si aswed vigns work 1901em 0/1 I (being scolded / having done / remember / not / by the teacher / for ) my homework. benangi 16911 or nodw Nord 15W (札幌大) 1 vabius? 6. 彼はそんなふうに扱われることに慣れていない。 He (like / not / is / being / that / used / treated linom zidi to bng ord yo lil Boy -----------. ) vob esmler 189 61 8 no tiri S / to ). (東洋大) raw doja tog os new voy He [] di onet barl uoy tard am

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

すみません、長文の穴埋めがわからないのでどなたか教えてくれる方がいましたら心強いです! (1)と(2)がわかりません。

Dear Patron, Thank you for your contribution to the Sunset Maritime Museum. Our efforts to pass on our rich seacoast history to the next generation have been a phenomenal success. We were able to raise more than $60,000 this past year. There are many projects in progress and more planned for the following year. several retired sea captains have been volunteering their time for live 2. storytelling sessions, which have been getting young people interested in boating and fishing. Consequently, we hope to exceed the amount of donations this coming year. An anonymous donor has contributed $20,000 to get the ball --3--.We are delighted about this, as we anticipate remodeling costs of $100,000. We understand that everyone's resources are limited, --a- we ask that you help us spread the word by forwarding this to your family, friends and associates. The Sunset Maritime Museum is a worthy cause. Since the museum reopened, the number of people staying and working in this town after high school, as well as those attending college and coming back here to work in family businesses has increased almost 10%. Help save our local heritage. Your help willbe appreciated for generations to come. SVBd (8) 1. (A) Actually, there were at least a dozen new projects involving seabirds. (B) On the other hand, we didn't finish the report to our shareholders in time. (C) Otherwise, there was no information about the matter that could be shared. 0ubeem.ol opiod (D) Nonetheless, we project we will need further funding to meet operating Costs. 46 00 2. (A) For example, (B) However, (C) Notwithstanding, (D) On the other hand, 3emit ynsm visil of beleva) evsdinrelbbne eus eit GAe 1w () の O0

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


15 ユキ(Yuki) とダイスケ(Daisuke)はシドニー在住のマーティン(Martin) やジュリー (Julie) ピエール(Pierre) たちと、「自分たちの将来について」 というテーマでテレビ会議をしていま す。これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Yuki: Martin, what are your plans for the future? の Martin: Well,I want to *travel around the world. Yuki: That's cool. ②HOW about you, Julie? Julie: の I want to be a great *artist like *Monet. How about you Pierre? Plerre: I want to go to college to study math. I want to be a computer engineer. Yuki: That's great. I think computers are *useful to us. Well, I want fo go to college の to be a music teacher too. How about you, Daisuke? Daisuke: Well,a lot of my friends will qo to college and work in the *office. But I have a *different plan.. (テレビ会議のあと、ウェブサイトに載せるビデオ用にダイスケがスピーチをしました。) Hello, my name is Daisuke. I want to have my own Japanese restaurant in New York. Do you know why? Well, I really like the taste of Japanese food. Also it's very healthy and popular in America. To cook Japanese food is difficult.( New York and try my food *some day. Thank you. 6 But I'll do my best. Please come to *travel 旅行する *artist 画家 *office 会社 *Monet モネ(画家の名) *useful 役立つっ *collage 大学 *different 異なる *some day いつか

未解決 回答数: 1