EX トー
Choose the correct answer. SR
①) Finish ( to clean / cleaning ) your room' by the time 1 come home.
(2) We promised ( to meet / meeting ) at 10 a.m. tomorroW. が7『
(⑬ Mr and Mrs. Green are considering ( to move / moving ) to the suburbS.
(④⑭ Do you plan ( to go / going ) anywhere this vacation?
⑤) It was a wonderful night. Ireally enjoyed ( to talk / talking ) with you.
尼| Change the words into the correct form. /4
(1) I regr et ( say ), but I have to declige your invitation. 4 > し 6
(2②) My father deeply regrets ( change ) jobs. PP
(3③) T remember ( turn off ) the electric fan when I left home.
(④) Remember ( mail ) this letter on your way to school
(5) Sorry. I forgot ( bring ) you the book you need.
(⑥) 』 will never forget ( take part ) in that event last summer.
I@| Express the following in English and complete the sentences.
(⑪) マキの仕事は顧客のためにウェブサイトを制作することだ.
Maki's job is
(⑫) エリックのお気に入りの気晴らしは彼のイヌの動画をアップロードすることだった.
Eric's favorite pastime
(⑬) 成績が落ちたので, 私はテレビゲームをするのをあきらめた.
1 because my grades went down.
(4) 私は目記をつける決心をしたが, 1 週間も続かなかった.
> but T couldnt continue even for a week。
D| Express the following in English. に Ne
(⑪) 頭痛のせいで何もする気になれない. 【headache〕 人パま対く刻
(②) チャイムを聞くとすぐに, 陣只の ]
(3) 本当のことを言えば. 人前で話すのが苦手だ. へ知人
④⑭ サリー(Sally) は予定についてはっき りした返事をするのを避け
(5) エミは次の4 月から 1 年間カナダに行くこ ことを希望している,
Ye Tru どーーンー
① Talk about the questions in pairs。
(①) What is your hobbys wa
Wiy do you iike jp
SR お得還