

英語 高校生


UNIT 7 Reading Reading 33点 10点 Grammar /32点 /15 Information Listening Writing /10 TOTAL 100点 全文 音声 なまけ者のトムが望んだ仕事とは何でしょう。 Tom was a very lazy man*. He didn't like hard work. But he needed a job. One day, (his/Tom / a job / asked / uncle / him / find / to ). "What kind of job?" asked the uncle. Tom answered, "I don't want to work. I want meat for lunch every day. I just want to walk around and take naps*. And I want 100 dollars a day." "( )" the uncle sighed*. 2 One day, Tom got a call from his uncle. "Tom, I found the perfect job for you. A tiger at the zoo died recently. They need a new tiger. You can be the tiger. You'll wear a tiger's skin and walk around, eat meat, and sleep in the cage* like a real tiger." "( 3 )" said Tom. "I'll start tomorrow!" 5 3 The next day, Tom was in the cage in tiger's fur. He just walked around, ate meat, 10 and took a nap. Tom was happy. 44 Suddenly, he heard an announcement*. "We'll soon have a special show. It's a fight between a lion and a tiger! Enjoy this exciting show." "( )" He looked around his cage. Then another cage was carried next to his. A fierce-looking* lion was in it. "I'll be killed!" he cried. The doors of both cages were opened. Tom jumped back. "( 6 )" 15 The big lion slowly walked toward him, roared*, and opened its mouth. "Stop! I'm not a tiger! I'm a man!" 5 "Shhh!" Tom heard a small voice from the lion. "( Ⓒ )” (252 words)

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英語 高校生


【1】 次の英文の空欄に最も適したものを選び、 英文を完成さ せなさい。 (2点×20) (1) What time will you ( come 2 happen 3 (2) Why don't you ( (4) You ( coming. lie 2 lay 3 send 4 sleep (3) All of the guests missed you. You ( the party. *miss〜 : 〜 の不在を寂しがる must 2 should 3 would 4 will to not (5) I haven't decided ( ) go out tonight because another typhoon is ought not 2 hadn't better 3 had better not had 4 to where going (6) He is good at ( *employee ) the mountain cabin? reach 4 arrive ) on the sofa and have a nap? ) on vacation yet. where going 2 going where 3 where to go motivation 2 to motivate ) his employees. (9) The Bible might be ( 4 motivating (7) I tried counting the number of languages ( world. 1 speaking 2 have spoken 3 to speak 4 spoken (8) A truck crashed into a group of carpenters ( the park. ) have attended (10) Our boss said we had to work ( motivate to working worked 3 who works that working ) useful book of all. much 2 better 3 the more 4 the most (12) This is the house we ( (14) Stop chatting, ( Das hard 2 more hard 3 harder 4 so hard (11) This is a cave ( * Neanderthal man : ネアンデルタール人 which 2 that 3 where 4 why lived 2 live 3 lived in 4 live (13) You must hand in the paper ( *hand in : 提出する until 2 for 3 till 4 by and 2 but 3 or 4 so ) in the ) Neanderthal man lived. ) as we could. (15) John is ( 1 taken took 3 taking 4 take ) in ) when we were children. ) the professor will get angry. (1 shower now. Please call later. ) eleven o'clock

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英語 高校生


13 20 速読 問題 Reading 1/52 Reading €77 Grammar /16 Writing have no choice but to~ /12 "Unless you're frank here, you'll go hungry all the time." When I was invited to an 次の英文を3分15秒で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 American woman's house for Christmas, her mother said to me, "We usually don't have a regular breakfast. Will you need breakfast tomorrow?" Out of reserve, I was not able to say "Yes, I will," because (1)that would require her to prepare breakfast for me 5 alone. I had no choice but to say, "No, thank you. (2)Her mother took me at my word, and assumed that I was also in the habit of skipping breakfast. When I was back at the university after the holidays, I (3)brought up the subject with a few Americans. 4)"If you had been in my place, and had needed breakfast, what would you have said?" One person said, "Your friend's mother was being frank, so I'd 00.00% 10 have said frankly, 'If you could prepare a little breakfast, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. (5) Otherwise, I'll eat out." Another person said, "That's not so polite. I'd have asked her politely, 'If you could prepare breakfast for me, I'd appreciate it." They asked me why I had been reluctant to give a frank opinion. I explained the Japanese cultural viewpoint. In Japan, immediately accepting an 15 offer of a meal is regarded as impudent; such an invitation is supposed to be declined at least once. But the host realizes that the guest has declined out of reserve, and makes it a rule to ask a second time. A Japanese guest never insists on being served a meal. The host understands the situation and the feelings of the guest and reacts appropriately. (7) "That idea has no chance at all of working here," one American said with total frankness. She continued, "Unless you're frank here, you'll go hungry all the time." (294 words) /11 reserve [rizá:rv] , be in the habit of ~ing 〜するのが習慣になっている 15 decline [diklain] (丁重に) 断る 19 appropriately [ǝproupriǝtli] 〜するしかない 13 reluctant [rilíktant] 気が進まない 嫌がる 精

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理科 中学生


ら、はるか昔、それはそれほ 現代では私たち ろい歴史があります。 6,000年前、エジプト人は らに時間を教にました。 6 154 5 About 700 years ago, people started to make メキあニクる mechanical clocks. パウア power these clocks. The clocks told the hour with ウェイツ "At first, they used weights to ヘヴィ べるズ bells. Fowever, the weights were big and heavy, so 6 these clocks were difficult to move. ムーヴ "About 500 years ago, people improved their clocks. They used springs to power the clocks. The springs were small and light. So people could move キあり ビギン イヴェンチュアリ the clocks easily. Eventually, people began to carry watches. In-reading [74 words] 10 - (機械式の時計についての問題は何でしたか。) What was the problem with mechanical clocks? To improve the clocks, what did people do? (時計を改良するために, 人々は何をしましたか。) 約700年前,人々は機械式の置き時計を作り始めました。はじめは、これらの時 計に動力を供給するためにおもりを使いました。その時計はかねの音で時間を教えまし た。しかしながら, そのおもりは大きくて重かったため,これらの時計を動かすのは困 難でした。 約500年前, 人々は時計を改良しました。 彼らは時計に動力を供給するためにぜ んまいを使いました。 そのぜんまいは小さく軽いものでした。そのため人々はその時 計を簡単に動かすことができました。 最後には、人々は腕時計を持ち運び始めました。 MOZKLO

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