

英語 高校生


O1am as tall as my father. (私は父と同じくらいの背丈です。) CHECY 6ト 原線 (AはBと ② My room is not as[so] (arge as yours. (私の部屋は君の部屋ほど広くない。) 0ト- 、。 8(Aは8と。 OI can swinm as fast as she (can). (私は彼女と同じくらい速く泳げます。) ④ Maki has longer hair than I (do) / me. (マキは私より髪が長い。) 9 Soccer is more popular than baseball in Spain (スペインではサッカーは野球より人気がある。) 出約は0。 比較線 (A (AはBより~。 6I practiced the piano harder than my sister (私は姉[妹]より一生懸命ビアノを練習した。) O The Shinano is the longest river in Japan. (信濃川は日本で最も長い川です。) 最上級は、0 最上級 8(mast+原場 8 Betty is the most intelligent of us all. (ベティは私たちみんなの中で最も頭がよい。) (A. the+ 「Aは一番開。 9Iusually get up (the) earliest in my family. (私はたいてい家族の中で一番早く起きる。) 9副詞の最上曜 つけないが、実 とも多い 最上級の意味0 Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan. (琵琶湖は日本で最も大きい湖です。) Lake Biwa is larger than any other iake in Japan. (琵琶湖は日本のほかのどの湖よりも大きい。) O原線、比較量 の意味を表す を表す表現 any other には単数名詞 No other lake in Japan is as [so] large as /larger than Lake Biwa. (日本に琵湖ほど大きい湖はない。) EXERCISES 1. 次の文の( )の語を適当な形に直しなさい。 (1) We went to the (near) restaurant from here.nearest (2) This dietionary is ( useful )than that one. 1 Inote seldl の一 (3) Which is ( large), your room or your brother's ?_4ht tatgest age - (4)I like vegetables (well) than meat. (5) Autumn is the (good) season for traveling. 6 (m (6) Tokyo is one of the ( big) cities in the world. (7) This is the ( bad) movie I have ever seen. (9語 (8) The situation was (bad) than I had expected. (9) She speaks English (fluently) in the class. 00 I have(many) CDs than she has. 時間 late-l D Mike spent the (late) half of the year in California. late-

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英語 高校生


OTam as tall as my father. (私は父と同じくらいの背丈です。) 原線 O My room is not as[so] large as yours. (私の部屋は君の部屋はど広くない。) O1 can swim as fast as she (can), (私は彼女と同じくらい速く泳げます。) O Maki has longer hair than I (do) / me. (マキは私より髪が長い。) 比較線 S Soccer is more popular than baseball in Spain. (スペインではサッカーは野球より人気がある.) 6I practiced the piano harder than my sister. (私は姉[妹]より一生懸命ビアノを練習した。) ク The Shinano is the longest river in Japan. (信濃川は日本で最も長い川です。) 最上級 8 Betty is the most intelligent of us ali. (ベティは私たちみんなの中で最も頭がよい。) 9I usually get up (the) earliest in my family. (私はたいてい家族の中で一番早く起きる。) 最上級の意味 10 Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan. (琵琶湖は日本で最も大きい湖です。) - Lake Biwa is larger than any other lake in Japan. (琵琶湖は日本のほかのどの湖よりも大きい。) No other lake in Japan is as[so] large as/ larger than Lake Biwa. (日本に琵琶湖ほど大き を表す表現 EXERCISES 1. 次の文の( )の語を適当な形に直しなさい。 (1) We went to the ( near) restaurant from here. (2) This dictionary is ( useful) than that one. (3) Which is (large), your r0om or your brother's ? (4)I like vegetables ( well) than meat. (5) Autumn is the ( good) season for traveling. (6) Tokyo is one of the ( big) cities in the world. (7) This is the (bad) movie I have ever seen. (8) The situation was (bad) than I had expected. (9) She speaks English (1fluently ) in the class. 00 I have(many) CDs than she has. 1) Mike spent the (late) half of the year in Calife

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