


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問2 長文の英語です。 選択式です よろしくお願いします。

【問2】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい> Il間 Global Warming: All over the world people are talking about global warming. World leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSUG? If the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice caps will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zones: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These reqions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and hiqhly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and good farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming wlll be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Rising sea-levels will decrease acceSsSs to clean drinking water for hundreds of millions of people. (〇 A_ TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

2問目 英語の長文問題です。選択式です。 よろしくお願いします。

【問2】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい> Il間 Global Warming: All over the world people are talking about global warming. World leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSUG? If the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice caps will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zones: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These reqions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and hiqhly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and good farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming wlll be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Rising sea-levels will decrease acceSsSs to clean drinking water for hundreds of millions of people. (〇 A_ TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

全部で5問あります。長文の英語です。 洗濯式です。

【問2】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい> Il間 Global Warming: All over the world people are talking about global warming. World leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSUG? If the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice caps will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zones: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These reqions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and hiqhly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and good farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming wlll be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Rising sea-levels will decrease acceSsSs to clean drinking water for hundreds of millions of people. (〇 A_ TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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看護 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


要点地理 次の ) 内に適切な語を記入して文を完成させよう. 人 角間学・生理学とは HPロ Fロ Lロ FH Eロ PH Fロ ら Fロ Lロ ャ3 EF -@ FH oe ロロ LF LH [H LH Fロ 四国 HH Lロ HH xs)5 PH HH Hロ HH HH Fロ PP 生物の正常な構造を対象とするのは(' ) 学。 機能を対象とするのが (= ) 学である. 光気になり 正常ではなくなった生物の構造と機能を対象とするのは(: ) 学である. 筋内のように同じ機能をもつものをまとめる方法を (* ) 角割学という. 頭や服部という領域に何があるかをまとめる方法が (: ) 解剖学である. 顕役貸を用いて調べる方法は顕役鐘解剖学、または (* ) 学という- 臣肛が尿を生成するような固有の働きを (" ) という. ほとんどの日党生活行動は複数の(8 ) 系が関与して行われる. 解剖学的用語 解削学的正常位では手常は (: ) に向け 手指は (: ) している. 解剖学的正常位では直立して両足は (: ) に向け、 ) はわきに垂らしている. 手首から先を (5 )。 足首から先を (“ ) という. 肩から肝までは (* ),肘から手首までを (* ) という. 5. 7. 8を合わせて (* ) という. 股の付け根から膝までを )、膝から尽首までを (" ) とぃうぅ. 6. 10. 11を合わせて (= ) とぃうぅ. 人体から9, 12を除いた部分を (* ) とぃぅ. 首の前面を(“ ). 後面を(" ) とぃうぅ. 肘の前面を ),膝の後面を(" ) という. 箇はくほみを意味する. 下腹の後面を て ) とぃうぅ. 尻は(" ) とぃいう. (e ) に近いのが上方 (き ) に近いのが下方である。 胸や腹に近いのが (ぞ ),背に近いのが ( ) である. (% ) 面に近いのを内側。 培いのを外側という. (* ) は体表に近いか境いかで区別する. 13に近いのを (人 ), 遠いのを (ダ ) という-. 人体を左右に分ける面を (人 ) 面という. 左右対称に分ける面を特に (\ 〕 面といい。 1つしかない、 人体を前後に分ける面を ( ) 面という. 人体を上下に分ける面を (" ) 面という. ESE 0

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