


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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44 15 20 25 30 Lecturer 10 Class times Office hours* Classroom Textbook Reading Read the following passage and answer the questions. English Writing Core I 43 ► This course is for foreign students to learn basic academic writing skills. The course is divided into three classes according to the results of a placement test. ► The placement test is on Tuesday, September 2 at 9:00 in Bldg. 10 Room 1. ▸ After the test, students must visit the student office by September 9 to register. This is a half-year course, and students who have completed one level can enter the next level in the spring term without taking the placement test. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Prof. Smith Friday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Friday 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Bldg. 12 Room 1 "Advanced Writing Strategies Level 1: This course introduces students to the basics of English academic writing. Students will begin by learning how to write a coherent paragraph and then apply this skill to writing a five-paragraph essay. They will learn how to create an effective thesis statement, topic sentences, introduction and conclusion, as well as how to organize supporting sentences logically. Students are required to submit one single-paragraph composition, one essay outline and two essays on pre-selected topics at the end of the course for assessment. | 43-45 英 Green Valley University, Autumn Semester Level 2: In this course students focus on gaining an in-depth understanding of the form and function of *argumentative writing and compare and contrast representative essays. Emphasis is placed on writing effective thesis statements and developing paragraphs. Students also learn effective citation, paraphrasing and summarizing skills. Reading academic articles to improve their writing style and vocabulary is a key feature of this course. Assessment is based on two short essays and a paraphrasing and summarizing task. 4 Bldg. 19 pre-selected 24 paraphrase Prof. Simpson Prof. Wheeler Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Monday 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:45 a.m-12:00 p.m. Monday 1:20 p.m.-2:50 p.m. Bldg. 10 Room 1 "Have Fun Writing" Bldg. 10 Room 5 "Essay Writing Skills" Level 3: For more experienced students, this course aims to develop advanced essay. writing skills. Emphasis is placed on taking a position in an argumentative essay, researching, evaluating sources and logically developing ideas throughout the essay Students will also learn how to effectively integrate a range of sources into their writing. Assessment is based on one long essay on an academic topic chosen by the student. (379 words) * office hours: 大学の研究室などで教員に面談が可能な時間帯 thesis statement: (エッセイの) 主題文 argumentative: Words & Phrases 32 9 Prof. 20 assessment 29 take a position 15 coherent 21 in-depth 31 integrate A into B 19 composition 24 citation 31 a range of~ Read the passage and put T (True) or F (False) in the brackets. (各2点) (1) Students cannot choose the level of the course they want to take. (2) Students who have finished the level 2 course can enter the level 3 course without taking a test. ( ) (3) All students, whichever level they are taking, must submit at least one essay on a topic chosen by the student for assessment. ) 2 Questions Answer the following questions. [1] Choose one word which has the same pronunciation as the underlined part of the following word from the passage. (4点) thesis a. beneath b. breathe c. worthy d. smooth [2] Complete the answer to the following question. "What is a placement test?" "It is a test to [3] Hiroshi wants to see the lecturer of the Level 2 course to ask some questions. Tell him what to do to see the lecturer. (6点) [4] Choose the suitable word for each blank. (1) Level 1 students focus on how to write logical and well paragraphs. a. devised b. organized c. known (2) Level 3 students have to make their opinion essay. a. correct b. decent c. clear [5] Choose the suitable phrase for the blank. "Level 2 students are required to fully understand a. what argumentative writing is b. how important it is to write an effective thesis statement c. what the basic structure of English academic writing is d. how argumentative writing is evaluated 3 Listening Quiz (1) a. Visit the lecturer at the specified time. b. Go to Room 1 in Building 10 by September 9. d. spoken d. different (5点) c. Buy the textbook during the specified period. d. Register at the student office by the closing day. (2) a. To learn how to organize supporting sentences logically. b. To improve their writing style and vocabulary. c. To create an effective thesis statement. d. To develop ideas logically throughout the essay. (各4点) Listen to the recording and choose the best option. in an argumentative (5点) 45 回 (各3点) 33

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


1. 次の文に当てはまる正しい語(句) を選び、( )内に書きなさい。 (1) The teacher made me [ read / reading ] the book. その先生は、その本を私に読ませた。 (2) Let me [ knows / know ] whatever you want. 16 (5-7 RETU+RB+HG) ほしい物は、 何でも知らせてください。 (3) [ Let / Let's ] watch the boxing title match on TV. テレビでボクシングのタイトルマッチを見よう。 (4) 1 [ had / got] my brother to help me with my homework. astu Shelp mew 私は、弟に宿題を手伝わせた。 30459551610402 NJ lllwym tanisge loed op em ebem SH ( 3. 次の( 内に正しい語を入れなさい。 (1) The employee ( ago. ob 1eri tel GIR: evad 2.次の 内の3つの語(句) のうち、最も適切なものを○で囲み、文全体を日本語に訳しなさい PROUESO (688JJ-118 適切なもので MTDGHT 1ST DE (1) The gorgeous dress (makes / lets / has ) Jane look like another person. [ Luoy (2) She was always (had/let/ made) to clean the kitchen by her mother. HOM othel. (3) My father ( (4) John (ように! [ EO) Hallona I'nbluos | (3) The teacher (forcing / forced / is forced) the students to go out of the classroor [ (55 (4) Iwas (allows / allow / allowed) to smoke in the room. [ ) JOW LOYD Bario of od ARFJURIA (2) Takeshi could make (0) x) understood in English. W and mand ) compelled to leave the company one mont ,0501:0 ) his computer repaired last year. 内の his hair cut the day before yesterday.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 Yuna Kim is one of the world's best figure skaters. At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she set three world records. In fact, one of those world records broke a record she set in 2009. program and a At the Olympics, both male and female skaters perform a short seven program. In the short program, skaters have less than three minutes to perform required jumps, spins, or other moves. While doing these seven things, the skaters also have to show judges how well they can put these elements together into a kind of dance performance on the ice. The long program is similar to the short program except that skaters perform for a longer time and have more required moves. long Before the 2010 Winter Olympics began, many people thought Yuna Kim was likely to win a gold medal. Certainly, there were other women skaters who had the skill to win gold at the Olympics. However, Ms. Kim had an advantage. She had already set a number of world records. In 2007, she set the record for the highest score in a short program with 71.95 points in Japan. The same year she also set the world record for the highest score in a long program with 133.7 points in Russia. Then, in 2009 she beat her own record in the short program by scoring 76.12 in the United States. At that competition, she also became the first woman to score over 200 points with her short and long programs - her combined score was 207.71. The next year at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she broke her records again. In the short program, Ms. Kim scored 78.5, a new world record. In the long program, she scored 150.06, another world record. This gave her a combined total of 228.56 points, a third world record! Needless to say, her score was enough to win gold.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


160 Unit 17 THIRD STAGE Her second [Reading] 1 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい. □ (1) That boy is as bright* as a university student. あの男の子は大学生くらい頭がいいです。 □ (2) My brother received* more chocolates than me on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day [ for 私の兄はバレンタインに私立多くのチョコレートを受 (3) My father looks much busier this week than last week. 父が先週末より今週末のほうが疲れてみえます Her second novel is not so famous as her first one 彼女の2冊目の小説は1冊目より有名ではないです。 (5) Because of your efforts*, we were able to get better results* this y あなたの努力のおかげで、私達は良い結果を見ることがで (6) My test score* was ten points* lower than yours. 私のテストの点数はあなたのよりも10. 低かったです。 7) The population* of this country is much larger than that of Japan. その国の人口は日本よりも大きいです。 2 次の各文の [ ]内の語句を並べかえて全文を書きなさい. また, その文を日本語 (1) Your essay on Japanese culture than / better /is/mine / much ]. Your essay on Japanese culture is much better (日本語) あなたの作文は私のよりもとても良いです。 日本の文化についての (2) I can't understand your English. Can [more/ speak / a little / sl can't undactoureel T bl

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