


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Entrance Exam 否定表現 1. almost 2. I( 1()に入れる最も適切な語句を1~4から選びなさい。 1. I don't think David would make a good leader because he can ( difficult circumstances and tends to give up too quickly. 2. extremely 3. hardly ) go to karaoke, I go only once or twice a year. ) be expected to act honorably in 4. neither (明治大) (芝浦工業大 4. never 1. often 3. Unfortunately, ( seldom ) of the 1. a few 2. few 3. ever passengers escaped injury. 3. many (大阪学院大 推) 4. much 4. ( ) children are born with musical talent. (日本大) 1. none of 2. not all. 3. not every 4. no one 5. ( 2. No 1. as far as 2. far from ) of the workers accepted the director's proposal to cut bonuses. 1. Not 6. The future of English society looked ( 7. I didn't like the food at that restaurant. It was (. (東海大 3. Never ) promising in the 1840s. None (立命館大) 3. for far 4. too far ) delicious. (福岡大) 1. anything but 2. nothing but 3. without 4. out of 8. He was so drunk that he could ( ) walk. (大阪学院大) 9. 1. all 1. able 2. unable This train doesn't stop at ( a few 3. hard 4. hardly ) station. 大阪商業大推) 2. 3. little 4. every 2. few 12. " Can 10. The latest model of this mobile phone is ( 1. not seldom 3. all not 11. Before I watched the documentary, I knew ( 1. little à you come to the party tonight?" "( 1. Yes, I can ) easy to use. (獨協大) 2. not necessarily 4. ever not 3. seldom ) about life under the sea. 4. hardly (東京工科大) ). I have a lot of homework." (拓殖大) 2. Yes, I do 3. No, I'm afraid not 13. Japan has ( 1. a little 2. few 4. No, I hope not ) oil and therefore is almost entirely dependent on imports. (センター) 3. little 4. small

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

教えてくださいm(_ _)m

C) Usage be used to / get used to の使い方 be used to get used to にはいろいろな使い方があります。 状況を考え、日本文に合うように ( )内に適当な一語を入れなさい。 a) be used to~ hing 「~することに慣れている」 1. 私はイギリス人なので、左側運転には慣れているが、妻はアメリカ人なので、慣れてい I am British, so I ( But as my wife is American, she ( My brother has gotten a new ( ( ) used ( 2. 弟は大学を卒業して就職したが、毎朝今までよりずっと早く起きなくてはならない。 早起きに慣れてないので、大変だ。 before. He finds it ( ) up so early. ) university. He has to get up much ( because he isn't ( ) driving on the left. ) to it. ) not ( My sister is a nurse. She started working ( ( ), she ( ) not ( shift and ( ) since graduating Our new apartment is ( ) ( b) get (become) used to ~ing 「~することに慣れる」 3. 妹は看護婦で、昨年から夜勤を始めました。 最初、慣れてなかったので不安な感じが しましたが、 しばらくすると慣れて来て、 今では全く気になりません。 ) last year. At ) to being on the night ), she ) uneasy. But after a ( ) used to it. Now she doesn't mind it at ( ) to the ( ) than ) to ). 4. 私たちの新しいアパートは高速道路に近いが、そのうち騒音に慣れるだろうと思っている。 ) we will ) the freeway. I ( ). ★ [used to] 過去の習慣で「よくしたものだ」とか、過去の状態で「〜だった」という意味です。 また That castle was used as a prison. 「あの城は刑務所として使われていた」という場合、 use は受身として使用されています。 Chatterbox 日本では履歴書に必ず書かなければならないことも、英文では必要ない場合があります。 例えば、生年月日、配偶者、家族、性別、身長、体重、宗教などを問うことはアメリカで は違反とされています。 また、写真の添付も人種差別になるということで、法律的に禁止 されています。 しかし、イギリスやヨーロッパは日本と類似した履歴書を要求します。 First Day at Work 15

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

()のなかで当てはまるものを教えてください。 お願いします。

lounon 01. (Can/May) I ask where (do you come from/you come from)? 02. Today I (shall be working/will work) after school. 03. Do you want to go with usi i would/can) if (could/would/can) but I (couldn't/wouldn't/can't). 04. To the extent he was able, our English composition teacher taught us (construction/ to construct) a group of words with a (completed/completing) thought, a sentence. 05. If I (am/is/are/was/were) asked a question in English, I try to answer in English. 06. He (has eaten/had eaten/ate) breakfast by the time he left the house. 07. What (will/would/can/could) you choose if you (will/would/can/could) choose between Pascal's wager and cryonics? 08. If I (am/is/was/were) a rich man, 1 (could/can) build a five story house. og. If I (was/were) speeding, I slowed down. 10. If I (am/was/were) a king, my wife (would have been/would be) my queen. 11. Would you please tell me what (is your name/your you mind lending me a hand? 13. I (couldn't/can't) see well for the snow was so heavy. 14. (After having/When became/had become) the shift manager. 15. The doctor would not (have given/give) vaccinations (would of/would have/had) (he/she) is)? 12. (Would/Could) name 1) worked part time a few weeks, I (have become/ (know/knew/known) (because/that) they (have/had) never been (proved/proven) to save a single life. 1-03 1-04 (spoken/speaking).

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