


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

高一英語です。 これは僕が学校で使用する教科書で比較のところです。 この教科書のにおけるLesson22(1枚目)のBの③とDの⑧の違いとCの⑦のmuch, far, a lot の使い分け、Lesson23(2枚目)のAの③の by far と much の使い分けとCの... 続きを読む

oraっ2・ Teteme dlleeme fuHを作のがae.)となる| なのちと ゅ4 de に し jmoney 9 1 eearns 9 md s .…)の閣順に潤考。 PD TRI as ag00d Student as とはしない、| RM 2 5 orasto+ 95: 衝 Se0 すべき応上を全比較の丈 中 ice as exDenSiVe a8 that N ー mW possible: 5 Cc Tas+原統+as.…) 「…の〇倍ごだ] G+原最+as possible〉 「できるだけ…」 : はは蘭+8Scan)る同じ意味。 ReDI 19 the ISHef a9 900m a8 YO cam 3 C 比級を使う比較の文 TREETO 上 @ Tokyo Tower is taller than the Eifiel Tower am @ Imagination is more important than knowledge. 思 に @Ithink he is much smarter than me 3 9 (than ….) 「…よりもだ] (5比較表のつく方 時還、) (@還es+原板+than.…) 「…よりーでない」 (motaslso] +原級+as .…)で表現するのがー抽 This car was less expensive than my previous One。 E Tis earwas not ss expensive as my previoUS @ This iower is six meters talleW 到 9 The populaton ofKobe js about This toweris alerthan okyo To 0 上の対象の表し方:as やham 2 DP86 (he+還rof。)語

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

空きに入る単語を教えてくださいm(_ _)m

本ee 半 nces below using words from the box sssdomi iscbeun "5 dr holes into the ground near 1 iearm what is happening under the surface 1 Scientsts ーー carthquake fault area aarthquakes are so hard to predict is that they dont ー:tey 2. Onereaso aem to follow any regUlar Ds appearto occur almost at 一 ane1OthOEだおーーー DO of the Earths DGGSthSDaS euAO IO3 Big One" wil eventualy occur in southerm Caliormia atuern 0cにニーニー Research aRer the 2004 Asian tsunami found only two dead im puffaloes in alarge wildHife conservation sri Lanka. This led to renewed belief that animals are SenSiHVe to te near arrival of earthquakes. Complete the information with words from the box. Completion. One word is extra, へ A是 ー___ 一一 ーーーーーーー empo | ake 。 detect laboratory 。 precise schedule 1995 ーー 一一 jm oet Researchers collecting 1 from experiments in a add 2 . as well as those observing animals in the real de Mg word, suggest that animals are much more aware of the world around them than we human beings. For example, some scientists believe iiat dogs can be used to predict earthquakes. Mitsuaki Ota of Azabu Universiby, Japan, daims that dogs can 3. big earthquakes about three hours before they happen. Some sientsts are confident that with the help of dogs, one day more 4_ predidlionscouldbepossible.

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