


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 Yuna Kim is one of the world's best figure skaters. At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she set three world records. In fact, one of those world records broke a record she set in 2009. program and a At the Olympics, both male and female skaters perform a short seven program. In the short program, skaters have less than three minutes to perform required jumps, spins, or other moves. While doing these seven things, the skaters also have to show judges how well they can put these elements together into a kind of dance performance on the ice. The long program is similar to the short program except that skaters perform for a longer time and have more required moves. long Before the 2010 Winter Olympics began, many people thought Yuna Kim was likely to win a gold medal. Certainly, there were other women skaters who had the skill to win gold at the Olympics. However, Ms. Kim had an advantage. She had already set a number of world records. In 2007, she set the record for the highest score in a short program with 71.95 points in Japan. The same year she also set the world record for the highest score in a long program with 133.7 points in Russia. Then, in 2009 she beat her own record in the short program by scoring 76.12 in the United States. At that competition, she also became the first woman to score over 200 points with her short and long programs - her combined score was 207.71. The next year at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she broke her records again. In the short program, Ms. Kim scored 78.5, a new world record. In the long program, she scored 150.06, another world record. This gave her a combined total of 228.56 points, a third world record! Needless to say, her score was enough to win gold.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

()のなかで当てはまるものを教えてください。 お願いします。

lounon 01. (Can/May) I ask where (do you come from/you come from)? 02. Today I (shall be working/will work) after school. 03. Do you want to go with usi i would/can) if (could/would/can) but I (couldn't/wouldn't/can't). 04. To the extent he was able, our English composition teacher taught us (construction/ to construct) a group of words with a (completed/completing) thought, a sentence. 05. If I (am/is/are/was/were) asked a question in English, I try to answer in English. 06. He (has eaten/had eaten/ate) breakfast by the time he left the house. 07. What (will/would/can/could) you choose if you (will/would/can/could) choose between Pascal's wager and cryonics? 08. If I (am/is/was/were) a rich man, 1 (could/can) build a five story house. og. If I (was/were) speeding, I slowed down. 10. If I (am/was/were) a king, my wife (would have been/would be) my queen. 11. Would you please tell me what (is your name/your you mind lending me a hand? 13. I (couldn't/can't) see well for the snow was so heavy. 14. (After having/When became/had become) the shift manager. 15. The doctor would not (have given/give) vaccinations (would of/would have/had) (he/she) is)? 12. (Would/Could) name 1) worked part time a few weeks, I (have become/ (know/knew/known) (because/that) they (have/had) never been (proved/proven) to save a single life. 1-03 1-04 (spoken/speaking).

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

自分の回答があっているか不安なので、4第答えて頂きたいです。 自分の回答はこちらには見にくくなってしまうため書いていません。

Working with words 1 Complete the review of a hotel. Use the answers to complete the puzzle and find the European city where the hotel is located. HOTEL REVIEWS This first-class hotel and conference centre welcomes guests from all over the world. Its 1 facilities are second to none. There are 300 en-suite rooms and five apartment suites. For business guests, it has ten meetings rooms, two of which are big enough to be used as halls. 2 The hotel can also organize events such as guided 3 around the town centre for conference 4 and hotel guests who enjoy a bit of 5 For food-lovers, the four-star restaurant serves regional 6 every evening. All in all, this is a top-class for business and for pleasure. 7 6 1 A fa 0 il i t 1 e S 2 Replace the words in italics (1-8) with the phrases from the list. Add a pronoun if necessary. you hotel? look around meet up with show someone around 3 freshen up eat out pick someone up check in drop someone off Pedro It's difficult to park here. Can I stop and leave drop you off in front of the 1 Sabrina Sure, I'll register 2 and then I'd like to have a wash, and change my clothes 3 Pedro If you like, tonight I can give you a tour of 4 the old city. We could by eat in a restaurant 5 the port. Sabrina That sounds great! I'd rather walk about and See 6 the city than stay in my hotel room. Pedro I'll collect you 7 8 8.30 p.m. We'll see Alberto and Maite in the main square. at Business communication 1 Put the words in the correct order to make expressions. 1 meet person / it's / nice / to / you / in It's nice to meet you in person 2 have / did / finding / you/ any / trouble / us? 3 worry / signing / don't / about / in 4 through / programme / I'll / run / today's 5 this my / come / way / to / office 6 need building / you'll / this / enter / badge/ the / to 7 reception / sure / make / in / at / you / sign 2 Raymond Roberts has an appointment with Janet Rose. He has just arrived at HBG premises. Complete their conversation with the phrases from the list. let me take your bag can I get you a drink Welcome to HBG publishing I thought you could catch up again how was your journey You'll need this Make sure you 1 Raymond Good morning, I'm here to see Janet Rose. Janet Hello, I'm Janet. ¹ Welcome to HBG publishing. Raymond It's nice to meet you in person. Janet Likewise. So, 2 Raymond Well, there were traffic jams on the motorway and I got a little bit lost in the industrial park. Janet Don't worry. That happens to everyone. Anyway, 3 - I'll store it in my office. Raymond I'll hang on to it if you don't mind. It's got all my stuff in it. Janet Well, if you change your mind just tell me. And 4 Raymond Thanks. I'll have a cup of tea, please. Janet Sure, I'll just get that for you in a second. First of all, I'll run through the schedule. 5 start by meeting Karen Rankin this morning and then we'll 6 at lunchtime. Raymond OK. And will I see Malcolm Briscoe? Janet Yes, in fact he's joining us for lunch. One other thing. security pass. at all times. 7 It's your 8 wear it

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語の問題です。 この答えが分かる方いらっしゃいますか?

9. Though himself. statesman, James Polk was unusually successful in accomplishing his goals during his term. (A) not yla w op at odw oldiassi oimonoe ai ginimbno JisM al 13. In contrast to popular opinion, measures of intelligence have. teliable predictors of future success. -imaginative U ada t an inola Isoioiso ors 3) never been M. (B) without an (C) he was not (B) not any (C) no TI ni 2stsa2 (D) seldom (D) was not an ntaib gaol 3a uinillida ods daidw. at alolbabus( 14, The name "porpoise" sometimes 10. Blends of spices have been created by spice manufacturers to make the art of scasoning to some members of the dolphin family, (A) it is extended ons Jbodai(A) a quick and casy one ailavon usolnsas (B) is an extension *A (C) extended pollusH (D) is extended (B) casy and quick a one (C) a quick one and easyon Issiufo adh (D) one casy and quick ot 11. During nothe 1950。ch adol bag-baxits5. In old age, the immune system proponents of inguistic relativity believed that - to language or representational functioning. graduaily becomes less resistant to viral fangal, and s od thought- (A) infection by bacteria (A) can reduceitomootains ae 2s oibilids aii (B) bacteria's infection e (B) could be reduced (C) reduces (D) reducing e aoiseniaimbs zot sldienogesn al uo smezqu2 arb 3o soitaui 3oid ad.S 12.- (C) bacterial infection ida lanigho ms a (D) infectious bacteria A that nearly all households will haye broadband internet by the vear baale yiwn olo lo dsso 2015. (A) ExpectingLni s2osh os tiorual atgsimue asar ads gorW.ES (B) Many expecting (C) In expectation nwob" sd oa biea ymaqmoo adt atenoyitisamos (D) It is expected A h o obla gaoxworb po pexdmh ow nomwal nmissmA yhsbM as A

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文E インフォメーションリスト untrustworthy profession psychology not able to be relied on as honest or truthful ajob that needsa high level of education and training the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior often rewards society often understands and accepts lying. S0ociety deception. 0cupation |confess a job or profession to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal Something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work someone who trains a person or team in a sport a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults accomplishment coach executive criticize at times sometimes%;B on occasions an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not myth true exaggerate to make something seem better, larger, worse etc. than it really is to not include someone or something behavior in which you deceive or cheat people relating to feelings of love or a loving relationships intended to make someone believe something that is not leave out dishonesty romantic deceptive ture Conversation an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing not often; seldom disaster seldom

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