


英語 小学生

What day of Kawamoto’s diary impressed you most? Why? ここの問題の和訳と解答例を教えてほしいです。

Let's Read [2] EO 29977 Muty base ==I2+0)-ASTELAT. 1945年5月6日, 子 に投下され。 2 多くの中学生も牲になりました。 当時広島県立広島第二中学校(二中)の WAZI だっくんもその一人です。 くんの日記には、 1944年12月1日から2日前の 1945年8月4日までの日々の出来が SKRY 説明に書かれています。 Before You Read Hit 2. 20 ような生活していたと い出すか 42 自分と同 New Words commute komt 1 stoom or in tečin unfortunately jeniti] delcy(ed) worled saril ceremonyan dind Deignied) (d) lief-1 happen t • ga on Goal Neading を読み取り、 Speaking 筆者に伝え合うことができる。 From the Diary of Kawamoto Itsuyoshi 祝日 河んくんの日記。 拓が手に入りにくい時代だったので、 の伝 書かれています。 April 4 (Wednesday), Sunny Today was a happy day for me. From today, I am going to commute to Nicht. I went to Hiroshima on the 6:50 a.m. steam train. Unfortunately, it was delayed. I was worried, "What will happen to me?" When I arrived at Nicht, the ceremony was already going on. After I explained my delay, they let me in. I sighed with relief. $ 5 300 15 - April 15 (Sunday), Sunny Today is the third Sunday. I went to school and at last we started to study. We had English in the first hour, self-study in the second, history in the third, and math 2 (geometry) in the fourth hour I studied very hard. April 30 (Monday), Sunny For the first time, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. It was just before I crossed Enko Bridge. "Grr, thump, thump!" What a frightening noise it made! Then, a thick cloud of smok ruse up. I went there right away and saw a fire burning intensely. - July 6 (Friday) Today was a work day. In the morning, we dug holes bury glass. At lunch, I ate a loquat. Uehara gave it to me. I also ate sume peas and a sweet potato. During our rest time at lunch, we played hide-and-seck. It was a lot of fun. In the afternoon, we carried tree branches. ALBEN (5) 1. What made Kawamclo worried on April 4? Q. 2. When was a comb dropped on Hiroshima for the first time? 下直 New Ward studylbichl] geometryman] rose [] bridge Grup, thumpl pl hightning (staigl naise thick (0) smoka (k) and → Z rosa [ro] fira a LT) gamin mensely Extas dig →Zug [da] hole(e) hol cury Dr glass() loquat Dok Denis] [6] patata ateiion] awet po ato [et potcitou hide-and-sek hiidansi k branch(s)[fiel ............. of lact for the firar time night way for Raiding VERSI [画されている内容 2. 分 LING おおか みやすくなる。 fcipliw 43

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 小学生


っDeeQ Read !rdIIHg Englsh sa 国計店 which js used by alot of people World. tis spoken in England, in Canada, in the USA in Australia, and in New Zealand.it bwok jnotherparsofthe worid. Only Chinese ー を Spoken by more 6 耳で tomeeounties rany 画語記 sneuasesare spokenr In one country, people fave 遇m languages.1 They: speak one language in one 記 tnecouny, and in 苗証記 SG country, they speak another. When two people from Hferen6ars Cfhe county rmeet they Cannot understand They domt kno ofthe sngrages. er moy ont irow 較ore bneree How can people with erent 林較araees 5 each other 理杉3 < 芝- Im sucha はと English is wed. ご Im another out people My from some countries and sellto <づ2ァ も MMr countries, so they !呈eye iis Imartant for the for them ito ents 本65t learn two lahguages: Enmlh and theirown afiguagesy and させひら やすな2ダい>っの 法ち jnalotofschoohs ahmogt al the eomsaehenht English. 7 Engl Soendsfot oN mem total about things Seyae are. estudying. They Weremc Countries yr記語 them can read and write in わく 7Pム 292との の +語 7 Fnghshu so Englshjs very often used esa 還本ne Englsh 肖 nowthe guegegf of manyofthe gofthe world's people. there 次ge科んとんの皿7 ee dllerentway of speaking and and pomewnene Fnelshi jn diferentp 時が ンG fth Ind ofthe world. So amianscemmerm ia Brtish 胃 ー 細了2 people. English is diferent from lcete plece and chaneeoJite by lttle lf youthink about your own langu youc 天 id this. -負> 「てのをに有才2nち3 おさっ背飼う 3

解決済み 回答数: 2