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Bahasa Inggris SMA

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09.05 42 *l.l LTED 1] 2. Read the two stories carefully. Story 1 Once upon a time, there was a boy who had a pet fish named Tommy. He kept the fish in a barrel until it got pretty big. The boy had to change a good deal of water for Tommy. His laziness in changing the water gave him the idea to teach Tommy to live without water. He took Tommy out of the barrel. After only a few minutes, Tommy began to cry for water. "Stop crying!" said the boy, "I will teach you how to live without water." But how could Tommy live without water? The boy was persistent. He kept taking Tommy out of the barrel. Day by day, Tommy lived on the land for longer periods of time. After a while Tommy could wag its tail on the wet grass and he was happy to show off to the boy. Eventually, Tommy could live on the wet grass all night. "I can live on the land just fine if I am in the shade," said Tommy. The boy was very pleased with Tommy's progress. He told Tommy to live without water for the rest of his life. He promised to bring Tommy everywhere if he learned to stay under the sun. Tommy now lived without water. He could walk down the dusty road under the hot sun. He followed the boy around like a dog with its owner. When the boy looked for worms to eat, Tommy tagged along and got some for himself. The townspeople were amused looking at a fish walking on its tail. They wondered how the boy had taught Tommy. "That's a long story," answered the boy. Those who were rolling in money offered to buy Tommy, but the boy never wanted to sell Tommy. The story of how the boy lost Tommy is sad and unusual at the same time. On Tommy's birthday, the boy took Tommy to town. He had warned Tommy about the town's old bridge they would cross because there were a lot of holes in the bridge. When they walked on the bridge, the boy forgot about Tommy, who was tagging along behind him. He was looked back to warn Tommy about the holes, but it was too late. Tommy was nowhere to be seen. The boy braced himself to look through the holes. From one of the holes, he saw Tommy floating on the water. Tommy had fallen through the hole into the river and drowned. (PR/100%/GG) Otorisasi sistem untuk mengedit file ini. A 10 Edit × Otorisasi Isi & Tanda Anotasi Konversi Semua Tangan

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

unsur unsur intrinsik dalam cerita tersebut

07.17 ← 2. Read the two stories c... LTE1 4G+ .ill .ill 95% A 2. Read the two stories carefully. Story 1 Once upon a time, there was a boy who had a pet fish named Tommy. He kept the fish in a barrel until it got pretty big. The boy had to change a good deal of water for Tommy. His laziness in changing the water gave him the idea to teach Tommy to live without water. He took Tommy out of the barrel. After only a few minutes, Tommy began to cry for water. "Stop crying!" said the boy, "I will teach you how to live without water." But how could Tommy live without water? The boy was persistent. He kept taking Tommy out of the barrel. Day by day, Tommy lived on the land for longer periods of time. After a while Tommy could wag its tail on the wet grass and he was happy to show off to the boy. Eventually, Tommy could live on the wet grass all night. "I can live on the land just fine if I am in the shade," said Tommy. The boy was very pleased with Tommy's progress. He told Tommy to live without water for the rest of his life. He promised to bring Tommy everywhere if he learned to stay under the sun. Tommy now lived without water. He could walk down the dusty road under the hot sun. He followed the boy around like a dog with its owner. When the boy looked for worms to eat, Tommy tagged along and got some for himself. The townspeople were amused looking at a fish walking on its tail. They wondered how the boy had taught Tommy. "That's a long story," answered the boy. Those who were rolling in money offered to buy Tommy, but the boy never wanted to sell Tommy. The story of how the boy lost Tommy is sad and unusual at the same time. On Tommy's birthday, the boy took Tommy to town. He had warned Tommy about the town's old bridge they would cross because there were a lot of holes in the bridge. When they walked on the bridge, the boy forgot about Tommy, who was tagging along behind him. He was looked back to warn Tommy about the holes, but it was too late. Tommy was nowhere to be seen. The boy braced himself to look through the holes. From one of the holes, he saw Tommy floating on the water. Tommy had fallen through the hole into the river and drowned. (PR/100%/GG) Story 2 Unit 1 New Ways of Looking at Life O III = 5

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

hallo kakak kakak boleh bantuin aku jawab itu ceritanya tolong cariin main idea dari paragraf 1 paragraf 2 paragraf 3&4 paragraf 5 ... Baca Lebih Lanjut

Read the following text carefully! Then, The Legend of Lake Toba Long long time ago, in North Sumatra, there lived a poor farmer in a valley. He was diligent. Anything he planted grew well. He lived by farming and fishing in the river. He ate the fish or sold them in the market. 2. One afternoon, he went fishing in the river. After hours of waiting, he hadn't caught a single fish. This had never happened before. Disappointed, he pulled his rod out of the water. But just as his rod was living the water, a fish bit it. He pulled it out. How happy he was! It was a beautiful big goldfish. Suddenly, the fish spoke. "Please, put me back in the water. I still want to live." The farmer was surprised. The farmer agreed to set it free. Then, the fish suddenly turned into a beautiful lady. "I was the incarnation of the fish you caught. Thank you for your kindness. As return, I am willing to be your wife," she said. The farmer was happy and agreed to marry the lady. "However, there is a condition that you can't break. If we have a child, you must never tell anyone that I was a fish." "Yes, I promise not to break this condition," said the farmer. * Finally, they got married. Soon, they had a son named Samosir. Samosir liked eating. In a day, he could eat many times. Sometimes, he ate his parents' meals. One day, her mother asked Samosir to take a box of meals to his father who was working at the field. It was a long walk to the field. However, on the way he started to feel hungry. He decided to eat the meals. He had eaten all the meals. When he found his father, he handed him the box. Looking at the empty box, his father was really angry. "Have you eaten all the meals? Don't you know that your father is really hungry?" shouted the farmer. "I'm sorry, Father. I can't stand to see the food. So, I ate them all," answered Samosir. "Samosir! Darn you! Son of fish!" shouted his father. Samosir was shocked. "Father, what do you mean? I'm not a son of fish," said Samosir. The farmer was startled. He just realized that he broke his promise to his wife. Samosir ran all the way home to meet his mother. "Mother, am I son of fish?" His mother was shocked. She was sad and did not expect that her husband would break his promise. It started to rain. The lightning struck, the mother and Samosir disappeared. In the place where they disappeared, a spring emerged. The farmer ran towards the house. He ran inside and looked all through the house, but they had gone. He regretted what he had done. Longer, the water became a big puddle of water like a large lake. This lake is now called Lake Toba. In the middle of the lake, there is an island named Samosir. Adapted from: Nunik Utami, 63 Legenda, Cerita, Mitos, Fabel Nusantara, Jakarta, Anak Kita, 2013 Answer the questions based on the story!

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Bahasa Indonesia SMA

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10.33 < 2 % 27.0 KB/S 69 + :D Login KEWAJIBAN MENUNTUT ILM Tap to send to PC A. PENGERTIAN ILMU Ilmu adalah kunci segala kebaikan. Ilmu merupakan sarana untuk menunaikan apa yang Allah SWT wajibkan pada kita. Tak sempurna keimanan dan tak sempurna pula amal kecuali dengan ilmu. Dengan ilmu Allah SWT disembah, dengannya hak Allah SWT ditunaikan, dan dengan ilmu pula agama-Nya disebarkan. Kebutuhan pada ilmu lebih besar dibandingkan kebutuhan pada makanan dan minuman, sebab urusan agama dan dunia bergantung pada ilmu. Imam Ahmad mengatakan, "Manusia lebih memerlukan ilmu daripada makanan dan minuman. Karena makanan dan minuman hanya dibutuhkan dua atau tiga kali sehari, sedangkan ilmu diperlukan di setiap waktu." Namun, yang dimaksud dengan kata ilmu di sini adalah ilmu syar'i. Yaitu ilmu yang akan menjadikan seorang mukallaf mengetahui kewajibannya berupa masalah-masalah ibadah dan muamalah, juga ilmu tentang Allah SWT dan sifat-sifatNya, hak apa saja yang harus dia tunaikan dalam beribadah kepada-Nya, dan mensucikan-Nya dari berbagai kekurangan" (Fathul Baari, 1/92). Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, phiné 35 k jó hali il "Menuntut ilmu itu wajib atas setiap Muslim" (HR. Ibnu Majah no. 224, dari sahabat Anas bin Malik R.A.) Dalam agama Islam mencari atau menuntut ilmu hukumnya wajib, tanpa terkecuali baik kecil maupun besar, muda maupun tua, kaya maupun miskin. Wahyu pertama yang diturunkan merupakan perintah membaca (iqra) yang berarti bacalah!. Membaca merupakan jembatan pertama untuk mendapatkan ilmu, baik sedikit apalagi banyak. Sebagian besar ulama menafsirkannya kalimat iqra' sebagai tuntutan atau seruan kepada kita dalam menuntut ilmu. Belajar adalah sarana untuk menghilangkan kebodohan yang ada di dalam diri kita. Dengan belajar kita dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk. Jika kita tidak belajar, maka tidak ada bedanya dengan orang dalam gangguan jiwa. Karena diri bagaikan seseorang yang telanjang dan ilmu adalah bajunya. Semakin bagus ilmu kita maka semakin bagus pula baju kita. Annotation PDF PDF D read Play Signature All-in-one PDF Office Edit, Convert, Sign and Fill PDF in... = Go

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