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Bahasa Inggris SMA

past tense dan present perfect tense dari nomor 22 sampai 26

s. P hy I went ble at the Fersity in rom niversity? D eekend? house. don't like Ocabulary Windi Aska 137 Setiabudhi Street Bandung 17th May, 2018 Dear Yoga, Yesterday, I received your very interesting letter. I remember I 22)... you my last letter about three months ago. Since then a lot of things happened. To begin with, I. must tell you that my uncle and aunt from America visited us last week. They 23)... in New York for ten years now and they still like it there. As a teacher of English I 24). obliged to make the most of this opportunity to speak English. I 25... so much English in such a short time. It was a good chance to practice my English. Before I forget, I 26).. a ticket for a pop concert, which will be used on next Saturday. 27).. at a concert? Well, I haven't. So, I am really looking forward to it. In the letter, you 28) me three months ago you asked me if I like my new job. Well, Yoga it is the best thing that 29)... to me in my life. Please write back soon. Warm Regards, Windi Aska 22. a. b. C. 23. Wing text is for questions number 22 to 29. a. b. C. 24. a. b. C. 25. a. b. C. d. e. 26. a. b. C. send sent has sent lives lived has lived feel felt Has feel Don't' ever speak Never speak Didn't ever speak Has never spoken Hasn't ever spoken get Did get Has just get d. e. d. e. d. e. d. e. has send have sent have lived living has felt have felt Have just got Gotten The Wright Brothers 67

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

Tolong bantu jawab task 2 saja terimakasih ^^

Task 1 Rend the text carefully and then underline the past form sentences and find out their meaning. The Youth Pledge (Indonesian: Sumpah Pemuda) was a declaration made on October 28, 1928 by young Indonesian nationalists in the second Youth Congress (Indonesian: Kongres Pemuda Kedua). They proclaimed three ideals: one motherland, one nation, and one language. The first Indonesian Youth Congress was held in Batavia, capital of the then-Dutch East Indies in 1926, It produced no formal decisions but did promote the idea of a united Indonesia. In October 1928, the Second Indonesian Youth Congress was held at three different locations. In the first session, the nope was expressed that the congress would inspire the foeling of unity. The second session saw discussions about educational issues, In the third and final session, held at Jalan Kramat Raya No. 106, on October 28" participants heard the future Indonesian national anthern Indonesia Raya by Wage Rudolf Supratman. The congress closed with a reading of the Youth Pledge. In Indonesia, with the original spelling, the pledge reads are: Pertama: Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah Indonesia. Kedoea: Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia. Ketiga: Kami poetra dan poetri indonesia mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia. (Source: Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What is the passage about? 2. How many times was the Youth Pledge held? 3. When did the first Indonesian Youth Congress take place? 4. Where did the lirst Indonesian Youth Congress happen? 5. When did the second Indonesian Youth Congress take place? 6. Where did the second Indonesian Youth Congress happen? 7. What is the result of the first Youth Congress? 8. What is the result of the second Youth Congress? 9. Have you read other texts that tell about historical events? 10. What are they (texts about historical event)?

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

Tolong dibantu 🙏🙏

Make a caption based on the picture with your own ideas creatively. The total of XII Students in Mentari Jaya Activity 2 Aeria Text 2 Exhi Text 1 High School for 5 years. Out Female Total "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; Year Male No. 2017 98 107 205 1. 110 133 243 I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." 2. 2018 124 131 255 I. C 3. 2019 2020 102 98 200 4. - Albert Camus - 108 102 210 5. 2021 Text 3 An aerial view of the Pibor River flowing across the landscape between Boma and Badingilo National Parks in South Sudan on February 4th, 2020. (Source: AFP/Tony Karumba) Activity 3 National Character Answer the questions based on the captions on Task 2! 1. What kind of captions are they? 2. What does the caption of Text 1 mean? 3. What information can we get from the caption of Text 2? Communicative, creative, disciplined, hard- working, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having control over the task. Students also practice to tell about the message of some captions creatively and independently, make their own captions independently and creatively, and practice some dialogues which contain some captions with ther friends communicatively. 4. What is the purpose of the caption of the Text 3? 5. What information can we get from the caption of Text 3? Activity 4 Do the following tasks! Take a picture of an activity in your school. Present your work in front of the class. Bahasa Inggris XII

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Geografi SMA

ada yg tau gak No. 9,11,12,13,16,17,18,19 🥺

membangun pelabuhan transit untuk angkutan penumpang dan barang 9. Pemberantasan Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing menjadi prioritas untuk melindungi sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan. Keberhasilan penanganan masalah tersebut didukung oleh.... penurunan produktivitas perikanan laut b. pembatasan impor produk sektor kelautan C. a. b. melarang penggunaan kapal tradisional untuk kegiatan perikanan tangkap meningkatkan sosialisasi mengenai cara C. pengelolaan ikan untuk sektor industri melakukan pengawasan penerapan aspek keberlanjutan dalam kegiatan perikanan membangun industri pengolahan ikan sebagai bahan pangan yang jauh dari pesisir a. penurungan potensi kelautan di Indonesia d. pengawasan dan penegakan aturan secara tegas penguatan kerja sama Indonesia dengan negara lain e. 13. Kawasan pesisir Indonesia yang memiliki seperempat hutan bakau dunia sehingga berperan besar dalam mengatasi perubahan iklim dunia. Potensi tersebut berjalan optimal jika didukung oleh .... a. pelarangan pendirian bangunan yang bertujuan komersial b. peningkatan peran swasta dalam pem- bangunan pesisir pengembangan kawasan mangrove menjadi e. 10. Keselamatan dan keamanan menjadi aspek utama bagi penggunaan sarana transportasi laut. Terjadinya kecelakaan kapal seperti kapal tenggelam dan terbakar menunjukkan permasalahan keamanan pelayaran. Kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan penanganan masalah tersebut adalah.... melakukan uji kelayakan kapal secara berkala C. lokasi wisata d. pemanfaatan potensi kelautan secara besar- besaran b. membuat tempat pelelangan ikan yang memadai memberikan insentif bahan bakar kapal untuk nelayan d. mengembangkan budi daya perikanan air e. pengelolaan ekosistem pesisir secara berkelanjutan C. payau mengekspor benih biota laut dengan harga tinggi 14. Perhatikan perairan-perairan berikut! 1) Selat Lombok 2) Selat Makassar e. 3) Laut Sulawesi 4) Selat Sunda 5) Selat Karimata 11. Perhatikan beberapa manfaat berikut! 1) Mengurangi kesenjangan harga barang kebutuhan pokok antardaerah. 2) Menurunkan tingkat investasi di daerah tujuan tol laut. 3) Meningkatkan pembangunan infrastruktur di wilayah Indonesia. 4) Memfasilitasi pemasaran produk unggulan daerah. Menurut ketetapan UNCLOS 1982, ALKI II di perairan Indonesia meliputi perairan yang ditunjukkan oleh angka .. Da 1), 2), dan 3) b. 1), 3), dan 4) 1), 3), dan 5) d. 2), 3), dan 4) 3), 4), dan 5) C. 5) Meningkatkan angka migrasi ke daerah padat penduduk. e. 15. Deklarasi Juanda berdampak positif terhadap wilayah Indonesia karena.... perairan Indonesia memiliki banyak jenis Manfaat tol laut bagi pembangunan Indonesia ditunjukkan oleh angka.. 1), 2), dan 3) b. 1), 2), dan 4) c. 1), 3), dan 4) 12. Beberapa aktivitas perikanan berpotensi menyebabkan pencemaran perairan, seperti pembuangan oli bekas sembarangan, limbah industri pengolahan, dan kegiatan bongkar muat kapal. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah.... 1.... d. 2), 3), dan 5) e. 3), 4), dan 5) a. a. potensi laut b. pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia menjadi milik negara tetangga C. perairan antarpulau menjadi satu kesatuan wilayah Indonesia d. luas Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE) Indonesia mengalami pengurangan batas wilayah perairan Indonesia dengan negara lain ditiadakan e. 14 Geografi Kelas XI Semester 1

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