

(6) I did not call on him yesterday for ( の anxiety 2 trouble 3 fear ④ care )Imight disturb him. (北海学園大) (6) 3 (7) As ( の soon )as l am a student, I must study hard. (聖学院大) 2 well 3 long ④ far (8) The session is to begin ( ) eleven in the morning. (札幌大) O in 2 at ③ from ④ on (9) I hope to learn French ( O during 2 for ③ while ④ until )my stay in Paris. (早稲田大) (10) ( ) you agree or not, I will not change my mind. (四天王寺国際仏教大) の Though ② While ③ Whether ④ Either (10) (11) 彼女は彼より5つ若い。 (武蔵大) She is younger than he ( O by 2 with ③ for ④ at ) five years. ) the south of Europe. (西南学院大) 3 for の at but (13) 医者は事故の方へ走っていた。(慶鷹義塾大) (12) Italy is ( O in 2 on 大) (12) _メ 1 ) the direction of the accident. The doctor was running ( O to 2 for ③ on ④ in (13) _/ 4 イ吉田+N +\
(11) That melon is anything ( の and 2 or ③ but ④ however ) cheap. (追手門学院大) 3 2 (12) He ( )come here yesterday, but he walked away very soon. (日本大) 0 did 2 should ③ has 4④ may (12) _ 1 (13) ( ) thatl could win the award this year. (県立広島大) 0 Little I had dreamed ② Little did I dream ③ Little l dreamed 1、(14) "I haven't done my homework yet!" " ( )." (日本大) O Neither do l ② So dol ③ Either have I ④ Neither have l (14) (15) Many Japanese get nervous when ( 0 spoken 2 they are spoken ③ spoken to ④ are spoken ) in English by foreigners. (大阪学院大) (15) _/3 (13)


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