

英語 高校生

九州大学英語2019年の英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 大問4が要約と英作文、5が和文英訳です!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

〔4〕 九州大-理系前期 Read the following newspaper article and follow the instructions below. (36) 16 2019年度 英語 in Engligi taul" According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station, a 20-year-old female university student caused a traffic death. The student was riding on a power- She moved off from an assisted bicycle when the accident happened. intersection and started riding on the sidewalk. At that moment, a 77-year-old lady was walking on the sidewalk and moved toward the bicyclist. The student hit the lady. The collision caused the lady to fall and strike her head. She was transported to hospital, but died of her injuries two days later. At the time of the incident, the student was apparently holding a smartphone in her left hand and a drink in her right while steering the power- assisted bike. Moreover, she had an earphone in her left ear. Therefore, police arrested the student for breaking the new law and riding recklessly. Police are investigating whether the student noticed that the old lady was walking toward her. They suspect that she was not paying sufficient attention because she was operating her smartphone right up until the collision. Her court appearance date has not been decided yet. The Mainichi, December 16, 2017 Instructions: Write two well-developed paragraphs in English. In the first paragraph, summarize the main points of the newspaper article above in lo approximately 100 words. Use different vocabulary and sentence structure from the original passage as much as possible. In the second paragraph, write your opinion about what should be done to reduce accidents like this in approximately 50 words. hosidinlong unich lor, condadnoah

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

九州大学英語2019年の英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 大問4が要約と英作文、5が和文英訳です!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

〔4〕 九州大-理系前期 Read the following newspaper article and follow the instructions below. (36) 16 2019年度 英語 in Engligi taul" According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station, a 20-year-old female university student caused a traffic death. The student was riding on a power- She moved off from an assisted bicycle when the accident happened. intersection and started riding on the sidewalk. At that moment, a 77-year-old lady was walking on the sidewalk and moved toward the bicyclist. The student hit the lady. The collision caused the lady to fall and strike her head. She was transported to hospital, but died of her injuries two days later. At the time of the incident, the student was apparently holding a smartphone in her left hand and a drink in her right while steering the power- assisted bike. Moreover, she had an earphone in her left ear. Therefore, police arrested the student for breaking the new law and riding recklessly. Police are investigating whether the student noticed that the old lady was walking toward her. They suspect that she was not paying sufficient attention because she was operating her smartphone right up until the collision. Her court appearance date has not been decided yet. The Mainichi, December 16, 2017 Instructions: Write two well-developed paragraphs in English. In the first paragraph, summarize the main points of the newspaper article above in lo approximately 100 words. Use different vocabulary and sentence structure from the original passage as much as possible. In the second paragraph, write your opinion about what should be done to reduce accidents like this in approximately 50 words. hosidinlong unich lor, condadnoah

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

ポイントを読み取ろうと内容を確認しようの それぞれの回答があっているかの確認をお願いします 間違っている場合は回答を教えてください

① Sesame Street also has episodes about people with disabilities. (セサミストリートには障害者に関するエピソードもあります。) ② For example, a character named Siven appears in the Israeli version. (たとえば、イスラエル版にはシバンという名前のキャラクターが登場します。) ③ Sivan is a girl who wres a wheelchair. (シバンは車椅子を使う女の子です。) She sometimes has her wheelchair pushed by her friends. (彼女は時々、友達に車椅子を押してもらうことがあります。) ⑤ At other times, she offers a hand to others as much as she can. 時には、彼女はできる限り他の人に手を差し伸べます。) ⑥ Sesame Street cha llenges traditional gencer roles as well. (セサミストリートは伝統的な性別役割にも挑戦します。) ⑦ The Indian version has some episodes where male characters cook voluntarily. (インド版では男性キャラクターが自主的に料理をするエピソードがいくつかあります) ⑧ In other episodes, female characters play soccer skillfully or do math. well. (他のエピソードでは、女性キャラクターが上手いサッカーをしたり、数字を上手にやったりします。) @ Through episodes like these, children understand how to get along with people with various clisabilities, (このようなエピソードを通して、子どもたちはさまざまな障害を持つ人々とどのように付き合っていくかを理解します。) ⑩ They also have a chance to reconsider gender stereotypes in society. また、社会におけるジェンダーの固定観念を考え直す機会にもなります。)

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

ポイントを読み取ろうと内容を確認しようの それぞれの回答があっているかの確認をお願いします また、解けていないところの回答を教えてください。

○区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。sinondai lgme od aid to fish s ei eqneb adT goingiqe bood There dows aevom pitadors There are many dances / around the world. // 2 Each of them / has a and 90 FOR O unique background. // 3 Here, / let's look at three styles of dancing: / the ai mod as gaisableng da ai maitinummes [waohalvtin duo w hula, / Irish dance, / and breakdancing. // z eu u to orn ini beragaeil neftor pansy roewted siden, eveb seeds alto core 4 The first dance is the hula / in Hawaii. // It comes from the odTgoituloa taon sa eredi li sevisament booles eredmom m indigenous religion there. // In ancient Hawaii, / people showed their brewreftĄ Lidge to reaniw odt ao obiseb of gaisanbodsord een of aage respect for gods / by dancing. // They also danced to pass on important aipasbaleend.vebor 20 di esoros telugog omesed vleubars eodebe values / from generation to generation. // That was because they had no blow edi bauro y a STI Activity formal writing system / at the time. // In other words, / the hula wa adrid riedsfei prutlus up edt diw beta a C OR E CAR more than a leisure activity. // we ai gained engilegt has enabi nigdt beseerxe axed algeoqueado 10 In the hula, / dancers use their hands / to express emotions / an .noitsoinummos messages through the hula.. things in nature. // The dancers believe that they can communicat various messages / through the hula. // ... The next example is Irish dance. It is famous for the dancers' qu |

解決済み 回答数: 1