

英文 高中

想問大家 這兩段會怎麼用自己的話做英文摘要?

SCOBY [skobi]symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast [simbiottk] [jist](細菌和酵母菌共生培養;紅茶菌) 的首字母縮寫,symbiotic 表示「(動植物)共生的」,yeast 指「酵母菌)」。 FRI 5 TE Track 25 Facts about Kombucha 關於康普茶你該知道的事 -Helen Yeh Toad.cn You may have come across kombucha on restaurant menus and wondered what it was. If you had tried it, you would have noticed it tastes like fizzy vinegar. Recently, it has exploded in popularity.' But what's so special about this drink? Kombucha begins its life as a mixture of tea and sugar. The secret ingredient² that turns this sweetened tea into kombucha 10 is a pancake-shaped blob called a SCOBY, which is short for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. The SCOBY ferments* the tea by gradually converting the sugar into acids. vymy UVCI 2, Vuu years ago in China, where people drank it for its health-promoting benefits. As the story goes, a Korean doctor by the name of Kombu brought the tea from China 20 to Japan to cure an ailing emperor. From there, kombucha eventually made its way to Europe. While kombucha has been seen as a miracle cure for some diseases, there is no nedical evidence to support such claims. However, like other fermented products, combucha can aid in digestion and keep our gut healthy. And since it's lower in ugar than many sodas, it could also be a jood choice as a refreshing beverage. 翻譯請見第68頁

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英文 高中


第16至20題為題組 The trend-setting South Korean band BTS almost lost two of its seven members recently. Jin and Suga, the two oldest singers, 16 28 in December 2020 and March 2021. In South Korea, men must enter the military by their 28th birthday and serve for 20 months. Such a long 17. from BTS could have ended the singers’ careers and possibly finished the band itself. Fans weren't the only ones to be worried. The South Korean government also feared any threat to BTS, considering how much the group 18 the country worldwide. To keep BTS on the global stage, a new law was passed by South Korea's parliament allowing any male who has received the Order of Cultural Merit to 19 his military service until he is 30. All BTS members have received this medal, which now provides two years of relief to Jin and Suga, and three years to J-Hope, who would have to start his service in 2022. The new law comes at a good time, as BTS is still 20 and has big plans for this year. It's reported that the band might record a single with Ariana Grande in 2021. B 16. (A) were turned (B) turning (C) turned (D) to turn A 17. (A) absence (B) selection (C) return (D) occasion D 18. (A) handles (B) commands (C) discusses (D) promotes B 19. (A) bind (B) delay (C) lack (D) switch C20. 20. (A) going to extremes (B) falling out of favor (C) growing in popularity (D) coming into effect no

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英文 高中


二、綜合測驗 (10%) 三、文意選填 (10%) ) 50. T c 說明:第11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 說明:第21 至 30 題,每題一個 選出一個最適當者,並將 答對者,得1分;答錯、 第21至30題為題組 21 第一 言 第11至15題為題組 Ved Josie George loves to knit and share her work on social media. One particular scarf she was working on this cater followers’ attention. Having knitted a stripe each day representing the day's temperature, George was using her scarf to show the changing temperatures in her hometown. George is part of a trend that is turning knitting into 12. education. Another example of this movement is a group of 30 knitters in Philadelphia, US, who have been knitting scarves 13 143 years' worth of temperature data. People viewing this display can see how an area's climate has changed over a period of time. A scarf representing Philadelphia's climate in 1875, for example, shows gentle shades of blue, 14 the 2018 scarf shows red yarn mixed among the dark blue tones. 15 makes this hobby special is that people can touch and wear the finished products. People are more likely to remember and think about information that they can feel as well as see. In that way, these "temperature scarves" make climate change data hard to ignore. 11. (A) caught (B) to catch (C) catching (D) catch D 12. (A) religious (B) medical (C) academic (D) environmental 013. (A) based on (B) thanks to (C) rather than (D) up to 14. (A) unless (B) because (C) while (D) whether A15. (A) It (B) What (C) That (D) Which Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral famous Red Square. Although the c known about its What is known is that this gran six years to build and was complete the tallest and most impressive that wanted to show its might at the Two architects are 23 cre the cathedral's history becomes clou some historians believe that "Barma architect. Some say that the Tsar att wouldn't be able to design a castle simply be an old 26 as Postni The onion-like domes of the centuries. It's not known why the cm Basil's domes represents a significa These 29 in knowledge a Basic facts sometimes cannot be co fires and wars that the country expe violent history is itself an amazing 1.1 2.1 n (B) gaps 第16至20題為題組 (A) structure (F) nickname (G) ruined 提 四、簡章結構(8%) Citizens and governments in South Korea and China have long exchanged sharp words. The latest cultural 16 is about the correct way to make kimchi. It started after officials in Sichuan, China, were successful in getting the International Standards Organization (ISO) to recognize one official method showing how pao cai is made. The trouble is that the Chinese name "pao cai" is applied to two dishes. One is a traditional Chinese dish that includes a variety of pickled and fermented vegetables. 17. pao cai is Korean kimchi, which is also pickled and fermented, but is made with one vegetable (cabbage) and a particular spicy sauce. Although the ISO stated that the standard doesn't apply to the Korean dish, 說明:第31至34 題,每題一個 者,填入空格中,使篇章东 區」。各題答绪,得2分 第31至34題為題組

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英文 高中


二、綜合測驗 (10%) 三、文意選填 說明:第11 至20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 說明:第2 選出 答對 50. 第11至15題為題組 第21至30題卷 Ved to knit and share her work on social media. One particular scarf she was working on trouver comes followers atention. Having kiniteci al stripë each day representing the day's temperature, George was using her scarf to show the changing temperatures in her hometown. George is part of a trend that is turning knitting into 12 _ education. Another example of this movement is a group of 30 knitters in Philadelphia, US, who have been knitting scarves 13. 143 years' worth of temperature data. People viewing this display can see how an area's climate has changed over a period of time. A scarf representing Philadelphia's climate in 1875, for example, shows gentle shades of blue, 14 the 2018 scarf shows red yarn mixed among the dark blue tones. 15 makes this hobby special is that people can touch and wear the finished products. People are more likely to remember and think about information that they can feel as well as see. In that way, these "temperature scarves” make climate-change data hard to ignore. 111. (A) caught Au. (B) to catch (C) catching (D) catch D 12. (A) religious (B) medical (C) academic (D) environmental B13. (A) based on (B) thanks to (C) rather than (D) up to 14. (A) unless (B) because (C) while (D) whether A 15. (A) It (B) What (C) That (D) Which Moscow famous Reds known about What is six years to be the tallest an that wanted Two arc the cathedral some histori architect. So wouldn't be simply be a The or centuries. I Basil's don These Basic facts fires and w violent his 第16至20題為題組 (A) structu (F) nickna 四、篇章 Citizens and governments in South Korea and China have long exchanged sharp words. The latest cultural 16 is about the correct way to make kimchi. It started after officials in Sichuan, China, were successful in getting the International Standards Organization (ISO) to recognize one official method showing how pao cai is made. The trouble is that the Chinese name "pao cai” is applied to two dishes. One is a traditional Chinese dish that includes a variety of pickled and fermented vegetables. 17 pao cai is Korean kimchi, which is also pickled and fermented, but is made with one vegetable (cabbage) and a 說明:

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