

公民與社會 高中


每題2分。 \32. 有別於我國立委選舉採用的並立制,德國聯邦議院使用「聯立制」分配席次,總席次為 598席,單一選區和比例代表制各產生299名。但2021年9月底的國會大選產生137席超 額席次,使得總席次增加為735 席,在國會獲得絕對多數至少要368席。德國國會選舉結 正 果如表二,請依表判斷下列選項何者正確? 598 6. 299x 100 表二 選區 政黨 政黨 得票率 得票率 總席次| 席次 席次 (%) 各黨選前總席次 179 (總席次709席) (%) 社會民主黨 26.4 121 25.7 85 206 (SPD) 153 基督教民主聯盟 22.5 98 18.9 53 151 200 (CDU) 聯盟 90/綠黨 14.0 16 14.8 102 118 (GRUNE) 67 67 自由民主黨 8.7 0 11.5 (FDP) 92 92 92 92 80 德國另類選擇 10.1 16 10.3 67 83 92 (AfD) |巴伐利亞基督教社會聯盟| 6.0 45 5.2 0 45 46 (CSU) 45 左翼黨 5.0 3 4.9 36 39 69元 (DIE LINKE) 南什勒斯維希選民協會 0.1 0 0.1 1 1 0 (SSW) 其他政黨及獨立人士 7.2 0 8.6 0 0 2 (A)若德國的選舉結果發生在我國,必須由社會民主黨的黨魁擔任行政院長 註:全國得票率5%以上或贏得3個單一選區席次的政黨才能參與席次分配 直接由總統任命 (B)因為和前三大政黨席次相差甚遠,自由民主黨勢必無法取得組閣的機會 (C)單一選區的選舉結果可看出得票率與席次不成比例的現象,與我國相同 (D)若以我國選制來計算,巴伐利亞基督教社會聯盟的總席次將超過45席598x5.2%)(政 (E)在改選前國會也是沒有任何政黨的席次過半,德國政黨體制偏向多黨制

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英文 國中

大概有七題的英文文法問題 (有打勾勾的地方✔️(我把他整理成一張圖片了 感謝善心人士解答💗💗

B (用於否定句 (B)where (A)what MEGK MSX FILTE yourself. (C)whether (D)how you see is not necessarily true. You should find the answer opol (A)That (B)What (C)Which (D)How (A)who (B)whom (C)which (D)when The five-star hotel (A)for (B)in F (C)with ☆! can't understand this article. It is written (D) English. Can you help me? you (A)by (B) of (C)on (D)in [OAG Mr. Wang grows a lot of fruit (A)which eats (B)it smells we stayed last night is really beautiful and (D)from sweet and juicy. (C)it is (D)that tastes 3. Mr. Chen is a busy businessman. He likes to spend his free time hungry to death! 260206 (A)with (B)without (C)from EXE MSG (D) off 2pG T8 Brian is a famous musician. He became successful² dnie Bood again and again. USE (B)with practicing Je Tue 50 su WARUSM 16 129 Cute cou (A)by (C)along (D)for 8. The boy is really a genius. He entered a great college and became a A (A)beside (B)around The airplane was flying (A)through A 14. (B)across GLEN (C)under Taipei and Hong Kong. (C)between (D)among (D)between 為所環繞 (Alfor (D)ofue 14. This movie is pats only. It is full of volence and blood. Bito (C)from Macy is my new friend I knew on the Internet. She is a Canadian, and we often send e-mails to each other. Macy's birthday is 16 June 20, and she is fifteen this year. She plays basketball very well. Actually, she is quite good _17_ sports. She is going to play a ball game for her class next week, and she 18 it. 16. (A)in Mour to 2(B)at 1 (A)on (B)at pong (C)on (C)inabi (C)worried with MOER EAGLA (D)satisfied with (D)x (D) of )18. (A)is excited about ex2999 (B)is interesting in C Dear Vivian:LICE back so late. Paul's 19 his place. - How have you been recently? Sorry for writing you birthday is coming soon. He is going to have a birthday party He'll prepare for some cookies, cakes, and drinks. I'll give him a card and a present. that day? Please let me know. about pe ce quis Will you come 20 (B)0 (clop (D)W Love, Ann 19. (A)at g 218 (B)below (C)over (D)into RPC Aom (A)by (B)with (C)on (D)in

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