

英文 高中

想請問一下第1.2.4.5題怎麼寫 (高中英文文法)

(C) with which (C) resulted vluga (C) gọn srik noswisd qid (D) to go iT 1 ( Ditoldis (8) Jantigito A C) 1. The restaurant sends out questionnaires on a monthly basis with a view their guests' opinions on their service. BISYRAIRT DOA (C) to collecting Trone world a (Don collecting (A) to collect (B) that collects ) 2. The professor if gap it an honor to be invited to give a speech in such an important international conference. Jay gnols 153 or sidsau (D) considers (A) views (B) regards (h) 3. So far we haven't decided our next step. It all depends on ''B' tonight's meeting. (A) how 3. (A) that A) 4.(A) resulting ) 5. (A) going p III. Grammar 25% DB ) 4. Sam is said to be a made the decision. bat (A) strong-willed AD' (B) where (B) result (B) went CA (C) sees ib (a) (B) what q 2209 (D) III It (D) which result 30V J the mayor will say in dan me (C) which (a) (D) when (A) young man who won't change his mind easily once he has assiq edi mont selon suit yd (C) will-strong (B) strength-willing 5. Mrs. Cage really worries about her son. He never pays any attention to the teacher in the ried class, Mo have any desire to learn. at agsdaq bas asignyl0 boob jom aff (A) he doesn't (B) and so he (C) nor does heilid (D) he neithered of loi s vtched stor hoq IV. Translation 25% 1. Tim 非但沒有放棄,他成功抵達受戰亂摧殘的村落並幫助原住民登上救援船。(Instead...) 1003 village War-Torn (D) willing-strongly

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英文 國中


(A) erect 16 (B) mock (C) infect UR auryloggiH sviver of mir beglad allon 第8關 (D) patrol 閱讀擂臺 autvloggiH ovse of auo mort noiseimmoq bonisido oH (O) Dr. Stuart Campbell of a private health center in London has published some vloggi no noiletsgo na bentia vituone H (C) ultrasound images of unborn babies between 26 and 34 weeks. The smiles of the babies in the pictures greatly shocked the public and were widely circulated on the internet. 建議作答時間 5 分鐘 anogrod mont boold to althod Hsina sil 實際完成時間 分鐘 For the past two years, the doctor has used the medical facility in the center and has offered state-of-the-art 3-D / 4-D scanning services to expectant parents. He performs an average of 30 scans a week. His outspoken enthusiasm for this blessed technology is refreshing. "Parents love them," he said. "I hear so many couples laughing when they see the pictures-it's wonderful." How have pro-abortion activists reacted after seeing the happy, grinning photos of these unborn babies? aydoal to dirido odT (A)- Anne Carp, a commentator for the Guardian who bills herself as a "medical sociologist," says the photos are simply misleading. She further mocks the anti-abortion lobby for being "excited with evidence of a fetus' humanity." Australian Birth Control bait gaite sesd you boll

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英文 高中


On a day at the beach with his friends in 1995, David Wagner was involved in an bads) magan accident that changed his life forever. David and his friends were throwing a Frisbee. The 張盛 the danger. Frisbee was thrown 3. he was lifted up into the air by a huge wave. head.2).balse tid t 1. the ocean. David attempted to chase it 2. 试图(²) 追赶M David lost the use of his legs and only had partial use of his hands. He was 5. to 某东西的 部分的100p) 全 spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. However, his doctors believed that playing table 其余的 tennis would give him a good chance 6. full use of both hands. It quickly became clear that he was very talented at the sport, and he was keen to show the world_ __7. __. 热衷子 (90%) 7 As he recovered, he gradually, moved from the ping-pong table to a regular tennis court. 恢復() ² #2 (adv) FORT BEATRICAL 常规的Coop) 球场, a chy Hungry 8. success, he began playing competitive wheelchair tennis in 1999. 法庭 4. seconds, he landed on his of guillid vigned that yod at dguostila. A doui te (10 Ever since, David has slowly 9. ___ _his way to the top of his sport. He has no now won ed finu musvi six medals at the Paralympics (the Olympics for athletes with disabilities). In addition, he 此外 (adv) 10. as a motivational speaker for other athletes and people with disabilities. His story 运动员) of battling against the odds enables him to inspire others. of porib sT (C) 1. (A) down vonta basthalfteam (C) toward Yr (n) (D) around bed (D) according to (8. (A) in it (B) on (B) in spite of (87) 2. (A) thanks to (A) 3. (A) Suddenly ton (A) (A) Overy cold (B) About 5. (A) buried) (B) forced (C) destroyed ) 6. (A) recovered (A) 7.(A) what he could do (V) (B) recovering (C) what could he do ) 9. (A) had J) ) 10. (A) worked (B) Fortunately 2 (C) Obviously guon (D) Actually I (C) Between (C) won our Srlions out (D) Within ON) destroyed (D) prevented F (....gni- (B) from (B) made (C) rather than (B) had worked (C) recovers (D) to recover (B) how could he dood umbrella. (D) how he could do (C) for (D) through (C) got (D) stood (C) was working (D) has worked

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