

國文 國中

困難的文言文,希望有人可以幫忙解題ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ 謝謝!

並非講究配色美麗,要用對方法,才能常備3~4天。 2. 食材必須放到比罐身還高,再下壓蓋子,以去除空氣,保持鮮度。 根據這個食譜內容,下列說明何者正確? (A)依此作法,從側邊可以看見紅白交錯的美麗配色 (B)作法簡易,只須事先將白蘑菇燙熟即可迅速完成 (C)罐子內要預留攪拌空間,以便食材可以均勻混合 (D)完成後應先搖晃罐身去除空氣,再放入冰箱冷藏 21. 梁實秋:「謇諤」之臣,骨鯁在喉,一吐為快,其實他是根本負有諍諫之責,並不是 圖一時之快。雞鳴犬吠,各有所司,若有言官而鉗口結舌,寧不有愧於雞犬?至於 一般的仁人君子,沒有不憤世憂時的,其中大部分憫默無言,但間或也有「寧鳴而 死,不默而生』的人,這樣的人可使當世的人為之感喟。他不能全名養壽,他只能 在將來歷史上享受他應得的清譽罷了。在有『不發言的自由』的時候而甘願放棄這 一項自由,這也是個人的自由。」根據這段文字,下列何者最符合作者的看法? (A)臣子進諫須權衡輕重,若多次勸阻無效,則應離開君主 (B)保持沉默的仁人君子可能不得善終,卻能因此名留青史 (C)發言與否屬個人自由,但言官無法對國家問題保持沉默 (D)君主應廣開言路,聆聽謇諤之臣與仁人君子的直言規勸 22. 「凡誅者所以明武,也當殺而雖貴重必殺之,是刑上究也;當賞而雖牛童馬圍者必 賞之,是賞下流也。夫能刑上究賞下流,此將之武也,故人主重將。」這段文字的 含義,與下列何者最接近? (A)將帥大刀闊斧改革軍中陋習,可凝聚與穩定軍心 (B)將帥公正分明的執行賞罰,有助於維護軍隊紀律 (C)拔擢人才的標準須視其表現而定,而非出身高低 1.謇諤:直言,不留情面 意 的直說。謇,音 4-3 V D 1.武:紀律 2.圍:音ㄩV,養馬的人

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國文 高中


現代又 从成炭樣吉祥菜 唐魯孫 比較論場面的筵席,頭菜總要用魚翅才有光彩。可是上品魚翅,貨高價昂,所以知好小 酌,率多改用魚肚,一則表示自己人不見外,二則袁才子在《隨園食譜》裡常說雞鴨魚蝦實用 之材,鮑參肚翅虛名之士,肚翅同仗釀汁腴煨燉,如果出自烹調高手,同樣澄清百品,列為珍 味,不過有些人祇知魚肚好吃,可是魚的那部位還不甚了了。其實說穿了,魚肚就是魚鰾。魚 的種類多,魚肚的品質自然龐雜,其中以鰲魚的魚肚品質最高;而潮汕海豐一帶的產品更稱上 選。聽精於醫道的前輩們說,魚肚功能益氣補中,早年廣東富貴人生產坐蓐,講究送燕窩、銀 耳、魚肚、大烏給產婦進補。繁魚又別稱鰲魚,送人滿月禮用鰲魚肚,又含有貴子連生、鰲頭 獨占意思在內,這種善頌善禱的意味,您瞧有多麼深遠。魚肚當然是先用上湯煨足,然後蒜頭 瑤柱燜妥,厚而不膩,質爛味醇,這是一道火候菜,在名家調教之下,當然異常出色。 (節自《酸甜苦辣鹹》,大地) 6.閱讀上文,下列敘述最適當的是: (A)知心好友小酌時,多用魚肚取代魚翅是取其肉豐實在,並可藉此象徵友情的穩固 吉林認為鮑參肚翅乃虛名之士,是因其口感濃腴,反不如雞鴨魚蝦來得平實有味 最高

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英文 國中


| Jum旧現在NP-What day同星期四的個人物的用法 199 A 30-31 0 B 20-24 年 英語科「第3次復習考 A 29 m B 12-19 DI YA DA" 32 自2| 1 22 IB" 25-28 1 WIE 100 DC 11 以下 姓名: ( B) 15. They have a basketball game Chocolate Cake Checolate Flour milk ( (B)18. B)19. ( (B) on Sunday mornings (C) in Sundays (D) in Sunday afternoons D)16. Jack: Do I have to brush my teeth after having dinner? Mom: Yes, you (A) have (B) has C) do D does B ) 17. Claire is very busy. She goes home very late, and she always (A) takes care of (B) eats out (C) looks at (D tells the truth ) 18. Susan and Andy their grandparents in the country twice a month. (A) is visiting (B) visits (C) visit D visiting 19. We don't have to go to school on (A) Mondays (B) weekends (C) weeks (D hours her only daughter because she always helps the poor people. (A) is thankful for (B) is ready for (C) is famous for D is proud of ()。 ( )20. Mrs. Brown (D got 二、題組:第21~32 題,共12 題(第 29~32 題每題4分, 其餘每題3分,共40分) (21~23) | 1~4冊 「炮 第二册 第1~2 一、單題:第1~20 題,共20 題(每題3分,共60 分) (D) 1. Look at Meg's chocolate cake recipe. What doesn't she need? 口 recipe 食譜 (A) Chocolate. (B) Flour. (C Milk (D Water B ) 2. Kids like fried chicken and hamburgers. They are fast (A) meat (B) food (C) letter ID cake (C)3. ) 3. There is no pencil box your school bag. (A) at (B) of (C) in (D about ) 4. Frank exercise every weekend. (A) doing (B) did (C) does ( do (B.) 5. Mom is cooking dinner when Dad home. (A) is getting (B) go (C) gets ( D) 6. Ken can swim very well, but his brother Ken likes ice cream very much, but his brother They are very different. (A) can't; can (B) can't; don't (C) don't; doesn't D can't; doesn't (A) 7. Amy: Do you study English every day? Bob: No, I (A) don't (B) doesn't (C) do (D does (D) 8. Mike, it's cold and today. Please bring an umbrella and a jacket with you when you go to school. (A) lucky (B) noisy (C) boring (D rainy ( ) 9. Many people go to the gym to to keep in shape after work. (A) check out (B) work out (C) take out (D) throw up 10. Henry: is your favorite subject, math or English? Jack: English (A) Who (B) Which (C) When (D) Why (A) 11. Mary songs every morning. Listen! She is singing (A) sings (B) is sing (C) is singing (D can sing in winter (A) snow (B) snowy (C) snowing ID snows (C) 13. Mom: Jenny, clean the bathroom and do the dishes. Jenny: Oh, no. (A) Tell me more! (B) Here it is! (C) Give me a break! (D) You bet! in the word "person." (A) words (B) letters Chours (D trips Bill: Hi, Doris. How are you doing? Doris: I'm doing well. Why 21. you look so happy? Bill: Well, you know what? I'm going to move to a small town and work on my uncle's farm. Doris: Really? It sounds interesting. 22. Bill: Yes, I am. I'm looking forward to my new job. I also like it 23. in the small town. Without those rainy days in big cities, I just can rake the leaves and help my uncle out a lot. Doris: That's great. I hope you'll enjoy your new life. rake (B (A)21. (A) does (B) do (C) doing (D are ( D ) 22. (A) You are so famous. (B) You are very good at cooking. (C) You are popular with students. (D) You must be very excited about that. ) 23. (A) cold and rainy (B) warm and sunny (C) fun and busy (D dry and windy (24~25) (3) 12. The weather is sometimes (少 (A) 14. There are six At 1:30 p.m. on April 6, an 11-year-old boy went with his mother to buy lunch on their bikes. On the way to the restaurant, a man hit the boy's mother in the back with a brick. She fell from the bicycle, and the man grabbed at her gold necklace with one hand and held a knife in the other hand. The boy began screaming and yelling for help. But the passersby did not see the knife or the brick, and thought this was a family dispute and passed by. The boy 「背面尚有試題

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