

社會 國中


兴明 圖目 1 8 (A辛亥革命 (A)民主進步黨 (B二次革命 (B)中國國民黨 (C)創辦黃埔軍校 (C臺灣民眾當 (D) 推動十年建設 (D)中國共產黨 16 維民在民國21年的一份請願書中看到:「皇上年紀很小就登基,適值革命 因為不忍兵過才決定退位;今日幸有大日本帝國仗義興師,驅逐張氏;所以,2 近日有位歷史 趕快遷都西南 議制定年號,『建立新邦』,日本率先承認。」請問:文中日本率先承認 文自 正完全控制中 邦」是指下列哪一政權? 心,借剿共以 (A)中華民國 (B)滿洲國 (A)聯俄容共 (C) 中華帝國 (D)中華人民共和國。 (C)攘外必先安 17. 馮玉祥《我所認識的中正》一書提及蔣中正曾說:「槍不如人,炮 不如人、 8 「1927年4月 機器不如人,工廠不如人,拿什麼找日本打仗呢?若抵抗日本,頂多三天 內訂為理由 了。」在此背景下,當時蔣介石採用下列哪一策略? 工會等組織 A以夷制夷 述哪一史事 (B)攘外必先安內 (A)西安事變 (C)聯共抗日 (B)九一八事 中國人不打中國人。 (C)清黨與國 18 馬君武有一首詩曾說:「趙四風流朱五狂,翩翩蝴蝶最當行,溫柔鄉是英雄 (D)一二八事 管東師入瀋陽。」以此來諷刺張學良。請問:詩中「東師入瀋陽」是指日本) 24 冀東防共自 一事件? 立於華北王 (A)二十一條要求 (B)九一八事變 冀東防共自 (C) 一二八事變 (D)西安事變。 (A)日本 (C)俄國 9 0 0

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中


39-42題為題組 Studies have found that human body's intolerance to cold varies significantly over a lifetime. Senior citizens, especially men aged 60 and above, are reported to be relatively less able to maintain their body temperature at a given cold exposure than young people do. The cold-triggered rise in metabolism is weakened in older people. Apart from that, older adults are slower to react to the cold and, thus, generate less body heat in defense. Normally, our skin reacts to cold by contracting surface blood vessels in protection, which is also slower with age. It is noted in The International Journal of Sports Medicine that older people have reduced skin sensitivity and a subjective perception as to how cold it is. Some can develop hypothermia even after exposure to mild cold weather or a small drop in temperature. Thereby they are more vulnerable to death from hypothermia. At any age, cold sensitivity is related to one's health condition in general. For example, the body's response to cold can be diminished under the influence of factors such as thyroid malfunction, diabetes and an abnormally low body mass index, as well as some medicines, including over-the-counter cold remedies. The best way to identify someone car with hypothermia is to look for confusion or sluggishness, weak pulse, slurred speech, shivering or stiffness in the arms and legs. If you suspect that someone is suffering from the hypothermia and you have a thermometer available, take his or her temperature. If it's lower than 95 degrees Fahrenheit, call 911 for emergency medical treatment.

已解決 回答數: 1