


商業與管理 大學


ze the effect of transactions on liabilities, and equity. Instructions List the numbers of the above transactions and describe the effect Ul ties, and equity. For example, the first answer is: (1) Increase in assets and increa E1.7 (LO 4) Collins Computer Timeshare entered into the following transactions during May 2025. Cu XH 1. Purchased computers for R$20,000 from Digital Equipment on account. 2. Paid R$4,000 cash for May rent on storage space. 3. Received R$17,000 cash from customers for contracts billed in April.. 4. Performed computer services for Viking Construction for R$4,000 cash. 5. Paid Tri-State Power R$11,000 cash for energy usage in May. 6. Shareholders invested an additional R$29,000 in the business in exchange for ordinary shares. B 7. Paid Digital Equipment for the computers purchased in (1) above. Fran 8. Incurred advertising expense for May of R$1,200 on account. polque 100 avly of brothe ow na')) Instructions Indicate with the appropriate letter whether each of the transactions above results in: a. An increase in assets and a decrease in assets. b. An increase in assets and an increase in equity. c. An increase in assets and an increase in liabilities. d. A decrease in assets and a decrease in truequity. e. A decrease in assets and a decrease in liabilities. f. An increase in liabilities and a decrease in equity. g. An increase in equity and a decrease in liabilities.

已解決 回答數: 1
商業與管理 大學

綠色螢光筆的不是很了解 1. 為什麼會有5呢? 2. 為何要加52000

dand 2. (LO 3, 4) On January 1, 2020, Hayslett AG had the following equity accounts. Share Capital-Ordinary (€10 par value, 260,000 shares issued and outstanding) Share Premium-Ordinary Retained Earnings During the year, the following transactions occurred. April 1 May 1 June 1 Aug. 1 31 Dec. 1 Declared a €1.50 cash dividend per share to shareholders of record on April 15, payable May 1. Paid the dividend declared in April. Announced a 2-for-1 share split. Prior to the split, the market price per share was €24. Declared a 10% share dividend to shareholders of record on August 15, distributable August 31. On August 1, the market price of the shares was €10 per share. Issued the shares for the share dividend. Declared a €1.50 per share dividend to shareholders of record on December 15, payable January 5, 2021. Determined that net income for the year was €600,000. 31 Instructions Solution 2. a. Apr. 1 May 1 June 1 Aug. 1 31 Dec. 1 31 1 Cash Dividends (260,000 × €1.50) Dividends Payable Dividends Payable Cash No journal entry needed for share split Share Dividends (52,000* × €10) Ordinary Share Dividends Distributable (52,000 × €5) Share Premium-Ordinary (52,000 × €5) *520,000 x.10 Ordinary Share Dividends Distributable Share Capital-Ordinary Cash Dividends (572,000** × €1.50) Dividends Payable **(260,000 × 2) + 52,000 Income Summary €2,600,000 1,500,000 3,200,000 Retained Earnings Retained Earnings Share Dividends Cash Dividends (€390,000+ €858,000) 390,000 390,000 520,000 | 260,000 858,000 600,000 1,768,000 390,000 390,000 260,000 260,000 Prepare dividend ent section. 260,000 858,000 600,000 520,000 1.248,000 14. Luz (a) r equ 15. pre 16- 17 for 18

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商業與管理 大學

(行銷學) 不好意思,請問第一題該怎麼回答?QAQ 有點不知道回答的方向

網路媒體環境影響下,行銷溝通內容成為行銷核心產品 2021年 1月 25 日大陸網紅李子柒在 Youtube 上的頻道 1,410 萬的訂閱量,成為 金氏世界紀錄「最多訂閱量的 YouTube 中文頻道」。充滿古風的田園生活影片除了創造 YouTube 頻道高訂閱量,也吸引了超過4千萬的抖音粉絲、超過2千7百萬的微博粉絲, 至少 750 萬名的 bilibili 平台粉絲。 李子柒自承最初拍影片的動機是為了提高她的淘寶店生意,但最終爆紅的卻是她本 人,成為超越網紅的一項品牌。在天貓平台成立的李子柒品牌商店裡,販賣的商品不是 代言或業配商品,而是道地源自於她影片中創作的產品,在2020年中國疫情最嚴重的 期間,創下單月1億元人民幣的營收。 李子柒的爆紅成為許多商業與傳播科系研究的個案,無論是探討網紅經濟、內容行 銷、KOL(key opinion leader,關鍵意見領袖)影響力,或網路行銷策略,都顯示這是因 網路普及、社群媒體影響力劇增而形成的現象,傳統用來推廣產品的行銷傳播內容一躍 成為消費者追逐的行銷內容,影片製作者變身成為具有影響力的網紅或是KOL。 在此影響下,短影音主角對消費決策產生影響力,廣告主開始將廣告預算投放在行 動通訊端,社群媒體成為首選,其上的網紅發展個人品牌,對其粉絲產生影響力,成為 分析家口中的 KOL,再自此經營個人品牌,發展商業版圖。這情況不只在中國,台灣也 屢見不鮮。科技環境的變化,影響了消費者媒體收視的方式與習慣,進而影響消費行為, 廠商也因此隨之改變其行銷活動。 問題討論 1.請問影響李子柒發展個人品牌的總體環境因素為何?

尚未解決 回答數: 1