


英文 高中

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7万 his 聞 # 南安 班 RE V. 篇章結構:8% IV_V IPS (First, avoid screens such as the ones on your smartphone, tablet, and TV for at least two hours before you go to bed. (B) Spicy food can be hard to digest* and can upset your stomach. (C) Both a lack of sleep and going to bed late can have serious consequences*. (B) One factor is the use of electronic devices* shortly before bedtime. Who can fall asleep right after they go to bed? If you can, you are a member of quite a lucky group. According to a medical survey in 2015, one in every five people in Taiwan has trouble sleeping. 31. Low energy or a lack of focus that may result can lead to low performance and even accidents. Therefore, it is important to take a look at the causes of poor sleep and try to fix them. Various factors can keep us awake at night. 32. Our body has a built-in clock that controls our sleep schedule. The blue light from electronic screens pushes that clock back, making it hard for our body to relax. In fact, blue light shifts our natural clock twice as much as any other type of light. As a result, you do not feel sleepy until much later or at all. Another factor in staying up late into the night is the food you have eaten before you go to bed. 33. Such discomfort can make the body restless during the night. Additionally, specific spicy foods, such as chilies, raise your body temperature and make sleeping difficult. To improve the quality of your sleep, try following these tips. 34. Next, even if you have gone to sleep late, try to wake up at your usual time to reset your body clock. Similarly, make sure you do not eat anything spicy close to bedtime. If you follow these steps, your body should have enough time to recover before bedtime. Sleep is a very important part of a healthy life. If you can remember the causes of poor sleep and 011 maintain good habits, good sleep will not be far away. 註: digest 消化 consequence 後果 electronic device 電子設備 31. 32. . 33. 34. one A VI. 混合題:12% The safety of airplane passengers depends on a professional flight crew. However, most people don't know that airline pilots are required to obey an unusual rule. That is, pilots and co-pilots are not allowed to eat the same meal when they are on duty. This rule may seem ridiculous* for some people. In fact, there is a good reason behind it. If one pilot affected after eating contaminated* food, the other pilot will still be able to work and take over the duties

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國文 高中

41的A 為什麼是法家阿? 鳴琴垂拱不是無為而治嗎?

16:56 他次。 信人人 全 生 3220 目標: 解析: 和8 目標 解析: 4LCD) 目標: 解析: 所(B 目標: 解析: 北模學測108上.. 圖 回 具備重要國學及文化常識 題幹出自《中庸》。語譯:君子在沒有人看到的地方,更是小心謹慎,在沒有人 怕。最隱暗的地方,也是最容易被發現的處所,最微細的事物,也是最容易顯 處的時候,更要特別謹慎。(A)出自《詩經.大雅.抑》。譯注:看你獨自處室 「室內光線暗,沒人能把我看清」。 (相:守看。屋漏:屋頂漏則見天光,暗! @云 :語助詞。G@觀:音《xx,遇見,此指看見。比喻處世光明正大,即使在 無愧於神明。 )(B說明用售之道,非獨處之道。出自《論語.述而》。語譯:也 我時,就展露才華行道濟世,不受重用時,就隱居藏道於身。只有我和你能夠詳 之德,非獨處之道。出自《孟子.萬章》下。語譯:伯夷,眼睛不看邪惡的顏名 不是他理想中的君王就不侍奉,不是他理想中的百姓就不治理。0D)形容內心光虹 自南齊劉書《新諭.慎獨》。語譯:所以人若能恆常存善,就內外無愛,獨自悶 自睡眠無愧於自己的被子。(E)此句乃稱讚伊尹為聖之任者,非其獨處之道。出自 認為天下的百姓中,只要有一個普通的人沒有蒙受到廚、舜的恩澤,就好像是人 :作品的閱讀與理解 w山表客切肉共食,又將餘肉亂切餵驢,可看出其行事豪划率性。!C)柳宗元 不安。0威受轉人悟境,進入達觀自適的解脫境界。(寫滌人遊山玩水的快樂 , 具備重要國學及文化常識 W)文中未提及「彼此監督」的概念,且此概念為法家思想,非道家思想觀點。出了 男「獎善罰惡、執法公正」是法家思想無誤,但「貴公去私」的思想較接近墨家和3 出自諸葛亮〈出師表》。(C)「由親而懼」、「民胞物與」皆是儒家思想。出自英 頂族躍的利他思想」是墨家的觀點。出自黃宗義〈原君}。只文中並無農家「扎 淵明〈桃花源記》。題幹語譯:甲、魏徵:文武百官爭相奔走效力,君臣之間相 玩的樂趣,可以頤養像赤松子、王子喬兩位神仙的高壽。國君只要您閒地彈琴、 多說,便能教化老百姓。何必勞累自己的精神、深思費神,事事過問代替百官# 損害了清淨無為的) 道呢? 乙、諸葛亮:皇宮中和丞相府裡的大由,本都是8 官員加以升遷獎賞,對人怠尼的官員加以降職責罰,不應該有不同的標準。如果有 和忠心做善事的人, 給主管的官員去考核他們的功過,加以賞讓,來顯寺 不應該有所偏視和私心,使宮內和丞相府中執法的標準不一致。丙、鄭用錫:人 人而能親愛自己疏遠的人。同住在一府,就好像同處一室的兄弟,是非常親近的 此武力相向,又怎麼能由親近達於疏遠,而去親近鄰府的漳州人、親近鄰省的記 不以個人的利益為利益,卻使天下人得到他們的利益;不以個人的禍患為禍患 , |人的勤苦辛勞,必定是天下人的千萬倍。付出千萬倍的勤苦辛勞,而自r 這必定不是天下人願意去做的。戊、陶淵明: 只見士地平坦開闊,房屋: 優美的池塘和柔樹、竹林這一類景物,田間小路縱橫交錯,村間雞鳴狗吠的聲詩 來耕作的人,男女所穿的衣服,全像外地人,老人和兒童都歡欣愉悅,自得其們 作品的閱讀與理解 多《追憶似水年華》一書以時間為第一主題,普魯斯特困擾於周邊一切事物都上 程中,最終什麼也不會留下,文中並無珍借當下的說法。(語譯 : 歲月消逝,能 一同死去,這是有志之士最大的悲痛啊!(C文句說明記憶無法長存,終究被遺忘? 00本段文字並未強調創作的永恆性,文中強調其創作重點是「時間會銷蝕一切」 空間裡所遭逢的一切事物都是微不足道的,因為最終都會在時間的流逝下銷蝕多 家的大事業,也是足以傳承不朽的盛大之事。(E語譯:先前語到歡快的事俯仰之 纖太能不因由而旺.全看梳 , 和條P避人的乍下是嫩詣莖造化廁宰 ,蝦和么紋咯師於生命

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