


地理 高中


2第二章 地理資訊和 )9.下列新聞標題所關心的議題,何者不適合作為田野調查的主題? B(A) 華視新聞〈搶救大潭藻礁 環團赴桃園市府陳情〉 (B) ETtoday 國際〈全球濕地 100 年消失7成 2050年57億人活在缺 水危機下〉開車c (C) 聯合新聞網〈手套博物館加入 彰化觀光工廠增至12家〉 (D) 經濟日報〈2018 地質嘉年華 踏近燕巢泥岩迴響熱〉 國家教育研 一)10 泰勒與同學們在三義火炎山進行田野實察,下列哪個流程最不可能是 他們當下在做的事? (A) 拍照記錄火炎山的地質 (C) 統整並撰寫實察報告 (B) 在地圖上定位觀測點 (D)將現地狀況和文獻資料作驗證。 題組題 (每題 4 分,共 16分) D18 年 9 月初,颱風「燕子」以「非常強烈」的等級登陸日本,各地陸續傳 災情。然而,屋漏偏逢連夜雨,北海道地區發生7級強震,接近震央附近的 真町吉野丘陵發生大規模山崩,北海道電力公司泊核電廠在第一時間將外部 源斷電,以防萬一。請依據上文回答下列問題: 2) 1. 若北海道當地政府要緊急疏散泊核電廠周邊5公里的居民至安全區 域,需利用何種 GIS 分析法? (A) 查詢分析 (B) 地形分析 (C) 最佳路徑分析 (D)環域分析。 ) 2.發生災情時,救護人員須在最短的時間內到達目的地救災,請問救 人員需利用何種 GIS 分析法? (A) 疊圖分析 (C) 環域分析 (B) 地形分析 (D) 最佳路徑分析。 岳、小樺與小鴻想做一份文山區煤礦產業的報告,除了需積極蒐集資料夕 要實地走訪進行田野調查來完成報告。請回答下列問題: )3. 下列是他們三人分工合作的情形,請問何者屬於一手資料? (A) 小岳查閱文山區誌了解文山區煤礦產業的歷史 (B) 小樺實地訪談當地居民關於煤礦產業的事蹟 寻文山區拉的蹤跡

已解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中


39-42題為題組 Studies have found that human body's intolerance to cold varies significantly over a lifetime. Senior citizens, especially men aged 60 and above, are reported to be relatively less able to maintain their body temperature at a given cold exposure than young people do. The cold-triggered rise in metabolism is weakened in older people. Apart from that, older adults are slower to react to the cold and, thus, generate less body heat in defense. Normally, our skin reacts to cold by contracting surface blood vessels in protection, which is also slower with age. It is noted in The International Journal of Sports Medicine that older people have reduced skin sensitivity and a subjective perception as to how cold it is. Some can develop hypothermia even after exposure to mild cold weather or a small drop in temperature. Thereby they are more vulnerable to death from hypothermia. At any age, cold sensitivity is related to one's health condition in general. For example, the body's response to cold can be diminished under the influence of factors such as thyroid malfunction, diabetes and an abnormally low body mass index, as well as some medicines, including over-the-counter cold remedies. The best way to identify someone car with hypothermia is to look for confusion or sluggishness, weak pulse, slurred speech, shivering or stiffness in the arms and legs. If you suspect that someone is suffering from the hypothermia and you have a thermometer available, take his or her temperature. If it's lower than 95 degrees Fahrenheit, call 911 for emergency medical treatment.

已解決 回答數: 1