


英文 高中


39-42題為題組 Studies have found that human body's intolerance to cold varies significantly over a lifetime. Senior citizens, especially men aged 60 and above, are reported to be relatively less able to maintain their body temperature at a given cold exposure than young people do. The cold-triggered rise in metabolism is weakened in older people. Apart from that, older adults are slower to react to the cold and, thus, generate less body heat in defense. Normally, our skin reacts to cold by contracting surface blood vessels in protection, which is also slower with age. It is noted in The International Journal of Sports Medicine that older people have reduced skin sensitivity and a subjective perception as to how cold it is. Some can develop hypothermia even after exposure to mild cold weather or a small drop in temperature. Thereby they are more vulnerable to death from hypothermia. At any age, cold sensitivity is related to one's health condition in general. For example, the body's response to cold can be diminished under the influence of factors such as thyroid malfunction, diabetes and an abnormally low body mass index, as well as some medicines, including over-the-counter cold remedies. The best way to identify someone car with hypothermia is to look for confusion or sluggishness, weak pulse, slurred speech, shivering or stiffness in the arms and legs. If you suspect that someone is suffering from the hypothermia and you have a thermometer available, take his or her temperature. If it's lower than 95 degrees Fahrenheit, call 911 for emergency medical treatment.

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物理 高中

為什麼都卜勒效應 與距離無關 ? 這段我還是看不太懂😂

EEbE3E9目 芷下 倫明殼1人 面1 十 sites.google,com/site/dopplereffectsite/hr 2 都卜勒效應: 因觀察者與波源在其連線方向上有相對運動, 觀察者所聽 到 (看到) 的頻率(視頻) 與波源發出的頻率不同之現象。在生活中的 例子: 在路上遠遠看到救護車行駛而來, 感覺救護車的聲音會漸漸升 世呈 El [所才25貞上到 變高) 。 都普勒效應最早是由奧地利物理學家都卜勤在1842年提出。 同 和 間襄cg本1 辣下交友 于co4克主引若 中 實際方法則是讓一際遇只主廬在一 LA 1生點呈光E基說=四中由Jo 二說, 相司:選主)二共和 隊 三還品 滲 太1:n且下下全 品全2 儿吏和生2朮 划3們二生Rc丰本2了2 bo生3生必E且0 波可使用。電磁波都卜勒效應被警車之雷達系統用來測量車輛的速度, 相同的, 天文學者利用此效應來決定恆星“銀河系與其他天體的相對運 上族人 且Pi,光你汪::也的Lip 三劑生中de作c世全 移之關聯。在二十世紀初, 來自銀河系的光線的都卜勒效應被用來支持 ee bat 和,襄永45231425還店 了茸 et 8 澡,本語,人和 折所本得 一個常見的誤解, 以為都卜勒效應和波源與觀察者的距離 有關, 雖然聲波強度跟距離的改變有關, 但對頻率卻不然, 其僅與速率 主世人EE朮1閏盡二才 後, 你可以發現頻率快速的下降到新的定值,而強度才開始遞 巡對 人 GO避EE由 註解 登入 | 最近的協作平台活動 | 檢舉濫用情形 | 列印頁面 | 由 Google 協作平台技術

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