


英文 國中


第二部分:題組(第19-41 題,共23題) (19-21) x Send for go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go ❤ x x x ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 19 When you see someone wearing ripped clothes, you think that he is very poor, and even think he is a beggar. Ripped clothes cost nothing before. ripped jeans worn on a star cost a lot nowadays. The jeans that have been popular in the past few years have not been "serious." For example, last year's hottest jeans were just small holes in the beginning, and then you have to show half of your leg to be fashionable. 20 to show resistance to the mainstream. algosy The main idea that the designer wants to tell is not to show off fashion (1) But the reason that people love & ripped jeans is that they are fashionable People will look younger and more beautiful if they wear jeans. Honestly, the jeans cost thousands of dollars & although they look dirty and haven't been washed for a few months. So next time 評論 21 when you see someone wearing ripped jeans, don't judge the man appearance. 不要以取 外市 ripped 破洞的 beggar 乞丐 designer 設計師 設計師 mainstream honestly 坦白說 Ehti mi brresistance e tr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ob obo XX.bertes 19. (A)However etter that (B) Therefore (D) Also (C) Besides no (0) is better than cledh gutbesr odi nijansom jeſte be B) but to hustejabmu t'neooką signs i ofte lie an (D) so do do do A 6 20. (A) and (C) or Jestemuzant he shouva

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