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5 Judy: Hey, Jack. This is a wonderful party. Thanks for inviting me. Jack: Glad you could make it. Hey. Have you met any of the famous people so far? Judy: Uh, no. Who exactly? Jack: Well, there is Chris Shaker... They call him the “Shake” for short. Judy: Who in the world is he? Jack: He's the world-famous snake trainer. He's never met a snake he couldn't train to dance. Judy: Seriously? Where is he? Jack: Uh, he's the tall guy over there in the purple jacket and green pants. Perhaps he has a snake or two with him tonight. Judy: Huh? Jack: And then there is Alexandria, the Great. Judy: Alexandria... and great for what? Jack: You've never heard of her? She is the world's greatest boxer. I mean, world champion. She's the thin woman in the bright yellow dress and the tennis shoes. Judy: I thought you said famous people... like, like people we all know. I Jack: Well, there is Brad Pitt. Judy: Now, there's someone I know.... Hey, he is not THE Brad Pitt! Jack: Don't you think he looks so much like Brad Pitt? His real name is Sam Jones, the captain of the national yo-yo team. I'm sure he'd do a few tricks for you if you ask. Judy: Uh, no, thank you. I think I've had ENOUGH entertainment for one evening. @ exactly 精確地 boxer 拳擊手 champion 冠軍 captain 隊長 yo-yo 溜溜球 entertainment 娛樂 康軒會考題組應用題彙謂英語科 A B C D B 1. What can we learn about(Jack! (A) He only invited people Judy knew to the party. (B) He knew Chris Shaker because he trained snakes with him. (C) He didn't tell Judy who would be at the party. (D) He and Brad Pitt were invited to Judy's birthday party.

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國文 國中

求解,文言文,只會一題也可以,拜託了🙏🏻 謝謝😄😆

29.「受人儀物,議日「拜領」。然而不獨我受日「領」,望人受我者亦日「領」。趙 松雪與人束云:『有素一匹,以表微意,伏冀笑領。』」(劉献廷《廣陽雜 記》)關於上文的解讀,以下說明何者最適當? (A)拜領與笑領都是謙虛的用法,表示只接受好意但推辭對方的禮物 (B)接受地位高的人禮物用拜領,接受比自己地位低者的禮物用笑領 (C) 致謝的對象如果是特定的要用「領」,若不知贈送者為誰則改用「受」 (D) 趙松雪送人素週一匹附上東帖,內容中的「微意」、「伏冀」都是謙詞 30. 大腹皮,本草言其性最猛烈,破氣,虛損者忌之。其子即檳榔,今人 多好食之,亦無差。樹高五七尺,其莱聚於秒,葬下數房,房結数百子, 名鬼子檳榔。中有實。學人、滇人熟而後食,臺灣人則生即取而食之,云可 治瘴氣,消飽脹。用塘房灰以柑子蜜染红,合海沼藤食之。每會席,宴客前 各置一枚。范石湖云:「頃在嶺南,其人好食檳榔,合塌灰、扶留「藤,食 之時,已而醒快。三物合和,唾如濃血,可厭!」 一改寫自阮葵生(茶餘客話》 根據上文,下列關於吃檳榔的敘述何者最適當? (A)《本草綱目》裡記載吃檳榔對人體有益,沒有 食用禁忌 (B)不只臺灣人吃檳榔,其他地區的人發展出了不 同吃法 (C) 與檳榔共食的物質對人體有害,甚至會造成昏 臨吐血 (D) 臺灣人以檳榔為筵席中的待客珍品,平日極少 有人吃 @ 1.破氣:破除氣積警滞。 2. 秒:音门一么V,樹幹 或樹枝末端。 3.房:分枝。 4.扶留:子如桑,其藤 可夾檳榔而食, 31. 姚安公曰:「子弟讀書之餘,亦當使略知家事,略知世事,而後可以治 家,可以涉世。」明之季年,道學彌尊,科甲'确重,於是點”者坐講心學以 攀援聲氣,樸者林守課冊以求取功名,致讀書之人,十無二三能解事。 清·觀弈道人《榮陽消夏錄》 事 下列敘述,何者最符合本文對「讀書」或「讀書人」的看法?@1.科甲:科舉。 (A)讀書人如果不接觸了解真實世界,則無法解決生活世事 2.點:聪明、 (B)治家治國靠道德修養,心學的涵養比讀書求功名更重要 機靈。 (C) 讀書不能只在書房內用功,還要常與老師朋友相互討論 3. 登氣:朋友 (D) 明代晚期士人讀書投機取巧,擁有真材實學者少之又少 間相互追隨、 依靠。

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