

隔世時態精熟 Dear Dilary, Last Fri 人 aSt FIlday my slster Julia had abirthday party. Unfortunately, Icecouldn't be there on tlme bec 和 auSel_1._overtime. Icalled to say thatTd be alittle late, and asked them to Start Wltl nout me. What waSs even worse was 也at there was asnowstorm on timy Way there, and the traffic was heavy. By the timeIleft the office, the party 2._toan end. When Igot there, all the cake had been eaten up and most of the wine had been drunk. ln 人8 Was drunk when Ishowed up. But she didn't make her last birthday wish 語歸 Iarrived. After being sung Happy Birthday, she made a wish that everyone around her | Would be happy and never be in trouble. Clearly a good tilme was had by everyone! ) 點 Iwas glad to see many old friends, too. We _3. fora long time, and 1t Was good to talk to them. They said they 4. my birthday party, Whlch was in three imonthsS. 1 surely hoped to see them agaln. After every guest left, Istayed long enough to finlsh the ]ast ofthe wine With Julia. We spent some quality time together and became closer. After helping her to clean up, Ttook ataxihome. The drlve home was inuch easler because te roads had been cleaned by the time Ileft my sister S apartment. I I 1 J 4 I I I I diary 日記_unfortunately 不 幸地snowstorm 暴風雪 wine 滔 guest 客人quality time 寶貴時光 (B) has been asked to WoQork (D) was asked to WoOTK I 卻 1. (A) asked to Work (C) asks to work 2. (A) nearly came (B) has come (C) nearly come3s (D) had nearly come 3. (A) hadn timet (B) wontmeet (C) dontmeet (D) hasn timet 說人@@ | 4 (A)could miss (B) Wont_m1ss




