

) (C) Yesterday we were involved in an activity. The activity js one of the famous games to develop _25 _.It is called the marshmallow challenge. The rule of this design activity 1s that ateam Of four members makes _26_restricted w還闌 including spaghetti, tape, and stringo 和he tallest free-standing te Wwithin a limited fime of 18 minutes,”__27 top a marshmallow is put on. Everyone in our group engaged in 記. One of the group mates proposed we use four spaghettis to form a square base and use another four to hold _28 to create more dengtf of the structure. Ialso suggested we probably form another square in the middle _29 we could balance the power ofeach side in doubling up the height ofthe structure.I was proud that we all were willing to listen to each other. Open communication helped umderstand and gradually we placed NO in each_ other. Later, even when We accidentally broke the spaghetti, we didn't get 全 _30_, two ofus plunged in fixing 1 Tight away and at the same time the other two continued building the top. At that moment,I feltwe workednotonlyimagroup butas ateam. _31 toachieve the highestperformance, each ofus was committed to reaching our common goal. Naturally we only concentrated on contributing our part一Whether ideas or others, making ourSelves _32 assistance to the whole team. IS apleasant experience. V 25XA)innovation (B)interest (C)capability (D)teamwork 、 26.(A)ogt. 人 . (B)up to (C)along With (D)away from 八 27A)whose 》 (B)where 和(COwhat 和QQ)which /鄉(A)balanced (B)upright (C)stable (D)swift 29;(A)because (B)so fhat人人 (和except 了at (D)then / 30.(A)however (B)therefore _(C)Contrarily (D)instead 31.(A)Eager (B)Deslre (C)Compete (D)To long 32.(A)9f (B)記 (Cwith (D)at


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

innovation 創新
interest 興趣
capability 能力

C C hen

