

英語 中学生

至急です!!!!!!!! 1枚目の文を見て2枚目の答えを教えてください! 分かるとことだけで大丈夫です!

20のはOM CN 0 IV 次の文は, 中学生のしんじさんが, 英語のスピーチコンフ んで, あとの間いに答えなさい。 One Sunday afternoon in October, visited my 了 family. When 1 saw her, 1 was surprised. She YOS do you feel、Grandma?* 1T said. “Not so gOod, Shimn1. grandmother said. Her voice* was very small. hild, my older sister, Yumi 1 Hike my grandmother very much. When 1 was 8 gmaL @ 6 IEE3H 7 時 and 1 visited our grandparents* at their house many imes.。 エuT * there with the woods* near the house. We enjoyed | ① my放 house. It was one of grandmother. 1 was very happy, so 1 brought those acorns tO my mother in the hospital with my and a little different. “How TI want to go home,” 開 grand my best memories.* After visiting the hospital my family and T went to my grandfather's house em Stayed there that night. My grandfather talked about my grandmother. He said, Her doctor says she has to stay im the hospital for about a month. She feels that's too long. So she is not happy.′ “She's been in the hospital for five days. Shell havea tough* time." said my mother. “What can I do for Grandma?” Tthought. 1 wanted to do something, but 1 didnt know 双what to do. Two days passed.* 1 was watching TV with my family at home. It was showing a beautiful mountain. There were many kinds of fallen leaves* on the ground. Some people collected the leaves, put them on the corkboard* with glue,* and made interesting pictures、“Tt| ② | lke fun.。 We can cheer up* Grandma with this”I thought. “Yumi, T have a good idea to cheer up Grandma,” 1 said. “Oh, what is itの" said Yumi. “Lets make Grandma's face with acorns. 1 still have a ]ot of acorns we collected in the woods,” T said. “Thats good。 Wel visit Grandma this Saturday, so we can give it to her,” Yumi said. The next day Yumi and T went to a shop together. There we bought a corkboard and glue to make our grandmother's face and a message for her. We put each acorn on the corkboard with the glue and made our grandmother's face. We also put other small acorns on the corkboard with the glue to make our message for her、 We worked very hard and finished the fce and the message on Friday. On Saturday, my family and 1 visited the hospital again. “This is for you, Grandma,” Yumi andIsaid. When our grandmother saw the corkboard, she was Surprised. “Oh, is this my face? Did you make this for me?*” she said. “Yes. [ee Do you remember the acorns we collected with you? Wemade this with those acornsy T said」 "Yes, T remember that. You collected a ot of acorns in the Woods,” she said。 Below* the face on the corkboard, she saw the message from Yumi an Grandma! We always love you.” She read the message and said、 "Thank you very much. 1 love you, too. When I leave the hospital, ]et's collect acorns in the woods together, Shinji and Yumi"' Herhappy face was just like the picture on the corkboard。 圭 (注) Grandma おばあちゃん voice 声 grandparents 祖父母 woods 森 acorn (ぅ) ドングリ memory (memories) 思い出 tough 大変な fallen leaves 落ち葉 corkboard コルクポード glue 接着剤 cheer up 一を元気づける below - この下に getWell 元気になる d me: “Get well* Dass 過ぎる

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