


英語 高校生

答えがなく困っています(T T) 解ける方がいらっしゃったら解説お願いします🙇‍♀️

次の英文で, 下線部の語句が修飾している語句を答えなさい。 (1) Do you see that flying bird? It's a hawk. (2) What is the language spoken by people in Brazil? (3) I want a book to read on the train to my hometown. (4) I want a book to read on the train to my hometown. 2 次の英文を和訳しなさい。 (5) He doesn't have enough time to see a doctor. (6) There were ten people at the bus stop waiting for a bus to come.> S (7) The old ring found under the sofa in the living room is my grandmother's marriage ring. (8) Please accept my apologies for not providing* you with information about the change in schedule for yesterday's meeting. *provide A with BAにBを提供する, 与える ひびん (9) The tall blue vase made by a Japanese artist in the early 20th century and currently displayed at a gallery in London is very popular among Londoners*. *Londoner □ ロンドン市民 13 次の英文の下線部を和訳しなさい。 (10) As we age, we gradually lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds. Recently, some communities have started broadcasting these sounds from speakers in public places to prevent* young people from gathering there and causing trouble after dark. Most people under the age of twenty find the sounds extremely annoying and want to leave the area. However, older people don't notice the sound at all. *prevent+0+from ~ing: 0 が~するのを妨げる

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