


英語 高校生

アップグレードの助動詞の問題です。 よければ教えて頂きたいです。

2助動詞 22 We could not help but ( laugh ) at the sight. laughed 3 to laugh 23 We can't thank you ( ⑪very 2 too laughing ( 神奈川大 ) ) much for your kind help. We owe our success to you. ③ so ④as 24 彼はうそをついたのだから, アンが怒るのももっともなことだ。 He told a lie, so Ann ( ) get angry with him. Omay well 25 You might ( as well may as well ③may as (福島大) behnamob yo fiom might as well BE (浜松大) ceremony. ( 青山学院大) ) call a taxi. Then you will be on time for the wedding cere 2 as well as ③well so well to virus ☐ 26 You ( ) expect a river to flow backward as hope to persuade him into resignation. Omay well might as well had better would better (同志社大) 27 I would rather walk than ( ) a taxi. 1 take 2 taking ③3 to take ④taken ( 青山学院大 ) 28 One should not rely completely on first impressions, for appearances ( ) be deceiving. O shouldn't 2 have to 29 皆様のご多幸とご健康をお祈りします。 30 ③ mustn't it were no ) you all be happy and well! (a) It is not good that you didn't ask her name. (b) You ( ) have asked her name. ①ought to ②need 3 must ④can (大) work. OP ( 獨協医科大) (関西学院大) may 31 My sister ( ) here by now, for she took the early train. Omustn't have arrived 3 might arrive shouldn't have arrived ought to have arrived (上智大) "So the thief ( 32 "The window was unlocked and there is mud on the floor." come into the apartment that way." O might 2 must have ③ ought to A should have (学習院大) 33 Would you like ( ou like ) that work? 19 :以下 Ome to do to do to me O to me do 4 to me to do (名城大)

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英語 高校生

アップグレードの助動詞の問題です よければ教えていただきたいです。

2 2助動詞 標準問題 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 13, 16, 29は( )に適語を入れなさい。 ☑: 11 I'm awfully sorry, but I had no choice. I simply ( ) what I did. had to do 3 must do 12 You are too kind! You ( ) me a present. must have done ought to have done ✓ 13 didn't have to buy 3 must not buy (國學院大) hadn't to buy mustn't have bought (学習院大) ( 内に記入された文字に続けて, 単語を完成させなさい。 The horse refused to jump over the gate. = The horse (w ) not jump over the gate. (日本大) E AL 14 Linda doesn't dance much now, but I know she ( ) a lot. ①was used to ②used to ③ would A would have bleora (立命館大) 15 I never expected that she ( ) us. ①joins 2 will join 3 would join 4 join (東京家政大) ✓ 16 ジョンはいつも早起きするが,私はめったに早起きしない。 John always gets up early, but I seldom ( 17 Nancy ( ) in the office this morning, but we didn't see her there. and of juods (静岡大) O should be may not have been might have been might be (関西学院大) 18 George ( ) have said so, because he told me quite the opposite thing yesterday. I will not ②cannot 3 must A should (京都産業大) 19 It was not your fault. You ( 1 can might not have apologized on the spot then. ③ must 4 should not (京都女子大 ) I was 20 She requested that the door to her room ( 21 My father insisted I ( ) go to see Kyoto. ) left open. ②would be ③be 4 had been (同志社大) 01 eval 'nob O might 2 ought ③ should 4 would alif bluow Ieb (京都産業大) of nival xalq ☑

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英語 高校生

アップグレードの問題です よければ教えていただきたいです。

2 助動詞 アップグレード pp.34-47 bib 基本問題 1 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 ☑ 1 Miki and her family ( ) out of town. I have called several times, but there is no answer. could go must be 3 should go A can't be UPGRADE 14 - 35 p.35 (南山大) must □ 2 He ( ) be a good student, for he never studies. 1970 quit ou seu doesn't have to ③ cannot 4 ought to UPGRADE 14-36 p.35 (阪南大) □ 3 There is plenty of time for you to make up your mind. UPGRADE 19-42 p.37 You ( ) decide now. have not to 2 should of hos beau aw ③needn't → had better (東海大) 4 When I was in Salem, I ( ) often play tennis with John. ①ought to 2 might 5 The concert is about to begin. You had better ( UPGRADE 24 - 50 p.41 3 should ④used to ⑤ would (東京国際大) ) your mobile phone off. ies que eviwis ado ➡UPGRADE 25-52 p.41 ④turned ( 札幌学院大) sd bloode UPGRADE 29 - 60 p.43 ①turn turning ③to turn 61 ( ) her this afternoon, but I forgot. should phone should have phoned ③must phone ①must have phoned (関西学院大) 7 I would rather ( ) in London. ①stay to stay ③stayed ④staying UPGRADE 32-74 p.47 (法政大) 8 The judge is quite fair. You ( ) complain. O don't ought to 3 ought not to ought to not 4 ought not □ 9 You ( ) drive without a license. ①play O don't have to 10 Someday I would like ( to play ②must not It's against the law. 3 need not Sal Toy Jon as il UPGRADE 20 - 44 p.39 tart balasupen a (摂南大) blowguld have UPGRADE 18 - 40 p.37 4 would rather not (湘南工科大) ③playing ) the piano as well as my sister. A played UPGRADE 32 - 77 p.47 (愛知学院大 ) 5

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