


英語 中学生


1 their experiences they experienced s which the works their works. They someone around u will get in the E て書きなさい。 二並べ替えなさ そのかな符号 (玉) 当なものを, 一選んで、 Tom, can I talk with you now? Aya. Tom: No problem. What happened? Aya. 愛知県 B '20年 英語 Well, the TV news I watched last night surprised me very much. It was about some foreign people here who were afraid of living in Japan ( A ) of earthquakes. Tom, what do you think about it? They should know how to protect themselves in () of an earthquake. Code Tom: I think that many foreign people haven't experienced big earthquakes in their own countries. Aya: I see. Tom, do you worry about earthquakes here? sods Crow All To Tom: 【a】 I've experienced evacuation drills at school and in our town. I can only understand the Japanese language a little, so I don't know, what to do when we have earthquakes in Japan. Aya: 【b】 I think many foreign people have the same impressions of Japan you. What should we do about that? Tom: I c 】 If they don't understand Japanese well, they can't get all of the information that they need. So we need more pictures to show instructions in an emergency. Aya: 【d】 Tom: Exactly. They are things like “universal designs” we learned in our art class. Aya: I think so, too. They'll be helpful to people who can't read Japanese well. Tom: Aya, why don't you walk around the town with me? Aya: OK, but why? Tom: Because I want to find something they need for their safety. Aya: Sounds good! We should understand that they can't read important signs written in Japanese. Let's go walking around the town to find them! Tom: 【e】 It'll be sunny and warm here tomorrow. Aya: OK. Let's meet in front of our school at 10 a.m. Tom: OK. Thank you very much, Aya. See you then. (注) impression 印象 instruction 指示,説明 safety 安全 (1) 次のアからオまでの英文を,会話文中の【a】から【e】までのそれぞれにあてはめて、会話 の文として最も適当なものにするには, 【b】と【d 】 にどれを入れたらよいか、そのかな符 号を書きなさい。 ただし、いずれも一度しか用いることができません。 ア You mean signs everyone can understand easily are necessary, right? ハイ Yes, I do. Actually, I worry about them. Cウ How about tomorrow morning? エ オ I think their biggest problem is language. I understand you. (2)(A)にあてはまる最も適当な語を,次のアからエまでの中から選んで、そのかな符号を書きな さい。 ア when イ because ウ instead I most (3) 下線 ①,②のついた文が、会話の文として最も適当なものとなるように,それぞれの( あてはまる語を書きなさい。 ② (A) )に

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