

由 次の会話の( ) に入れるのに最も適切なものを, 1)一4)の中からそれぞれ1 つずつ選び, 番号 で答えなさい。 | 人はりかともと 1] A : Excuse me. / Could you tell me the way to the post office near here ? 、 」B.:Sony.( ) A: Oh thanks anyway. 上いし704 (1) 1am also Rn (2) 1am not so strange here. (3) Tam also a stranger here. (4) Iam strangeri than 』 used to be. 2 A い Tm not used to giving a tp、 We dont have that custom jn JapBan. BA ) 0 A : You are right Tshould get used to 直 、 1) Where theres a wi there's a way. (2) The early bird catches the Worm。 (3) THt js no use crying over spDilt milk。 (3) When in Rome。 do as the Romans do, 3. A : Would you have any objections 1 posted a photo of you on social media ? B:( ) Icantwaittoseeit (1) Yes. 1 do mind. (2) Yes, 1 dont mind. (3) No that matterS. (⑭) No. that's fme with rme. A : Are you ready to order ? B :Td jke ham and eggs, DIe4S6.。 (0 2の 8 B : Scrambled Tlease。 介) How much do you have ? (2) How do you ant your eggs ? (3) What wi you haye for dessert ? MO/ What js needed for your eggS ? 5. 人 : Could 9u go and buy coffee for me and tea for Tom ? Let's see, and two coffees.for the gueStS. BA Should T get three coffees and one tea ? 員) Let me know when theyre ready. (2) Let me get this straight. 13) Let me take you to the coffee shop, (4⑭) Let me show you how.


