

{ T woes pd moret ミ ne word "ketehup webehewea he 1ocal fiehermen arans or As merreemeiove kcnup /fmey se or ben kee dmg pet ketehup 拓 found in 97% of kitehens in the United EC 0 ymerfrom keepr the Chinewe word ra eucw mede fm fh Chinese people who traveled to Vietnam learned about this sauee fo md broughtirback home/Trbecame popular in China and alao im 還滞 le fonm 17 sm eary 8 eeneeme eo ourdhemer Amie amd returned home winh aome// They tried their ee mpl They used eke he sauce and. ( b ).they foand their own way to maKe PHahropmer nuts fish。 and oyaters to make the sauce. fyou are 本 0 mede of you wi anawer tomatoes./ But at that time they didnt Ye pgHiah eookbooks at that time showed ketchop was made of 。tose other time 7he British ketchup was pronghe to the Onited States/ American people "oninued to study how to make betler ketchop./One important change was that they Tee emmatoee and sugar natead of mushoome /n the early 19thn centuryr the ae became more jike the one we know today。 So we can say the British ketchup and the American ketehup have different ingredients。 5 2 sn anybody using the British ketchup。 the one made with mushrooms, today? answer s, "Yes.” Iis sl made and sold, but American ketchup、 the one made The answer is, "Yes.* from fomatoes, is more popular even among British people. Tnferesfingly, jn much of England、 Australia, New Zealand and South Africa、 kefchup js often called "tomato sauce." Tn Australia and New Zealand。 many people ca! the ketchup made by local companies tomato sauce and the ketchap made by 4merican companies ketchup. 人mericais jargest ketchnp company has tried to sell a lot oF ketchap in Austrahia for many years. They say that ketchup is different from tomato Sauce but research 引a6 70% of Australians do not know the ference between the two- *be made of ーニーからつく られている 二ノース *mushroomニキノコ と |
敵3 菊部のの表す内容と して最も適当なものを, 次の⑪-⑳のうちから一つ避べ [」 ⑰ tomatoes @ mushrooms, nuts, fish, and oysters @ Bridish people 《⑭ English cookbooks

