

(Today), the number is thirty times greater, (with over 3 million children playing S V C soccer). 訳 付帯状況の with それが現在では, その人数は30倍に増加し, 300万人以上の子どもがサッカーを している。は比較! holi 数 文法・構文 thirty times greater は倍数表現です。 thirty times as great as の形しか説明さ れないことが多いですが,実際にはこの「比較級を使った倍数表現」 ます。 またwith 以下は with OCの形で、 「付帯状況」を表しています。 衣現」 も多用され も多 用され C
is twenty years. There are a number of 4 For one thing, American teams have become stronger in international 20 tournaments. The U.S. women's team has been especially successful, defeating Japan to win the women's World Cup in 2015. (The final match was watched on TV by more Americans than the championship games of professional basketball and ice hockey in the same year.) Moreover, Major League Soccer has added several new teams in the last ten years, so that few regions of the United States 25 now lack a professional soccer team. 5 The increase in participants is even more impressive. In 1974, it was estimated that only 100,000 American children played on organized soccer teams. Today, the number is thirty times greater, with over 3 million children playing soccer. One reason for this surge might be immigration. In these past 30 forty years, many people have moved to the U.S. from such soccer-loving areas as Mexico and Central America.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

→ with+playing(現在分詞)から付帯状況の分詞構文であると判断します。

→ the number … greater[,]のカンマが、それ以後は前の文の補足説明であることを示しています。
つまり、the number … greater = over 3 million children (being) playing soccer と考えます。
※with over 3 million children (being 省略) playing soccer = over 3 million children are playing soccer の状態

③oがcしたままって意味ですか? → 3百万人以上の子供たちがサッカーをやっている という意味であれば、その通りです。

