

「小説 「握手」 評論文作られた 『物語』 を超 6 次の文章を読んで以下の問いに答えなさい。 なお、*のついている語(句)には注が あります。 John Brandrick had a terrible pain in his stomach, so he went to his doctor. The doctor sent him to the hospital for tests and then told him the () news. "Mr. Brandrick, you are a very sick man," the doctor said. (1). [to live, months, you, only six, have ]." "Isn't there anything you can do?" John asked the doctor. "Medicine? *Surgery?" "I'm sorry," the doctor answered. "There's nothing we can do A time you have left. I'm very, very sorry." Enjoy the John was 62 years old. He was divorced and had two grown children. He told his children the (v) news. Then he told Sally, his girlfriend. "Let's not be sad," he told them. "The doctor told me, 'Enjoy the time you have left.' That's what we're going to do. We're going to enjoy every minute of the rest of my life B The next day, (2) John quit his job. He had $23,000 in savings, and he decided to spend it. John and Sally lived on the coast of England, in a beautiful area where tourists often visit. John and Sally took short trips along the coast and (a) at all the best restaurants. John bought expensive gifts for his family and friends. All spring and summer, John ( b ) his money. When fall came, he began thinking about his death. "What will my family do with all my things after I die?" he ( c ). "I'll sell my things now C John sold most of his furniture. Then he sold his car. "I won't need my winter clothes," he thought, "because I won't be alive this winter." He gave all his winter clothes away. (3) He kept only a black suit, a white shirt, and a red tie. "*Bury me in that suit, D " he told Sally. 黒のスーツ、白シャツ 赤ネクタイ Fall came and went. Winter came and went. Spring came again, and John was still alive. He went back to his doctor. "How's the stomach pain?" the doctor asked. It's gone," John said. 4 66 17 66 "" (4) The doctor sent John to the hospital for tests and then told him the ( 5 ) news. "You (d) in perfect health," the doctor said. "So I'm not going to die soon?" John asked. - 13 -
(5) No," the doctor said. "I think you're fine." "But what about the tests I had at the hospital a year ago?" John asked. "I don't know," the doctor said. "Maybe there was a mistake." John told Sally and his children the ( え news, and they had a big celebration. But later John thought, “T'm going to live. But (6) furniture, no car, no warm clothes, and no money?" am I going to live with no job, no John wants the hospital to pay him for its mistake. So he is going to "court. He wants the hospital to give him money for new furniture, a new car, and new clothes. He also wants the hospital to put $23,000 in his savings account. A judge will decide if the hospital has to give John money. John is hoping the judge will give him more (7) " (注) surgery : 外科手術 bury 埋葬する be divorced: 離婚している 問1 空欄()()には bad またはgoodが入ります。 それぞれに最も適切 なものを入れなさい。 ただし、すべて同じ単語にした場合は無得点とします。 問3 次の英文を入れるのに最も適切な箇所を A 答えなさい。 so my family won't have to dona 問2 下線部(1) が 「あなたは6ヵ月しか生きられません」という意味の英文になるように、 [ [ ]内の語句を並べかえなさい。 ただし、 文頭に来る語も小文字で示してあります。 ウ彼は仕事にのめり込んだ。 (4) ア無くなりましたよ。 ウ 今いませんよ。 good news. 問4 下線部(2)、(4)の内容を最も適切に表しているものをそれぞれア~エから1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。 (2) ア彼は仕事を探した。 court 裁判所 イ彼は仕事を辞めた。 エ彼は仕事を始めた。 D から1つ選び記号で イ出かけていました。 - 14 - 見失ってしまいました。
問5 空欄 ( a えて答えなさい。 ただし、同じ語を2度以上選んではなりません。 die be eat spend give wonder )~(d)に入る最も適切な動詞を以下から選び、 必要ならば形を変 問6 下線部(3)の理由を以下のように日本語で答えなさい。 ただし①は8~12字、②は 5~8字で答えなさい。 ジョンは (1) と考え、 2 以外は必要ないと思ったから。 問7 下線部 (5) について、その内容を明らかにした場合、次の英文の( ① )、 (②)に当てはまる単語をそれぞれ答えなさい。 No, No, ( ) are ( ① ) ( ) to (②) soon. 問8 空欄(6) に入る最も適切な語をア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア how イ what when I why 問9 下線部(7)の内容として当てはまらないものをア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさ い。 The hospital will put $23,000 in John's savings account. * The hospital will buy John a new car and new furniture. The judge will tell the hospital to do nothing. エ The judge will tell the hospital to give more to John than he thinks. 問10 本文の内容に一致しているものをア~オから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 アブランドリックさんの病気は手術も薬も処置したが手遅れだと言われた。 イ ブランドリックさんには2人の子どもと妻がいる。 ウブランドリックさんは貯金を使い果たしたが、病院が補償してくれた。 ブランドリックさんは自分が死んだ後のことを考え始めた。 オブランドリックさんは再検査で健康であると言われ、何も不満はなかった。 - 15 -


