

Training B 1 次の文中の誤りを正して全文を書け。 (1) Why did you surprise at the news ? Why were you surprised at the news? (2)) The race will put off if it rains. The race will be put off if it rains. (3) Was the girl known by the students ? Was the girl known to the students? This room will have cleaned by evening. This room are being cleaned by evening. 2 次の 内の語(句) を並べかえて、 日本文に合う英文を完成させよ。 (* には不足する1語を補う) (1) 私はこれまでそんなふうに話しかけられたことはない。 I (to / never / spoken / like / been / that/have). have never been spaken to like that. (2) 新しい博物館を町の中心に建設中だった。 Lesson 6 受 A new museum (center/in/built/the / was / * ) of the city. was being built in the center. だれが議長に選ばれたのですか。 H (chosen/chairman/ has / who / as / *) Who has been chosen as chainman (4) その犬はどこで車にひかれたのですか。 (the dog / was / where/over/run) by a car? Where was the dog run over (5) 私の車は駐車禁止の所に止めてあったので、 撤去されていくところだった。 My car (was / had / because/carried/ parked/it/been/being/away) in a no-parking area. was carried away because it had been parked being 3 次の日本文を英訳せよ。 (1) 山頂は雪でおおわれていた。 The summit was covered by show この花は英語で何と呼ばれますか。 What is this flower colled in English. (2) (3) この靴は若い人には好まれない。 29 This shoes is not liked by young people.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(4) This room will have been cleaned by evening. <未来完了受動態:完了>

(3) This shoe(単数)/This pair of shoes(複数形) is not liked by young people.
※a pair of shoes(複数形):単数扱い ✕this shoes/〇these shoes

