

練習問題I 1. Iwill go out when the rain ( will stopKstops/). wonder if~:かとうか不思葉 に思う,~していただけ 2. Iwill wait for him until he ( will arrive / arrives ). 3. I don't know when he (will come back / comes back ). 4. It's raining. We'll get wet if we ( will go out / go out ). ませんか 5. I wonder if it (will rajn / rains ) tomorrow. M? 6. I will call you as soon as I(will get / geD) there. 7. Mary wants to know when you (will be back / are back ). 8. If the weather ( will be /ás ) nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach. 9. Do you know if George ( will come / comes ) tomorrow? eこのfは何のみf 10. Tell me when she ( will come back / comes back ). 11. If you (will have finished /have finished) reading this book, please return it to me. 12. Please wait here until I (will have finished / have finished ) my work. 13. Iwill go with you after I (will have finished / have finished ) breakfast. 14. We must wait until he ( will come / comes ). 15. Give her this letter when she ( will come / Comes). 16. Iwill finish it before you (will come / come ). 17. You will miss the bus unless you ( will walk / walk) more quickly.
練習問題I 1. What will consumers do if prices ( will rise /(rises)? 物価が上がると,消費者はどうするのだろうか。 2.) Nobody knows if there (will be / is) another world war. また世界大戦が起こるかどうかは誰にも分からない。 3. If the man( will speak / speaks) English and Chinese, we will employ him. その男性が英語と中国語を話すなら,彼を雇うでしょう。 4. They'll get married when the right time ( will come / comes 二人は機が熟せば結婚するだろう。 5. Go straight on until you ( will reach / reach ) the station. 駅までずっとまっすぐ行きなさい。 6. As soon as you ( will arrive karrive) in Kobe, please let me know. 神戸に着いたらすぐ知らせて下さい。 7. Unless it ( will rain / rains ), I will go. 雨が降る場合を除いて行きます。

