

Ronald Mace, an American professor, is the father of universal design. He was in a wheelchair from childhood, and often had a difficult time. So he looked for ways to make a better society for disabled people. In the 1970s, people started to remove barriers for disabled people, but Ronald had a different idea. He wanted to remove barriers for everyone. He thought that we often become disabled as we get old. It is important to know that there are different people in our society. In the 1980s, he founded the Center for Universal Design, and spread his idea to the world. Now many people think that it is a great idea. We can all do something to help others. Do von have any ideas? o doY
シ式 ) Round 1 Get the Gist 本文は何について説明しているでしょうか。 正しいものを1つ選んで記号で答えましょう。 Aa useful product B the father of universal design ©a big center Round 2 Focus on the Details 本文を読んで,次の質問に英語で答えましょう。 l no elam O Who is Ronald Mace? 2 What did people start to do in the 1970s? 3 What did Ronald Mace do in the 1980s? Round 3 Think and Express Yourself O 1 ]の中から適切な語を選んで に入れて, ロナルドメイスについてまとめましょう。 Ronald Mace was in a wheedhojt_ from childhood, and often beter had a difficult time. He looked for ways to make a better different society for disabled people. He wanted to remove barriers for begóme important everyone wheelchair ereryone berome He thought that people often disabled when inpe tunt they get old. It is to know that there are people in our society. 2 ユニバーサルデザインが大切なのはなぜだと思いますか。 ペアになり, 自分の考えを伝え合いましょう。 49人 51人 右は日本の人口を100人と考えた場合の図です。 男性 女性 それぞれの人が社会に何人くらいいるかを示しています。 28人 12人 ※総務省統計局人口推計などの資料より作成 高齢者 子供 2人 外国人 妊婦 10人 7人 左きき 障がい者 社会のいろいろな人々の立場になって考えよう。 ユニバーサルデザインは, なぜ私たちの社会に 広まったのかな。

