

7| 次のケビン(Kevin)と母親の対話文を読んで、 あとの問いに答えなさい Mother: のケビン, もう宿題はやり終えましたか。 オ watching You (ア Deen イTV ウ since エ have カ came キ you) home! Kevin: Tll do my homework tomorrow. It's Friday today, so I have enough time to do it. Moiher: Are you going to do your homework on the weekend? You are not forgetting that we will go shopping and have dinner with your uncle tomorrow, are you? Ketin: Oh, you're right! そして、 ほくは今度の日曜日、 ほくの友だちといっしょに映画を 見るつもりだということをちょうと思い出しました! Mother: Then, you (ア start イ when ウ know エ to オhomework カーdeing キ your), right? Kevin: OK, I'll do it now.. 10 The phone rings. Kevin's mother answers it. Mother: Kevin, I got a phone call from your uncle. He said he can't go shopping or have dinner with us. Kevin: Then, I'll do my homework tomorrow! Mother: OK, but stop watching TV. Gテレビをあまりにも長く見るのはあなたにとってよくな 15 いことです。 Now I'll cook dinner. ア イ help ーcan me エーdinner オ you カcook) Kevin: Sure. And I'll do my homework tomorrow afternoon. (1) 下線部D,3, ⑤の日本文を,( )に適当な語を1語ずつ補う形で英語に直しなさい。 0 Kevin, have you ( ) your homework ( 3 And I( )just( )I am( ) to see a ( )my friend this Sunday! 5( ) good( )you ( )TV too long.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

①Have you finished doing your homework yet?
②And i have just rememberd I am going to see a movie with my friend this Sunday!
②It's not (またはIt isn't) for you to watch TV too long.
