

問 次の文の ( ) の中に入れるのに最も適するものを、 号を書きなさい。 (⑥う ) pencil is this7" *Tts mine." 1. Who 9) Whose 3. When イ) ( ) the students work very hard yesterday? 台 1. Has 2.Can 3」Did (ウ) Lcouldnt answer the question ( ) by the teacher. 1.asks 2.asking 3.will ask (エ) Lam glad ( ) that my friend is doing well in her new school. (ue hear 2. which hears 3. hear about 3) How( ) do you drink green tea in a day? 1.often 2. high (3Jmany (⑦) One of my friends ( ) in Austraha. 1. ve (pxes 3.are living 人@ Yesterday's baseball game WaS Very ( D 1. crying 2. interested 3. tired (ク) The food that you bought yesterday ( ) in a Week. ンーのの2/ /7パ60を 1. should eat (2/should be eaten 3.has to eat (ヶ) Mt.Fujiis( ) of all the mountains in Japan. 1. high 2.as high as 3. higher (り議( ) English a language spoken in Australia? (! 2.Has 3. Does (⑰) Lent shopping because stopped ( 0 1.rains 2.rained (emng あとの 14 の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選び、 その番 4. Where 4.Are \47 asked 4.can hear 4.far 4.have hived (koiting 4. has eaten 了 9 the highest 4.Are 4. ranny
(⑱⑫) ) my homework ]ast night. 1.fnish @ finished 8.am fnishing 4.have finished (3⑳) ( ) English a language spoken in Australia? (jp 2. Has 3.Does 4.Are W (セ) That house with large windows ( ) built ten years ag0. 1. 1hves 2.is 3.was 4. were (ソ) My grandfather sent me a shirt ( ) in India. か た 1. make 2.was madi 3.maki (4.made was made making ク (タ) We can get new ideas by ( ) with a lot of people. * 1.talking 2.talked 3. have talked ( 4)to talk 司答机ー 1 1 | | (@2) | 0 ⑦) | ゆめ| シ ご) | 4 | / | | | | (④) | 2 ⑦) | 2 (キ) | ン (ク) 2 2 | ン | | | | | (ク) . の/ (ラ) | 7 ③) | 2 ) の ②) (や) 2 〇) | と ② SW | | Z


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

How often:どれくらいの頻度で
by V-ing:Vすることによって
