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Bahasa Inggris SMA

tolong ya kak

9129 a 243 B/s 12.31 @ 73% Baca Saja - Anda tidak dapat menyimpan p. Descriptive text is a text wnich says thnat a person or a thing is iIke. it presents about something specifically. The purpose is to describe a particular person, animal, place, or thing specifically. The generic structure: 1) Identification (pengenalan apa yang akan dideskripsikan) 2) Descriptions: gambaran tentang parts (physical appearance), qualities, behaviour, and characteristic SETELAH KALIAN PELAJARI, SAMBIL LIHAT KOLOM-KOLOM DI ATAS COBA SETIAP KALIMAT DALAM TEKS BERIKUT INI KALIAN MASUKKAN PADA KOLOMNYA. KERJAKAN DI LEMBAR FOLIO, JANGAN LUPA TULIS NAMA, KLAS DAN NOMOR ABSEN KALIAN. My mother is my idol. Her name is Mrs. Widya. Physically, she has a tall body with short black hair. Her face is oval with bright black eyes. She has average body weight and fair skin that make her look perfect with whatever she wears. But she mostly prefers wearing casual clothes to the other kinds of clothes perhaps it is beca casual clothes are more comfortable to wear. Although my mother is more than forty years old, she looks much younger than her age. Besides, she is a fashionable woman. She has many kinds of clothes bags, and shoes. She is good at mix matching them. My mother is really patient person. I adore her patience in facing every problem in daily life. She knows well how to handle her five children who have differnt characters'. She never forces her children to be perfect but always makes us feel comfortable My mother is a cheerful person. She always makes her five children happy. I like the way she laughs and I really love the way she solves her children's problems. She loves helping the others who are in need. That's wh want to be like her in the future. Subject: I, You, We, They Subject: She, He, It Subject + Verb (tanpa s) Subject + Verb (tambah s/es) Subject: You, We, They Subject: She, He, It (jumlah banyak) (jumlah satu/tunggal) Subject + are + kata sifat Subject + is + kata sifat/benda/keterangan /benda /keterangan

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

tolong nomor 4 dan nomor 5 🙏

09:54 ) O | 40% Text 3 Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge during a thunderstorm. The electric current is hot and causes the air around it expand very quickly, which in turn thunder. Sometimes it happens between clouds. lightning strikes, the surface rubs electrons to the surface. In a from the J, and a spark of electricity shoots from the thunderstorm, the lower have as many as 100 million of electricity in them. Text 4 Electricity is a force caused by an electrical It is a form of energy which use to power machines and electrical devices. electricity. When the charges are moving the charges are not moving, it is static are an electric current, and are sometimes called electricity. Electricity is mostly generated in called power stations. Most power heat to boil water into steam which_ I called a "generator". Generators have wires inside stations_ a steam engine. The steam engine's turbine turns a I spin inside the magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction electricity to flow through the wires Text 5 A mosquito is a type of fly. It is the both male and female mosquitos warm-blooded animals, pierce a capillary, name of a family of flies in the on nectar and plant juices. The females Diptera. Usually on inject saliva to stop the blood coagulating. Then protein from a blood meal before they O suck up and eat the blood. Mosquitos are able to eggs ELIVEWORKSHEET Finish!! PER RIMEN AWA Cara Hemat Renovasi SEMEN Rumah

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